is performed from BizTalk Server to a redirected URL, the following error message is generated in the Application event log of the computer running BizTalk Server. In addition, the document being processed is placed in the Retry queue, and then placed in the Suspended queue after it fails all retries.
Source: BizTalk Server
Category: Document Processing
Event ID: 324
An error occurred in BizTalk Server.
An error occurred during transmission:
Request information:
Proxy port:80
Content-Type:text/plain; charset="utf-8"
User name:
Client certificate:
Request body:2551 Bytes
Timeout duration (seconds): 97
Error code:80004005
====== ERROR =====
The HTTP server returned an unexpected response: 302 Object Moved
The following response was received:
<head><title>Object Moved</title></head>
<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This document may be found
<a HREF="/ReceiveStandard.asp">here</a>.</body>
The server encountered a transport error while processing the messaging port "Port to ASP", which uses a transport component with a ProgID of "BizTalk.SendHTTPX.1".
All retry transmissions failed.
Unspecified error
The server could not finish processing messaging port "Port to ASP".
Suspended Queue ID: "{4BFC0A88-B529-4667-BB7F-5346BC2AF308}"
Unspecified error