How to validate user credentials from Visual Basic by using SSPI (279815)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Win32 Application Programming Interface (API), when used with:
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 98
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 95
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000
    • the operating system: Microsoft Windows XP

This article was previously published under Q279815


A user's credentials are made up of his or her user name and password, which can be used to validate the user on a given Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows XP domain. This article demonstrates how to call the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) functions from Microsoft Visual Basic in order to validate a user's credentials. The SSPI method of credential validation works on all of the Win32 platforms listed in this article.

Note The process of collecting credentials from a user-mode application can be annoying to the user and can provide a possible security hole in a network computing environment. The Unified Logon requirement (which specifies that the user should only have to type his or her credentials once, at the logon screen), was added to the Microsoft BackOffice logo requirements for these reasons. It is important to make sure that you really must gather credentials and that some other method of credential validation is not more appropriate. Consult the security documentation in the Platform SDK for more information on impersonation and programming secured servers.


The sample code that is provided in this article uses the Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) security services. On Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, NTLM services are present by default. However, on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition, you must enable the NTLM security services by configuring the system for user-level access control. To do this, go to Control Panel and open the Network Configuration utility. Click the Access Control tab, and then select User-level access control.

On Windows NT (version 4.0 and earlier), the SSPI functions are contained within the Security.dll system library. On all other versions of Windows, these functions are in Secur32.dll. To accommodate this difference, the following code contains branches to call the proper SSPI libraries based on the operating system on which it runs.

Sample code

The following Visual Basic module contains a public function called SSPValidateUser(). This function attempts to validate the supplied user name, domain name, and password by using SSPI functions.
' Module Name:  SSPLogon.bas
Option Explicit

Private Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY = &H8


Private Const SECBUFFER_TOKEN = &H2



Private Const SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED = &H90312
Private Const SEC_I_COMPLETE_NEEDED = &H90313

Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = &H2

Type SecPkgInfo
   fCapabilities As Long
   wVersion As Integer
   wRPCID As Integer
   cbMaxToken As Long
   Name As Long
   Comment As Long
End Type

Type SecHandle
    dwLower As Long
    dwUpper As Long
End Type

   fInitialized As Boolean
   fHaveCredHandle As Boolean
   fHaveCtxtHandle As Boolean
   hcred As SecHandle
   hctxt As SecHandle
End Type

   User As String
   UserLength As Long
   Domain As String
   DomainLength As Long
   Password As String
   PasswordLength As Long
   Flags As Long
End Type

Type TimeStamp
   LowPart As Long
   HighPart As Long
End Type

Type SecBuffer
   cbBuffer As Long
   BufferType As Long
   pvBuffer As Long
End Type

Type SecBufferDesc
   ulVersion As Long
   cBuffers As Long
   pBuffers As Long
End Type

   dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
   dwMajorVersion As Long
   dwMinorVersion As Long
   dwBuildNumber As Long
   dwPlatformId As Long
   szCSDVersion As String * 128
End Type

