INFO: BizTalk Server 2000 Readme.htm Part 2 of 3 (284194)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000

This article was previously published under Q284194


This article contains information from the BizTalk Server 2000 Readme.htm


NOTE: Following are the contents of the Readme file as it shipped with the product listed above. It has not been edited by the Microsoft Developer Support Knowledge Base editing team.

BizTalk Server Administration

File receive functions stop processing documents

Problem: If you use File receive functions, and if there are other processes that use files at the same time as BizTalk Server, it is possible that one or more File receive functions might stop processing documents and become unavailable. This occurs when BizTalk Server successfully processes a file, but cannot delete it because the file is being accessed by another application. The File receive function is disabled to ensure that the data is not processed a second time if the other application(s) stops using the file.

Solution: To prevent this problem from occurring, make sure that any files placed in folders monitored by File receive functions are not actively being used by other applications. This can include some virus protection software that monitors incoming files.

BizTalk Document Tracking

The cursor appears as an hourglass in the View Document Instance Data dialog box

Problem: If you have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 installed on your computer, when you view document instance data, the pointer might appear as an hourglass instead of an arrow or a pipe. If this happens, you can still select View native format or View XML format or click the Save As and Close buttons.

Solution: If you upgrade to Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5, the pointer appears as an arrow or a pipe.

Maintaining the Tracking database

Issue: If you configured all tracking options for a server group in BizTalk Server Administration and if you configured a channel(s) and/or document definition(s) to track fields in BizTalk Messaging Manager, the size of the Tracking database might increase rapidly. To maintain the Tracking database, you can use DTA_SampleJobs.sql, a sample SQL script that is provided to purge the Tracking database. After you install BizTalk Server 2000, you can find this sample script in \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\SQLServerAgentJobs. Review the Readme included with this sample for more information about how to tailor the script to your BizTalk Server configuration.

For more information about tracking settings, see Using BizTalk Document Tracking in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 Help.

Type mismatch error in advanced queries

Problem: If you configure a nonstandard format for dates, numbers, time, currency, and so on in Regional Options in Control Panel, you might not be able to save a new query or view advanced queries that you saved.

Solution: To view existing advanced queries, only choose options available in the lists in Regional Options. For example, on the Date tab, in the Short date format list, choose options in the list. Do not type or cut and paste other formats in the Short date format list.

Working with float and real data types

Issue: The float and real data types are known as approximate data types. The behavior of float and real data types follows the IEEE 754 specification on approximate numeric data types. Approximate numeric data types do not store the exact values specified for many numbers, they store an extremely close approximation of the value. For many applications, the tiny difference between the specified value and the stored approximation is not noticeable. At times, though, the difference becomes noticeable. Because of this approximate nature of the float and real data types, do not use these data types when exact numeric behavior is required, such as in financial applications, in operations involving rounding, or in equality checks. Instead, use the integer, decimal, money, or smallmoney data types.

The Tracking database does not log an interchange parsing error if the trailer is incorrect

Issue: The Tracking database does not log an interchange parsing error if the interchange trailer is incorrect in an EDI interchange. If an interchange contains a valid document, but the interchange trailer contains incorrect information, the parser recognizes this as a nonfatal error and submits the document to BizTalk Server for processing. An error is logged in Event Viewer, but no error is logged in the Tracking database because the Tracking database does not differentiate between fatal errors and nonfatal errors.

Exceeding the size of an Integer data type when tracking the Number data type as an Integer

Problem: BizTalk Server allows the Number data type to be tracked as an Integer data type. If the value of the number in the document exceeds the size of the Integer data type, a warning message appears. This warning message contains the value which could not be tracked.

Solution: Do not exceed the size of the Integer data type when tracking a Number data type as an Integer.

The Document Type column ToolTip is labeled incorrectly

Issue: On the Query Results page of BizTalk Document Tracking, the ToolTip for the Document Type column is labeled incorrectly as Document Error Description. This label should read: Document Type.

XPath strings are truncated at 79 characters

Problem: When tracking specification fields as an Integer, Real, Date, or Text data type, specification field names that exceed 79 characters are truncated.

Solution: Track these specification fields as a Custom data type. By doing this, the field names are stored together with the field values in an SQL ntext column, which holds a maximum length of 2^30 - 1 (1,073,741,823) characters.

Unable to locate details and receipt status for a document

Problem: In BizTalk Server Administration, the Enable document tracking check box might not be selected. If this check box is not selected, receipts cannot be correlated.

Solution: To enable document logging, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, and click BizTalk Server Administration.
  2. In BizTalk Server Administration, expand Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, right-click BizTalk Server Group, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Tracking tab, select the Enable document tracking check box.
  4. Select any other options that you want to use.

BizTalk Editor and BizTalk Mapper

Validating EDI instances against specifications

Issue: BizTalk Editor and BizTalk Mapper provide a subset of EDI document specifications and an associated EDI code list database. These specifications are generated directly from data obtained from officially recognized publishers of the X12 and EDIFACT standards. It is highly recommended that you validate EDI instances against specifications that are created prior to a production implementation of processes that use these specifications. For more information and updates about EDI specifications and standards, go to the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000 Web site (

Storing a file to WebDAV fails

Problem: If storing a file from BizTalk Editor or BizTalk Mapper to the WebDAV repository fails (for example, permission is denied, the file is read-only, and so on) then the appropriate error message appears. However, if you close the file and retrieve it again from WebDAV you will be viewing the locally cached file rather than the one from the WebDAV repository. The file will appear as if the it was stored from the WebDAV repository even though the Permission Denied dialog box appears.

