List of Issues Fixed in Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 (286796)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows NT 4.0 SP 2
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 98 Second Edition SP 2
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 98 SP 2
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 95 SP 2
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 2000 SP 1
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 2000 SP 2

This article was previously published under Q286796


This article provides a listing of article numbers for issues that were fixed in Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 (SP2). Service packs are cumulative. This means that the issues that were fixed in Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 (SP1) are also fixed in SP2, and so on. Click the article Q number that precedes the title of the Microsoft Knowledge Base article to view the specifics about that issue.

For additional information about how to obtain the latest service pack for Internet Explorer, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

267954 How to Obtain the Latest Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack


Internet Explorer 5.01 SP2

243927 Access Violation When Dragging Text from Input Field

247303 ToolTips Do Not Appear When Browser Window Is Scrolled

250915 Error Message: Access to the Resource 'HTTP://' Has Been Disallowed

252609 Portable Document Format Files Not Opened in Internet Explorer When Parameter List Exceeds 46 Characters

252984 Internet Explorer May Not Automatically Load Client Certificate

254337 FIX: Internet Explorer Sends Two GET Requests for the Same Data When the MIME Handler Is an ActiveX Control

255204 FtpCommand() WinInet Function Stops Responding

255909 Problems Using Roaming Profiles with Internet Explorer

257723 FIX: XML Data Island Does Not Load Correctly in Internet Explorer

258141 Host Logic in PAC File May Not Direct Browser to the Intended Proxy Server

258142 "File Not Found" Error Message When You Try to Open ftp://servername/directoryname/file.txt;type=a

258898 Signup Connection Not Deleted When Branding Client with Signup .ins File

259365 Memory Leak in Internet Explorer Default Download Behavior

259827 Intermittent "Application Exception" Error Messages in Internet Explorer

260339 Tasks Can Be Changed Without Credentials

261253 OLEXP: Patch Available for MHTML E-mail Vulnerability

261255 Patch Available for Outlook Express Preview Pane Vulnerability

262208 AutoConfig .pac File in .ins File Is Not Associated with DUN Connection

262246 .bmp Images Not Printed Correctly with Internet Explorer 5.01

262365 Policy to Deploy Connection Settings Incorrectly Selects LPT1 as the Default Connection Port

262394 Events Problem Using Visual J++

262540 Internet Explorer Hangs If You Click the Back Button When Printing a Word Document

262769 Authentication Issue with NTLM Security on IIS If User Name or Password Contains Extended Characters

263312 Canceling the Closing of a Modal Dialog Box Causes Box to Close Anyway

263847 Unable to Locate Object Handler When Extension in URL Is Greater than 50 Characters

264310 Send Page by E-mail Command Adds a Duplicate File Extension When You Send a File with Internet Explorer

266121 Internet Explorer Always Retrieves from Transparent Cache Servers

267002 Internet Explorer Starts Slowly When You Have a Very Large PBK File

268582 Disabling Folder Options Disables Internet Options and Other Menu Commands in Internet Explorer

268902 Task Scheduler and AT Command Display Inaccurate Information for Pending Jobs

269368 Patch Available for Vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer

269643 Internet Explorer Kerberos Authentication Does Not Work Because of an Insufficient Buffer Connecting to IIS

269677 Internet Explorer Parses Certain DBCS Domain Names Incorrectly

269784 "No CRL Found" Error Message Even When CRL Is in Cryptdlg.dll

272022 Mstask.exe Does Not Run Scheduled Jobs

273868 Patch Available for the Cached Web Credentials Vulnerability

276436 Internet Explorer May Not Open a Small Document

279328 Patch Available for "Browser Print Template" Vulnerability

282198 Error Message: IEXPLORE Caused an Invalid Page Fault in Module MSLS31.DLL

286045 Patch Available for Cached Content Identification Vulnerability

Internet Explorer 5.01 SP1

For additional information about the issues fixed in SP1, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

257978 List of Issues Fixed in Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/26/2003
Keywords:kbenv kbinfo KB286796