When you are installing SharePoint Portal Server, Setup may not work, and error messages may be logged in the Errorlog.txt file that are similar to:
Microsoft Search: [2] CSearchSetupEngine::InstallSearch, Failed to register language resources. hr=0x80070057
Microsoft Search: [2] InstallFile, SetupInstallFile failed. File : d:\server\search\.\gthrlog.vbs. GetLastError returns 0x00000015. Retrying copy...
Microsoft Search: [2] RegisterDll, Unable to register/unregister dll C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSSearch\Bin\Msir3jp.dll. Could not load dll. GetLastError()=0x0000007e
[01/24/02,18:48:41] Microsoft Search: [2] CSearchSetupEngine::InstallSearch, Failed to register language resources. hr=0x80070057
At end of the Errorlog.txt file, error messages may also be logged that are similar to:
CPkmSetupComponent::CreateSearchApplication, Cannot CoCreate Search admin object. hr=0x80040154
Microsoft Tahoe Server: [2] CVAIComponent, Error 0x80070001: MimeMap fixup failed
Microsoft Tahoe Server: [2] CVAIComponent::Install, Error fixing up IIS Mime Map.
Microsoft Tahoe Server: [2] CVAIComponent, Error 0x80004005: Failed to stop search
Microsoft Tahoe Server: [0] CVAIComponent::Install, Error setting up VAI.
By default, the Errorlog.txt file is located in the following path:
system_drive\Program Files\Microsoft Integration\SharePoint Portal Server\Logs
NOTE: You can use several files in the preceding folder for troubleshooting.