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
      (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function NT4QuerySecurityPackageInfo Lib "security" _
      Alias "QuerySecurityPackageInfoA" (ByVal PackageName As String, _
      ByRef pPackageInfo As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function QuerySecurityPackageInfo Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "QuerySecurityPackageInfoA" (ByVal PackageName As String, _
      ByRef pPackageInfo As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4FreeContextBuffer Lib "security" _
      Alias "FreeContextBuffer" (ByVal pvContextBuffer As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FreeContextBuffer Lib "secur32" _
      (ByVal pvContextBuffer As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4InitializeSecurityContext Lib "security" _
      Alias "InitializeSecurityContextA" _
      (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef phContext As SecHandle, _
      ByVal pszTargetName As Long, ByVal fContextReq As Long, _
      ByVal Reserved1 As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, ByVal Reserved2 As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function InitializeSecurityContext Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "InitializeSecurityContextA" _
      (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef phContext As SecHandle, _
      ByVal pszTargetName As Long, ByVal fContextReq As Long, _
      ByVal Reserved1 As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, ByVal Reserved2 As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4InitializeSecurityContext2 Lib "security" _
      Alias "InitializeSecurityContextA" _
      (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByVal phContext As Long, _
      ByVal pszTargetName As Long, ByVal fContextReq As Long, _
      ByVal Reserved1 As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByVal pInput As Long, ByVal Reserved2 As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function InitializeSecurityContext2 Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "InitializeSecurityContextA" _
      (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByVal phContext As Long, _
      ByVal pszTargetName As Long, ByVal fContextReq As Long, _
      ByVal Reserved1 As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByVal pInput As Long, ByVal Reserved2 As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4AcquireCredentialsHandle Lib "security" _
      Alias "AcquireCredentialsHandleA" (ByVal pszPrincipal As Long, _
      ByVal pszPackage As String, ByVal fCredentialUse As Long, _
      ByVal pvLogonId As Long, _
      ByRef pAuthData As SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY, _
      ByVal pGetKeyFn As Long, ByVal pvGetKeyArgument As Long, _
      ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) _
      As Long
Private Declare Function AcquireCredentialsHandle Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "AcquireCredentialsHandleA" (ByVal pszPrincipal As Long, _
      ByVal pszPackage As String, ByVal fCredentialUse As Long, _
      ByVal pvLogonId As Long, _
      ByRef pAuthData As SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY, _
      ByVal pGetKeyFn As Long, ByVal pvGetKeyArgument As Long, _
      ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) _
      As Long
Private Declare Function NT4AcquireCredentialsHandle2 Lib "security" _
      Alias "AcquireCredentialsHandleA" (ByVal pszPrincipal As Long, _
      ByVal pszPackage As String, ByVal fCredentialUse As Long, _
      ByVal pvLogonId As Long, ByVal pAuthData As Long, _
      ByVal pGetKeyFn As Long, ByVal pvGetKeyArgument As Long, _
      ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) _
      As Long
Private Declare Function AcquireCredentialsHandle2 Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "AcquireCredentialsHandleA" (ByVal pszPrincipal As Long, _
      ByVal pszPackage As String, ByVal fCredentialUse As Long, _
      ByVal pvLogonId As Long, ByVal pAuthData As Long, _
      ByVal pGetKeyFn As Long, ByVal pvGetKeyArgument As Long, _
      ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) _
      As Long
Private Declare Function NT4AcceptSecurityContext Lib "security" _
      Alias "AcceptSecurityContext" (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, _
      ByRef phContext As SecHandle, ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByVal fContextReq As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function AcceptSecurityContext Lib "secur32" _
      (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, _
      ByRef phContext As SecHandle, ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByVal fContextReq As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4AcceptSecurityContext2 Lib "security" _
      Alias "AcceptSecurityContext" (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, _
      ByVal phContext As Long, ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByVal fContextReq As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function AcceptSecurityContext2 Lib "secur32" _
      Alias "AcceptSecurityContext" (ByRef phCredential As SecHandle, _
      ByVal phContext As Long, ByRef pInput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByVal fContextReq As Long, ByVal TargetDataRep As Long, _
      ByRef phNewContext As SecHandle, ByRef pOutput As SecBufferDesc, _
      ByRef pfContextAttr As Long, ByRef ptsExpiry As TimeStamp) As Long

Private Declare Function NT4CompleteAuthToken Lib "security" _
      Alias "CompleteAuthToken" (ByRef phContext As SecHandle, _
      ByRef pToken As SecBufferDesc) As Long
Private Declare Function CompleteAuthToken Lib "secur32" _
      (ByRef phContext As SecHandle, _
      ByRef pToken As SecBufferDesc) As Long
Private Declare Function NT4DeleteSecurityContext Lib "security" _
      Alias "DeleteSecurityContext" (ByRef phContext As SecHandle) _
      As Long

Private Declare Function DeleteSecurityContext Lib "secur32" _
      (ByRef phContext As SecHandle) _
      As Long

Private Declare Function NT4FreeCredentialsHandle Lib "security" _
      Alias "FreeCredentialsHandle" (ByRef phContext As SecHandle) _
      As Long

Private Declare Function FreeCredentialsHandle Lib "secur32" _
      (ByRef phContext As SecHandle) _
      As Long

Private Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" _
      (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
      ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHeap As Long, _
      ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMem As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetVersionExA Lib "kernel32" _
   (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Integer
Dim g_NT4 As Boolean
Private Function GenClientContext(ByRef AuthSeq As AUTH_SEQ, _
      ByRef AuthIdentity As SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY, _
      ByVal pIn As Long, ByVal cbIn As Long, _
      ByVal pOut As Long, ByRef cbOut As Long, _
      ByRef fDone As Boolean) As Boolean
   Dim ss As Long
   Dim tsExpiry As TimeStamp
   Dim sbdOut As SecBufferDesc
   Dim sbOut As SecBuffer
   Dim sbdIn As SecBufferDesc
   Dim sbIn As SecBuffer
   Dim fContextAttr As Long

   GenClientContext = False
   If Not AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4AcquireCredentialsHandle(0&, "NTLM", _
               SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, 0&, AuthIdentity, 0&, 0&, _
               AuthSeq.hcred, tsExpiry)
         ss = AcquireCredentialsHandle(0&, "NTLM", _
               SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, 0&, AuthIdentity, 0&, 0&, _
               AuthSeq.hcred, tsExpiry)
      End If
      If ss < 0 Then
         Exit Function
      End If

