Download the Sample
AutoWord.exe contains the Visual Basic ActiveX DLL project, Word
document, and Web pages that are described in this
following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download
Release Date: April
17, 2001
For additional information about how to download Microsoft
Support files, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most
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Set up the Sample
After you download Autoword.exe, follow these steps to
set up the sample:
- Create a folder named Invoice in the virtual root directory
of your Web server. (The default virtual root directory is
- Extract the files in Autoword.exe to the Invoice
- Open Autoword1.htm in a text or HTML editor and replace
references to YourWebServer in all URLs with the name of your Web server. Likewise, replace YourSQLServer in the connection string with the name of your SQL Server that
contains the Northwind sample database.
NOTE: If you do not have an available SQL Server with the Northwind
sample database, you can modify the connection string to use the Microsoft
Access Northwind sample database instead. A connection to the Access Northwind
sample database resembles the following:
sConn = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=" & _
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\Samples\Northwind.mdb"
- Open Autoword2.htm in a text or HTML editor and replace
references to YourWebServer in all URLs with the name of your Web server.
- Start Internet Explorer. You can browse to
http://YourWebServer/invoice/AutoWord1.htm and
http://YourWebServer/invoice/AutoWord2.htm to test the script. When you first
visit either of these pages, you are prompted to download the ActiveX
The sample Visual Basic ActiveX component and script are
described in more detail in the sections that follow.
Visual Basic ActiveX Component
The Visual Basic ActiveX component in this sample interacts with
Web page script to generate an order invoice document at the user's request.
The Web application may allow the ActiveX component to obtain the order
information for a given order ID, or the Web application may choose to package
the order information as XML and send it to the ActiveX component for
processing. In either case, after the component obtains the order information,
it can automate Word to build and display the invoice document for the
The ActiveX component (
AutomateWord) contains a single class, the
Invoice class, that exposes three methods:
- The GetData method uses ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to extract information
about an order in the Northwind sample database. The order information is
stored in the m_Data private member variable. The GetData method can be called to let the data extraction occur
- The SendData method uses Microsoft XML (MSXML) to fill the m_Data private member variable with the order information that is
provided by the caller. SendData expects one parameter that represents a DOMDocument object for the order information. The SendData method can be called to send the order information from the Web
page to the component. With this approach, you can use ASP to extract the data
server-side and present the client with an XML data island that can be used for
the document generation.
- The MakeInvoice method uses Word Automation to build a document that contains the
order information in the m_Data private member variable. A document that is stored on the Web
server is used as a starting point for the invoice. The caller may choose to
display the completed Word document outside of the browser or save the
completed document to a disk for later use.
Option Explicit
Private Type InvoiceData
OrderID As String
OrderDate As Date
CustID As String
CustInfo As String
ProdInfo As Variant
End Type
Private m_Data As InvoiceData
Public Sub GetData(sOrderID As Variant, sConn As Variant)
Dim oConn As Object, oRS As Object
'Connect to the Northwind database.
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.Open sConn
'Obtain the Customer ID and Order Date.
Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS.Open "Select [OrderDate], [CustomerID] from Orders where " & _
"[OrderID]=" & sOrderID, oConn, 3 'adOpenStatic=3
m_Data.OrderID = sOrderID
m_Data.OrderDate = CDate(oRS.Fields("OrderDate").Value)
m_Data.CustID = oRS.Fields("CustomerID").Value
'Obtain Customer information.
Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS.Open "Select * from Customers Where CustomerID='" & _
m_Data.CustID & "'", oConn, 3 'adOpenStatic=3
m_Data.CustInfo = oRS.Fields("CompanyName").Value & vbCrLf & _
oRS.Fields("City") & " "
If Not (IsNull(oRS.Fields("Region"))) Then
m_Data.CustInfo = m_Data.CustInfo & oRS.Fields("Region").Value & " "
End If
m_Data.CustInfo = m_Data.CustInfo & oRS.Fields("PostalCode").Value & _
vbCrLf & oRS.Fields("Country").Value
'Obtain Product information.
Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS.Open "Select ProductName, Quantity, [Order Details].UnitPrice," & _
"Discount from Products Inner Join [Order Details] on " & _
"Products.ProductID = [Order Details].ProductID " & _
"Where OrderID = " & sOrderID, oConn, 3 'adOpenStatic=3
m_Data.ProdInfo = oRS.GetRows
'Close the connection to the database.
End Sub
Public Sub SendData(oXML As Variant)
'Extract the information from the DOMDocument object oXML and store
'it in the private member variable m_Data.
m_Data.OrderID = oXML.getElementsByTagName("OrderID").Item(0).Text
m_Data.OrderDate = oXML.getElementsByTagName("OrderDate").Item(0).Text
m_Data.CustID = oXML.getElementsByTagName("CustID").Item(0).Text
m_Data.CustInfo = oXML.getElementsByTagName("CustInfo").Item(0).Text
Dim oItems As Object, oItem As Object
Set oItems = oXML.getElementsByTagName("Items").Item(0)
ReDim vArray(0 To 3, 0 To oItems.childNodes.Length - 1) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(vArray, 2)
Set oItem = oItems.childNodes(i)
vArray(0, i) = oItem.getAttribute("Desc")
vArray(1, i) = oItem.getAttribute("Qty")
vArray(2, i) = oItem.getAttribute("Price")
vArray(3, i) = oItem.getAttribute("Disc")
m_Data.ProdInfo = vArray
End Sub
Public Sub MakeInvoice(sTemplate As Variant, Optional bSave As Variant)
Dim oWord As Object
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oTable As Object
If IsMissing(bSave) Then bSave = False
'Open the document as read-only.
