INFO: Windows Media Log File Reference (285847)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Media Services 4.1

This article was previously published under Q285847


The following table describes the information that is found in a Windows Media log file.


| Field                  | Description            | Sample value          |
|audiocodec              |audio codec used in     |Voxware_MetaSound      |
|                        |stream                  |                       |
|avgbandwidth            |Average bandwidth       |24,300                 |
|                        |(in bits per second)    |                       |
|                        |at which the client was |                       |
|                        |connected to the server |                       |
|c-buffercount           |Number of times the     |4                      | 
|                        |client buffered while   |                       |
|                        |playing the stream      |                       |
|c-bytes                 |Number of bytes received|28,583                 |
|                        |by the client from the  |                       |
|                        |server. For a unicast,  |                       |
|                        |c-bytes and sc-bytes    |                       |
|                        |must be identical.      |                       |
|                        |If not, packet loss     |                       |
|                        |occurred.               |                       |
|c-cpu                   |Client computer         |Pentium                |
|                        |CPU type                |                       |
|c-dns                   |Client computer         |              |
|                        |Domain Name Server name |                       |
|c-hostexe               |Host application. For   |Iexplore.exe           |
|                        |example, a Web page in  |                       |
|                        |a browser (Iexplore.exe)|                       |
|                        |or a Microsoft Visual   |                       |
|                        |Basic program (Vb.exe)  |                       |
|                        |or stand-alone          |                       |
|                        |Microsoft Windows Media |                       |
|                        |Player (Mplayer2.exe)   |                       |
|c-hostexever            |Host application        |4.70.1215              |
|                        |version number          |                       |
|c-ip                    |Client computer         |         |
|                        |IP address. A client    |                       |
|                        |that is not connected   |                       |
|                        |properly provides a     |                       |
|                        |client proxy server     |                       |
|                        |IP address, not the     |                       |
|                        |client IP address.      |                       |
|c-os                    |Client computer         |Windows_NT             |
|                        |operating system        |                       |
|c-osversion             |Client computer         |             |
|                        |operating system        |                       |
|                        |version number          |                       |
|c-pkts-lost-client      |Number of packets lost  |5                      |
|                        |during transmission     |                       |
|                        |from server to client   |                       |
|                        |and not recovered at    |                       |
|                        |the client layer through|                       |
|                        |error correction or at  |                       |
|                        |the network layer by    |                       |
|                        |using UDP resends       |                       |
|c-pkts-lost-cont-net    |Maximum number of       |2                      |
|                        |continuously lost       |                       |
|                        |packets on the network  |                       |
|                        |layer during            |                       |
|                        |transmission from       |                       |
|                        |server to client        |                       |
|c-pkts-lost-net         |Number of packets lost  |2                      |
|                        |on the network layer.   |                       |
|                        |Packets lost at the     |                       |
|                        |network layer can be    |                       |
|                        |recovered if the client |                       |
|                        |re-creates them by      |                       |
|                        |using forward error     |                       |
|                        |correction.             |                       |
|                        |The difference between  |                       |
|                        |c-pkts-lost-net and     |                       |
|                        |c-pkts-lost-client is   |                       |
|                        |c-pkts-recovered-ECC.   |                       |
|c-pkts-received         |Number of packets from  |50                     |
|                        |the server (s-pkts-sent)|                       |
|                        |that are received       |                       |
|                        |correctly by the client |                       |
|                        |on the first try        |                       |
|c-pkts-recovered-ECC    |Number of packets       |3                      |
|                        |repaired and recovered  |                       |
|                        |on the client layer.    |                       |
|                        |Packets repaired and    |                       |
|                        |recovered at the client |                       |
|                        |layer are equal to the  |                       |
|                        |difference between      |                       |
|                        |c-pkts-lost-net and     |                       |
|                        |c-pkts-lost-client.     |                       |
|c-pkts-recovered-resent |Number of packets       |5                      |
|                        |recovered because they  |                       |
|                        |were resent through UDP |                       |
|c-playerid              |Globally unique         |{c579d042-cecc-11d1-   |
|                        |identifier (GUID) of    |     bb31-00a0c9603954}|
|                        |the player              |                       |
|c-playerlanguage        |Client language-country |en-US                  |
|                        |code                    |                       |
|c-playerversion         |Version number of the   |              |
|                        |player                  |                       |
|c-quality               |The percentage of       |96                     |
|                        |packets that were       |                       |
|                        |received by the client, |                       |
|                        |indicating the quality  |                       |
|                        |of the stream.          |                       |
|If cPacketsRendered is all packets received by the client including      |
|packets recovered by error correction and UDP resend                     |
|(c-pkts-received + c-pkts-recovered-ECC + c-pkts-recovered-resent)       |
|then c-quality can be calculated as:                                     |
|[cPacketsRendered / (cPacketsRendered + c-pkts-lost-client)] * 100.      |
|c-rate                  |Mode of                 |1                      |
|                        |Windows Media Player    |Windows Media Player   |
|                        |when the last command   |was paused or stopped  |
|                        |event was sent          |during a play, fast    |
|                        |                        |forward, rewind, or    |
|                        |                        |marker jump operation. |
|                        |                        |                       |
|                        |                        |-5                     |
|                        |                        |Windows Media Player   |
|                        |                        |was rewound from a     |
|                        |                        |play, stop, or pause   |
|                        |                        |operation.             |
|                        |                        |                       |
|                        |                        |5                      |
|                        |                        |Windows Media Player   |
|                        |                        |was fast-forwarded     |
|                        |                        |from a play, stop, or  |
|                        |                        |pause operation.       |
|c-resendreqs            |Number of client        |5                      |
|                        |requests to receive new |                       |
|                        |packets. This field     |                       |
|                        |contains a value only   |                       |
|                        |if the client is using  |                       |
|                        |UDP resend.             |                       |
|c-starttime             |Timestamp (in seconds)  |0                      |
|                        |of the stream when an   |                       |
|                        |entry is generated in   |                       |
|                        |the log file            |                       |
|c-status                |Codes that describe     |200                    |
|                        |client status. Mapped   |                       |
|                        |to HTTP/1.1 and RTSP    |                       |
|                        |client status codes     |                       |
|                        |described in Request for|                       |
|                        |Comments (RFC) 2068 and |                       |
|                        |RFC 2326.               |                       |
|Windows Media Services includes the extensible client status codes       |
|480 (simultaneous client connections exceeded the maximum client limit   |
|     of the server)                                                      |
|and                                                                      |
|483 (stream exceeded maximum file bit rate limit of the server).         |
|c-totalbuffertime       |Time (in seconds) that  |6                      |
|                        |the client used to      |                       |
|                        |buffer the stream.      |                       |
|                        |If the client buffers   |                       |
|                        |the stream more than    |                       |
|                        |one time before a log   |                       |
|                        |entry is generated,     |                       |
|                        |c-totalbuffertime is    |                       |
|                        |the total amount of     |                       |
|                        |time that the client    |                       |
|                        |spent buffering the     |                       |
|                        |stream.                 |                       |
|channelURL              |URL to the .nsc file.   |http://tampico         |
|                        |A unicast client        |           /channel.nsc|
|                        |information log file    |                       |
|                        |records a "-" for this  |                       |
|                        |field.                  |                       |
|cs(Referer)             |URL to the Web page in  |http://                |
|                        |which Windows Media     ||
|                        |Player was embedded     |                       |
|                        |(if it was embedded)    |                       |
|cs-uri-stem             |Name of the file that   |mms://zanzibar         |
|                        |is playing, an .asf file|            /sample.asf|
|                        |for a unicast or an .asx|                       |
|                        |file for a multicast    |                       |
|cs(User-Agent)          |Browser type used if    |1999-04-19             |
|                        |Windows Media Player    |                       |
|                        |was embedded in a       |                       |
|                        |browser, Mozilla/4.0_   |                       |
|                        |(compatible;_MSIE_4.01; |                       |
|                        |_Windows_98) date, date |                       |
|                        |(in Greenwich mean time)|                       |
|                        |when an entry is        |                       |
|                        |generated in the        |                       |
|                        |log file                |                       |
|filelength              |Length of the file      |60                     |
|                        |(in seconds).           |                       |
|                        |This value is "0" for a |                       |
|                        |live stream.            |                       |
|filesize                |Size of the file        |86,000                 |
|                        |(in bytes).             |                       |
|                        |This value is "0" for a |                       |
|                        |live stream.            |                       |
|protocol                |Protocol used to access |mms                    |
|                        |the stream: mms, http,  |                       |
|                        |or asfm (multicast      |                       |
|                        |protocol)               |                       |
|s-cpu-util              |Average load on the     |40                     |
|                        |server processor        |                       |
|                        |(0%-100%). If multiple  |                       |
|                        |processors exist, this  |                       |
|                        |value is the average    |                       |
|                        |for all processors.     |                       |
|s-dns                   |Server DNS              |              |
|s-ip                    |Server IP address       |         |
|s-pkts-sent             |Packets sent by the     |55                     |
|                        |server                  |                       |
|s-totalclients          |Clients connected to    |20                     |
|                        |the server (but not     |                       |
|                        |necessarily receiving   |                       |
|                        |streams)                |                       |
|sc-bytes                |Bytes sent by the server|30,000                 |
|                        |to the client           |                       |
|time                    |Time (in Greenwich mean |15:30:30               |
|                        |time) when an entry is  |                       |
|                        |generated in the        |                       |
|                        |log file                |                       |
|transport               |Transport protocol that |UDP                    |
|                        |is used to deliver the  |                       |
|                        |stream (UDP, TCP, or    |                       |
|                        |UDP over IP multicast)  |                       |
|videocodec              |Video codec used to     |Microsoft_MPEG-4       |
|                        |encode the stream       |        _Video_Codec_V2|
|x-duration              |Length of time that a   |31                     |
|                        |client played content   |                       |
|                        |before a client event   |                       |
|                        |(FF, REW, Pause, Stop,  |                       |
|                        |or jump to marker).     |                       |
|                        |A log entry is          |                       |
|                        |generated whenever one  |                       |
|                        |of these client events  |                       |
|                        |occurs.                 |                       |

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/3/2002
Keywords:kbDSupport kbinfo KB285847