Solution: Clear the Internet Explorer cache:
  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  3. Click Delete Files.

Importing an XDR file fails

Problem: XDR import will fail if the default value for an attribute of type IDREFS is specified in the attribute declaration, as shown in the following code:

<AttributeType name="Field1" d:type="idrefs" default="a1 a2"> </AttributeType>
<attribute type="Field1" required="no"></attribute>

Solution: Move the default value to the attribute reference in the XDR schema before importing it into BizTalk Editor, as shown in the following code:

<AttributeType name="Field1" d:type="idrefs"> </AttributeType>
<attribute type="Field1" required="no" default="a1 a2"></attribute>

Storing a file to WebDAV from BizTalk Editor or BizTalk Mapper fails

Problem: When storing a file to WebDAV, you might receive the message "No key matching the described characteristics could be found within the current range." A potential cause for this problem is the permission settings in Internet Information Services (IIS). Solutions for this problem are documented in the topic, Troubleshooting BizTalk Editor and BizTalk Mapper in BizTalk Server 2000 Help.

Solution: If the problem persists after granting necessary permissions to the user in IIS, the solution is to save the file (by selecting the File menu and selecting the Save As option) to the WebDAV repository location on the computer where it resides. If the BizTalk Server installation path on the computer that has the WebDAV repository is C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server then note the following file paths:

  • For BizTalk Editor, the WebDAV repository file path is: \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\BizTalkServerRepository\DocSpecs.
  • For BizTalk Mapper the WebDAV repository file path is: \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\BizTalkServerRepository\Maps.
By selecting the File menu and selecting the Save As option, save the file to the appropriate location specified above. Alternatively, you can save the file to a temporary file and then copy the temporary file using Windows Explorer to the appropriate location specified above.

BizTalk Server Samples

BizTalk Messaging samples cannot be built

Problem: Cannot build the samples in the directory \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples.

Solution: Install the MSXML 3.0 SDK release from the XML Developer Center ( Then, implement the following changes to the Microsoft Visual Studio® environment to compile the BizTalk Messaging samples.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. The Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Directories tab and add the following paths to the Directories area for Include files:

    [System Drive]\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Enterprise Servers\Commerce

    [Install Drive]\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Include

    [Install Drive]\Program Files\Microsoft XML Parser SDK\inc

  4. Add the following path to the Directories area for Executable files:

    [Install Drive]\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server

  5. Add the following path to the Directories area for Library files:

    [Install Drive]\Program Files\Microsoft XML Parser SDK\lib

Implement the following changes to the \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\CustomPreProcessor\CustomPreProcessor.dsw workspace.
  1. Change properties of all files in the directory so that they are not read-only.
  2. Open the CustomPreProcessor.dsw workspace.
  3. Change line 32 of file PreProcessor.cpp to
    #include <Msxml2.h>
  4. On the Project menu, click Settings.

    The Project Settings dialog box appears.
  5. Click the Link tab and add msxml2.lib the list of libraries in the Object/library modules area.
Implement the following changes to the \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\BTSAppIntegration\VC\ATL\AtlBTSComp.dsw workspace.
  1. Change properties of all files in the directory so that they are not read-only.
  2. Open the AtlBTSComp.dsw workspace.
  3. Change line 6 of file BTSComp.cpp to
    #include <Msxml2.h>
  4. On the Project menu, click Settings.

    The Project Settings dialog box appears.
  5. Click the Link tab and add msxml2.lib the list of libraries in the Object/library modules area.

BTConfigAssistant sample icon images cannot be loaded

Problem: The BTConfigAssistant sample fails to load icon images because the associated .FRX file is missing. The form, Form1.frm, which contains binary information but lacks the associated .FRX files, does not function correctly.

Solution: Complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\BTConfigAssistant\.
  2. Right-click Form1.frm, click Properties, clear the Read-only check box, and then click OK.
  3. In Microsoft Visual Basic, open BTConfigAssistant.vbp.
  4. In the Project - BTConfigAssistant pane, expand Forms, and then double-click Form1.frm. For any error messages that you receive when loading the form, click OK and continue.
  5. In the Properties - Form1.frm pane, click the Icon property, and then click the [...] button.
  6. Browse to \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\BTConfigAssistant\FACE02.ICO, select the icon, and click OK.

DirectIntegration sample icon images cannot be loaded

Issue: The DirectIntegration sample fails to load icon images because the associated .FRX file is missing. The form, frmDirectIntegration.frm, which contains binary information but lacks the associated .FRX files, does not function correctly.

Solution: Complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\DirectIntegration\.
  2. Right-click frmDirectIntegration.frm, click Properties, clear the Read-only check box, and then click OK.
  3. In Microsoft Visual Basic, open DirectIntegration.vbp.
  4. In the Project - DirectIntegration pane, expand Forms, and then double-click frmDirectIntegration.frm. For any error messages that you receive when loading the form, click OK and continue.
  5. In the Properties - frmDirectIntegration pane, click the Icon property, and then click the [...] button.
  6. Browse to \Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server\SDK\Messaging Samples\DirectIntegration\MISC05.ICO, select the icon, and click OK.

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284190 BizTalk Server 2000 Readme.htm Part 1 of 3
284196 BizTalk Server 2000 Readme.htm Part 3 of 3

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/30/2003
Keywords:kbinfo KB284194