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(sTemplate, , True)
'Fill in the bookmarks.
oDoc.Bookmarks("Customer_Info").Range.Text = m_Data.CustInfo
oDoc.Bookmarks("Customer_ID").Range.Text = m_Data.CustID
oDoc.Bookmarks("Order_ID").Range.Text = m_Data.OrderID
oDoc.Bookmarks("Order_Date").Range.Text = m_Data.OrderDate
'Fill in the table with the product information.
'** Note that the table starts out with three rows -- the first row
' contains headers for the table, the second row is for
' the first set of product data, and the third row contains a total.
' New rows are added for additional products before the "total row".
Set oTable = oDoc.Tables(1)
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer
For r = 1 To UBound(m_Data.ProdInfo, 2) + 1
If r > 1 Then oTable.Rows.Add (oTable.Rows(oTable.Rows.Count))
For c = 1 To 4
oTable.Cell(r + 1, c).Range.Text = _
m_Data.ProdInfo(c - 1, r - 1)
oTable.Cell(r + 1, 5).Formula _
"=(B" & r + 1 & "*C" & r + 1 & ")*(1-D" & r + 1 & ")", _
'Update the field for the grand total and protect the document.
oTable.Cell(oTable.Rows.Count, 5).Range.Fields.Update
oDoc.Protect 1 'wdAllowOnlyComments=1
If bSave Then
'Save the document as "c:\invoice.doc" and quit Word.
Dim nResult As Long
nResult = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to create the document" & _
" ""c:\invoice.doc""? If this document already exists, " & _
"it will be replaced", vbYesNo, "AutomateWord")
If nResult = vbYes Then oDoc.SaveAs "c:\invoice.doc"
oDoc.Close False
'Make Word visible.
oWord.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Using the ActiveX Component from a Web Page
Autoword1.htm demonstrates how you can use the
GetData method to let the ActiveX component retrieve the order data
client-side and build the document.
<OBJECT ID="AutoWord"
Enter an order id between 10248 and 11077 and click the button to view the invoice for the order:
<P/><INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="10500" ID="OrderID">
<P/><BUTTON ID="InvoiceButton">Create Invoice</BUTTON>
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Function InvoiceButton_OnClick()
Dim sConn
sConn = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=YourSQLServer;Initial Catalog=Northwind;UID=sa;"
AutoWord.GetData OrderID.Value, sConn
AutoWord.MakeInvoice "http://YourWebServer/invoice/invoice.doc"
End Function
The script in Autoword1.htm uses the ActiveX component to display the
completed document outside of the browser. You may also choose to save the
completed document and display it in the browser; however, doing so requires
that the Word document be saved to a disk. The component can save the document
as C:\Invoice.doc on the client's local drive. Because the ActiveX component is
marked safe for scripting, the client is prompted to confirm the
If you want to display the completed document in the browser,
change the call to
MakeInvoice in Autoword1.htm to the following:
AutoWord.MakeInvoice "http://YourWebServer/invoice/invoice.doc", True
window.navigate "c:\invoice.doc"
Autoword2.htm demonstrates how you can use the
SendData method to send the order data as a
DOMDocument object to the ActiveX component for generating the completed
document. The
DOMDocument is created from an XML data island that resides on the Web page.
For the ActiveX component to properly process the order information that is
sent by the caller, the XML must be well-formed and structured so that the
component can interpret it as order information.
<OBJECT ID="AutoWord"
<BUTTON ID="InvoiceButton">Create Invoice</BUTTON>
<XML ID="DataXML">
Markets Boise ID 83720
<Product Desc="Chai" Qty="5" Price="18" Disc="0.2"/>
<Product Desc="Sasquatch Ale" Qty="12" Price="14" Disc="0.2"/>
<Product Desc="Scottish Longbreads" Qty="40" Price="12.5" Disc="0.2"/>
<Product Desc="Flotemysost" Qty="60" Price="21.5" Disc="0.2"/>
<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Function InvoiceButton_OnClick()
AutoWord.SendData DataXML.XMLDocument
AutoWord.MakeInvoice "http://YourWebServer/invoice/invoice.doc"
End Function
In both Autoword1.htm and Autoword2.htm, you should note that the
ActiveX component is instantiated by way of an <OBJECT> tag rather than
CreateObject function. The purpose of using the <OBJECT> tag is to
enable automatic download of the ActiveX component for users that do not
already have the component installed. If a user visits one of these pages and
the component is not installed, the component is downloaded from the cabinet
(CAB) file at the URL that is indicated in the
CODEBASE attribute. Depending on the user's security settings in Internet
Explorer, they may first receive a prompt to confirm the download.
NOTE: The CAB file that is included in Autoword.exe was created with
the Package and Deployment Wizard for Visual Basic. The ActiveX component in
the package is marked safe for scripting and initialization, but is not
digitally signed.
For more information on creating Internet component
downloads, digital signing, and marking components as safe for scripting and
initialization, see the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web sites: