When you attempt to create a custom toolbar in Microsoft Excel by using Microsoft Visual Basics for Applications (VBA) code, you may receive the following error message:
Run-time error "438":
Object doesn't support this property or method.
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To work around this issue, type or paste the following code into the VBA module (you can modify this code to suit your specific needs):
'Creates a four-button control bar with
'MyAutoSumButtonMacro assigned to the fourth button.
'The macro names used in this example are simply placeholders.
'You must substitute the names of macros that you create.
Private Sub AddToolbar()
Dim tbb As Object
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Set oTB = Toolbars.Add(Name:="Test")
With oTB
.Left = 117
.Top = 186
Set tbb = .ToolbarButtons.Add(Button:=23, Before:=1)
tbb.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name + "!InsertRowMacro"
Set tbb = .ToolbarButtons.Add(Button:=20, Before:=2)
tbb.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name + "!DeleteRowMacro"
Set tbb = .ToolbarButtons.Add(Button:=13, Before:=3)
tbb.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name + "!CopyMacro"
'Creates a button with the AutoSum symbol and
'assigns MyAutoSumButtonMacro to it.
CommandBars("Auto Sum").Controls("Sum").Copy Bar:=CommandBars _
("Test"), Before:=4
Set tbb = CommandBars("Test").Controls("Sum")
tbb.Style = msoButtonAutomatic
tbb.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name + "!MyAutoSumButtonMacro"
.Width = 200
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub