When you attempt to run a Visual Basic for Applications macro that creates or opens a PowerPoint presentation, you may receive the following or similar error message:
Run-time error '-2147188160 (80048240)':
Application (unknown member): Invalid request. There is no currently active document window.
The same macro runs without error with Office 97.
This behavior is caused by using any PowerPoint ActiveWindow or ActivePresentation property, method, or event when the PowerPoint program is not visible. The following sample code will cause this error:
Sub A()
Dim oPpt As PowerPoint.Application
Set oPpt = New PowerPoint.Application
oPpt.Presentations(1).Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutBlank
'The following line causes the run-time error
msgbox oPpt.ActiveWindow.Caption
End Sub
NOTE: This error message does not occur in PowerPoint 97.
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To work around this behavior, add the following lines of code once in any sub procedure before any ActiveWindow or ActivePresentation calls:
If PowerPoint.Application.Version >= 9 Then
'window must be visible
PowerPoint.Application.Visible = msoTrue
End If
This code makes PowerPoint visible for PowerPoint 2000 and later versions. PowerPoint 97 does not need to be made visible. The sample code in the Cause section would change to:
Sub A()
Dim oPpt As PowerPoint.Application
Set oPpt = New PowerPoint.Application
oPpt.Presentations(1).Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutBlank
If oPpt.Version >= 9 Then
'window must be visible
oPpt.Visible = msoTrue
End If
oPpt.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide 1
End Sub