Using the Spreadsheet component in server-side code to build spreadsheets provides more scalability and better performance when compared to using server-side Automation of Microsoft Excel. Automation of Office applications, including Excel, on the server is not recommend by Microsoft and should be avoided when other alternatives for achieving the same results are available to you. XMLSS can persist many of the features common to both the Spreadsheet component and Microsoft Excel; multi-sheet workbooks, cell formatting, Autofilter, cell formulas, and re-calculation represent a handful of those features. The Spreadsheet component has an object model that closely matches the object model for Microsoft Excel. Therefore, if you are familiar with the Excel object model, you can easily apply some of your existing Excel code, with modification, for use with the Spreadsheet component.
The following sample demonstrates how to generate a multi-sheet workbook in XMLSS using the Spreadsheet component with ASP. The sample also discusses how you can display the resulting XMLSS client-side on a Web page or in Microsoft Excel.
ASP Script to Build XMLSS Using the Spreadsheet Component
Save the following ASP as
XMLSS.asp in the virtual root directory of your Web server (the default root directory is c:\inetpub\wwwroot):
<% Language=VBScript %>
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Dim NumOrders, NumProds, r
NumOrders = 300
NumProds = 10
Dim oSS
Dim oOrdersSheet
Dim oTotalsSheet
Dim oRange
Dim c
Set oSS = CreateObject("OWC10.Spreadsheet")
Set c = oSS.Constants
'Rename Sheet1 to "Orders", rename Sheet2 to "Totals" and remove Sheet3
Set oOrdersSheet = oSS.Worksheets(1)
oOrdersSheet.Name = "Orders"
Set oTotalsSheet = oSS.Worksheets(2)
oTotalsSheet.Name = "Totals"
'=== Build the First Worksheet (Orders) ==============================================
'Add headings to A1:F1 of the Orders worksheet and apply formatting
Set oRange = oOrdersSheet.Range("A1:F1")
oRange.Value = Array("Order Number", "Product ID", "Quantity", "Price", "Discount", "Total")
oRange.Font.Bold = True
oRange.Interior.Color = "Silver"
oRange.Borders(c.xlEdgeBottom).Weight = c.xlThick
oRange.HorizontalAlignment = c.xlHAlignCenter
'Apply formatting to the columns
oOrdersSheet.Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 20
oOrdersSheet.Range("B:E").ColumnWidth = 15
oOrdersSheet.Range("F:F").ColumnWidth = 20
oOrdersSheet.Range("A2:E" & NumOrders + 1 _
).HorizontalAlignment = c.xlHAlignCenter
oOrdersSheet.Range("D2:D" & NumOrders + 1).NumberFormat = "0.00"
oOrdersSheet.Range("E2:E" & NumOrders + 1).NumberFormat = "0 % "
oOrdersSheet.Range("F2:F" & NumOrders + 1).NumberFormat = "$ 0.00" '"_($* #,##0.00_)"
'Obtain the order information for the first five columns in the Orders worksheet
'and populate the worksheet with that data starting at row 2
Dim aOrderData
aOrderData = GetOrderInfo
oOrdersSheet.Range("A2:E" & NumOrders + 1).Value = aOrderData
'Add a formula to calculate the order total for each row and format the column
oOrdersSheet.Range("F2:F" & NumOrders + 1).Formula = "=C2*D2*(1-E2)"
oOrdersSheet.Range("F2:F" & NumOrders + 1).NumberFormat = "_( $* #,##0.00 _)"
'Apply a border to the used rows
oOrdersSheet.UsedRange.Borders(c.xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = c.xlThin
oOrdersSheet.UsedRange.BorderAround , c.xlThin, 15
'Turn on AutoFilter and display an initial criteria where
'the Product ID (column 2) is equal to 5
oOrdersSheet.AutoFilter.Filters(2).Criteria.FilterFunction = c.ssFilterFunctionInclude
oOrdersSheet.AutoFilter.Filters(2).Criteria.Add "5"
'Add a Subtotal at the end of the usedrange
oOrdersSheet.Range("F" & NumOrders + 3).Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9, F2:F" & NumOrders + 1 & ")"
'Apply window settings for the Orders worksheet
oOrdersSheet.Activate 'Makes the Orders sheet active
oSS.Windows(1).ViewableRange = oOrdersSheet.UsedRange.Address
oSS.Windows(1).DisplayRowHeadings = False
oSS.Windows(1).DisplayColumnHeadings = False
oSS.Windows(1).FreezePanes = True
oSS.Windows(1).DisplayGridlines = False
'=== Build the Second Worksheet (Totals) ===========================================
'Change the Column headings and hide row headings
oSS.Windows(1).ColumnHeadings(1).Caption = "Product ID"
oSS.Windows(1).ColumnHeadings(2).Caption = "Total"
oSS.Windows(1).DisplayRowHeadings = False
'Add the product IDs to column 1
Dim aProductIDs
aProductIDs = GetProductIDs
oTotalsSheet.Range("A1:A" & NumProds).Value = aProductIDs
oTotalsSheet.Range("A1:A" & NumProds).HorizontalAlignment = c.xlHAlignCenter
'Add a formula to column 2 that computes totals per product from the Orders Sheet
oTotalsSheet.Range("B1:B" & NumProds).Formula = _
"=SUMIF(Orders!B$2:B$" & NumOrders + 1 & ",A1,Orders!F$2:F$" & NumOrders + 1 & ")"
oTotalsSheet.Range("B1:B" & NumProds).NumberFormat = "_( $* #,##0.00 _)"
'Apply window settings for the Totals worksheet
oSS.Windows(1).ViewableRange = oTotalsSheet.UsedRange.Address
'=== Setup for final presentation ==================================================
oSS.DisplayToolbar = False
oSS.AutoFit = True
Response.Write oSS.XMLData
Function GetOrderInfo()
ReDim aOrderInfo(NumOrders,5)
Dim aPrice, aDisc
aPrice = Array(10.25, 9.5, 2.34, 6.57, 9.87, 4.55, 6, 13.05, 3.3, 5.5)
aDisc = Array(0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)
For r = 0 To NumOrders-1
aOrderInfo(r, 0) = "'" & String(7-Len(CStr(r+1)), "0") & r+1 'Col 1 is Order Number
aOrderInfo(r, 1) = Int(Rnd() * NumProds) + 1 'Col 2 is Product ID
aOrderInfo(r, 2) = Int(Rnd() * 20) + 1 'Col 3 is Quantity
aOrderInfo(r, 3) = aPrice(aOrderInfo(r, 1)-1) 'Col 4 is Price
aOrderInfo(r, 4) = aDisc(Int(Rnd() * 4)) 'Col 5 is Discount
GetOrderInfo = aOrderInfo
End Function
Function GetProductIDs()
ReDim aPIDs(NumProds, 1)
For r = 0 To NumProds-1
aPIDs(r, 0) = r+1
GetProductIDs = aPIDs
End Function
Display the XMLSS on a Web Page
To display the sample XMLSS on a Web page, you need only set the
XMLURL property for a Spreadsheet Component to the URL for the ASP, as follows:
<object classid="clsid:0002E551-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="Spreadsheet1">
<param name="XMLURL" value="http://YourWebServer/xmlss.asp">
Note: If you are using Office 2003, you may have to change the classid in the above code as applicable.
In the preceding HTML, the
XMLURL property is set by using a <param> tag. You could also set the
XMLURL property at run-time if desired:
Spreadsheet1.XMLURL = "http://YourWebServer/xmlss.asp"
Display the XMLSS in Microsoft Excel
The XMLSS that is created with the Spreadsheet component can be opened in Microsoft Excel. The formatting and features you implement in the Spreadsheet component can be shared with Microsoft Excel. There are some features that the Spreadsheet component supports that Excel does not (and vice-versa); any XML tags or attributes that Excel does not implement are ignored when the XMLSS is opened.
To view the results of the sample ASP script in Microsoft Excel, do the following:
- Start Microsoft Excel.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- In the File Name box, type http://YourWebServer/xmlss.asp, and then click Open.
Examine the workbook, and note that the data and formats that were applied at run time are all present in the workbook when it is opened in Excel. There is one exception: the heading captions that are created in the Spreadsheet component do not carry over to Excel because this is a feature of the Spreadsheet component that Microsoft Excel does not share. If you create XMLSS with the Spreadsheet component for the purpose of displaying the file in Excel, be aware of the different features that each supports.
Another way to open the ASP-created XMLSS in Microsoft Excel is to supply the Excel Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type as the
ContentType in your ASP. When you use the Excel MIME type and browse to your ASP, the XMLSS can be rendered in Microsoft Excel in-place in the browser, as follows:
- Open XMLSS.asp in a text editor.
- Change the following line in the script:
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Response.ContentType = "application/"
- Save your changes to XMLSS.asp and start Internet Explorer (IE).
- Browse to http://YourWebServer/XMLSS.asp. The XML Spreadsheet is rendered in Microsoft Excel hosted in-place in the browser.