What Office 2000 Developer SP-2 Does
Office 2000 Developer SP-2 allows the Access Workflow Designer, also known as the Workflow Designer for SQL Server, to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
System Requirements
Before you start downloading and installing Office 2000 Developer SP-2, make sure the computers you plan to install the components on meet the following system requirements:
Access Workflow Designer Server- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later
- Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 4.0 or later
- Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Service Pack 2 or later or SQL Server 2000
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Server or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6/6a
Access Workflow Designer Developer Tools- Microsoft Access 2000
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later
- Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Service Pack 2 or later, Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) with Service Pack 2 or later, or SQL Server 2000
- Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6/6a, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
Access Workflow Designer Run-Time Client Tools- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later
- Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Service Pack 2 or later, MSDE with Service Pack 2 or later, or SQL Server 2000
- Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6/6a, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
How to Download Office 2000 Developer SP-2
There are four versions of the Office 2000 Developer SP-2 download as follows. Download the updates that you need, and then review the related sections of this article for installation details.
- How to Upgrade an Existing Installation of Access Workflow Designer - MODSP2 Patch
- How to Install Access Workflow Designer Server Components - SQL Server Workflow Setup
- How to Install Access Workflow Designer Developer Tools - SQL Server Workflow Client Setup
- How to Install Access Workflow Designer Run-Time Client Components - SQL Server Workflow Silent Client Setup
You can download these updates from the following Web site:
How to Upgrade an Existing Installation of Access Workflow Designer - MODSP2 Patch
Use the MODSP2 Patch, MODUpdateSP2.exe, on computers that have an existing version of the Access Workflow Designer using SQL Server 7.0 that you want to upgrade to SQL Server 2000. You can apply this update to any existing Office Developer installation. This download includes Service Release 1 (SR-1) updates for both the Access Workflow Designer and the Productivity Tools.
Installing MODSP2 PatchNOTE: Microsoft recommends that you upgrade your server to SQL Server 2000 before you apply this update.
- Double-click MODUpdateSP2.exe to extract the Setup files. Click Yes when you are prompted.
- Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
- Type the path of the folder to extract the Setup files into.
- Click OK to close the informational message telling you to run MODSP2UP.EXE.
- Open the folder that you extracted the Setup files into, and then double-click Modsp2up.exe.
How to Install Access Workflow Designer Server Components - SQL Server Workflow Setup
Use the SQL Server Workflow Setup, MODServerSP2.exe, on the computer that you want to host SQL Server 2000 and the Access Workflow Designer Server Components. This update contains the full Setup for the server components for the Access Workflow Designer for SQL Server.
Installing SQL Server Workflow Setup- Double-click MODServerSP2.exe to extract the Setup files. Click Yes when you are prompted.
- Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
- Follow the steps in the Setup program to complete the installation.
How to Install Access Workflow Designer Developer Tools - SQL Server Workflow Client Setup
Use the SQL Server Workflow Client Setup, MODClientSP2.exe, on the computers that you want to install the Access Workflow Designer Developer Tools onto. The Developer Tools are also known as the Developer Components. This update contains the full Setup for the developer tools for the Access Workflow Designer for SQL Server.
Installing SQL Server Workflow Client Setup- Double-click MODClientSP2.exe to extract the Setup files. Click Yes when you are prompted.
- Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
- Follow the steps in the Setup program until you get to the Setup Type screen. Click Access Workflow Designer Tools, and then click Next.
- Follow the remaining steps in the Setup program to complete the installation.
You receive the following error messages if you install the client run-time components onto a computer and then try to install the developer tools:
Setup has detected a previous installation. In order to continue, uninstall first and then restart setup.
When you click
OK, you receive the following error message:
Setup cannot continue with installation. Click OK to exit the setup program. For help with the setup requirements, see the "Installation and Setup" topic in the Developer's Guide (modDevGuide.chm).
The following steps show how you can install the Access Workflow Designer run-time client components. However, the preferred method is documented in the "How to Install Access Workflow Designer Run-Time Client Components" section of this article.
- Double-click MODClientSP2.exe to extract the Setup files. Click Yes when you are prompted.
- Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
- Follow the steps in the Setup program until you get to the Setup Type screen. Click End-User Client Run-time
Components, and then click Next.
- Follow the remaining steps in the Setup program to complete the installation.
How to Install Access Workflow Designer Run-Time Client Components - SQL Server Workflow Silent Client Setup
Use the Access Workflow Designer server or the SQL Server Workflow Silent Client Setup, MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe, on the computers that you want to install the Access Workflow Designer End-User Client Components onto. MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe contains the full Setup for the run-time client components for the Access Workflow Designer for SQL Server.
Installing SQL Server Workflow Silent Client Setup
The preferred method for installing the Access Workflow Client components is to install these from the Access Workflow Designer server. When you are installing the End-User Client components from the server, you do not have to download and use MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe. To install the client components from the server follow these steps:
- In Internet Explorer, open http://workflow server/modWeb/default.htm
- Click Install Client Components.
You can also download and install the client components from the MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe update. Follow these steps to install from the MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe update:
- Double-click MODCLRuntimeSP2.exe to extract the Setup files. Click Yes when you are prompted.
- Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
- Type the path of the folder to extract the Setup files into, and then click OK.
- Open the folder that you extracted the Setup files into, and then double-click SilentClient.exe.
- Follow the remaining steps in the Setup program to complete the installation.
Files Contained in the Office 2000 Developer SP-2 Updates
The following list contains the files with significant changes for the Office 2000 Developer SP-2 Downloads:
File Name Version Size
modtbad.exe 1.0.1236.0 270,336
modappwiz.exe 311,296
userlist.exe 106,496
modrepllogxp.dll 1.0.1236.0 86,016
modreplsetup.dll 1.0.1236.0 208,896
modreplsink.dll 1.0.1236.0 172,032
modreplxp.dll 1.0.1236.0 266,240
modresolver.dll 1.0.1236.0 98,304
modwc.dll 1.0.1236.0 159,744
For additional information about specific issues fixed in Office 2000 Developer SP-2, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
284044 MOD2000: List of Issues Fixed in Office 2000 Developer Service Pack 2
You can download the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions from the following Microsoft Web site:
For additional information about installing the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions on Microsoft Internet Information Server, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
205696 FPSE: How to Install FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions for Internet Information Server