      AuthSeq.fHaveCredHandle = True
   End If

   ' Prepare output buffer
   sbdOut.ulVersion = 0
   sbdOut.cBuffers = 1
   sbdOut.pBuffers = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
   sbOut.cbBuffer = cbOut
   sbOut.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN
   sbOut.pvBuffer = pOut
   CopyMemory ByVal sbdOut.pBuffers, sbOut, Len(sbOut)

   ' Prepare input buffer
   If AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      sbdIn.ulVersion = 0
      sbdIn.cBuffers = 1
      sbdIn.pBuffers = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
      sbIn.cbBuffer = cbIn
      sbIn.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN
      sbIn.pvBuffer = pIn
      CopyMemory ByVal sbdIn.pBuffers, sbIn, Len(sbIn)
   End If

   If AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4InitializeSecurityContext(AuthSeq.hcred, _
               AuthSeq.hctxt, 0&, 0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, sbdIn, _
               0, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
         ss = InitializeSecurityContext(AuthSeq.hcred, _
               AuthSeq.hctxt, 0&, 0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, sbdIn, _
               0, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
      End If
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4InitializeSecurityContext2(AuthSeq.hcred, 0&, 0&, _
               0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, 0&, 0, AuthSeq.hctxt, _
               sbdOut, fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
         ss = InitializeSecurityContext2(AuthSeq.hcred, 0&, 0&, _
               0, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, 0&, 0, AuthSeq.hctxt, _
               sbdOut, fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
      End If
   End If
   If ss < 0 Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   AuthSeq.fHaveCtxtHandle = True

   ' If necessary, complete token

      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4CompleteAuthToken(AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut)
         ss = CompleteAuthToken(AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut)
      End If
      If ss < 0 Then
         GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
      End If
   End If

   CopyMemory sbOut, ByVal sbdOut.pBuffers, Len(sbOut)
   cbOut = sbOut.cbBuffer

   If Not AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      AuthSeq.fInitialized = True
   End If

   fDone = Not (ss = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED _

   GenClientContext = True

   If sbdOut.pBuffers <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, sbdOut.pBuffers
   End If
   If sbdIn.pBuffers <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, sbdIn.pBuffers
   End If
End Function

Private Function GenServerContext(ByRef AuthSeq As AUTH_SEQ, _
      ByVal pIn As Long, ByVal cbIn As Long, _
      ByVal pOut As Long, ByRef cbOut As Long, _
      ByRef fDone As Boolean) As Boolean
   Dim ss As Long
   Dim tsExpiry As TimeStamp
   Dim sbdOut As SecBufferDesc
   Dim sbOut As SecBuffer
   Dim sbdIn As SecBufferDesc
   Dim sbIn As SecBuffer
   Dim fContextAttr As Long
   GenServerContext = False

   If Not AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4AcquireCredentialsHandle2(0&, "NTLM", _
               SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, AuthSeq.hcred, _
         ss = AcquireCredentialsHandle2(0&, "NTLM", _
               SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, AuthSeq.hcred, _
      End If
      If ss < 0 Then
         Exit Function
      End If

      AuthSeq.fHaveCredHandle = True
   End If

   ' Prepare output buffer
   sbdOut.ulVersion = 0
   sbdOut.cBuffers = 1
   sbdOut.pBuffers = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
   sbOut.cbBuffer = cbOut
   sbOut.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN
   sbOut.pvBuffer = pOut
   CopyMemory ByVal sbdOut.pBuffers, sbOut, Len(sbOut)

   ' Prepare input buffer
   sbdIn.ulVersion = 0
   sbdIn.cBuffers = 1
   sbdIn.pBuffers = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
   sbIn.cbBuffer = cbIn
   sbIn.BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN
   sbIn.pvBuffer = pIn
   CopyMemory ByVal sbdIn.pBuffers, sbIn, Len(sbIn)
   If AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4AcceptSecurityContext(AuthSeq.hcred, AuthSeq.hctxt, _
               sbdIn, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, _
               fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
         ss = AcceptSecurityContext(AuthSeq.hcred, AuthSeq.hctxt, _
               sbdIn, 0, SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, _
               fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
      End If
      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4AcceptSecurityContext2(AuthSeq.hcred, 0&, sbdIn, 0, _
               SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, _
               fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
         ss = AcceptSecurityContext2(AuthSeq.hcred, 0&, sbdIn, 0, _
               SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP, AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut, _
               fContextAttr, tsExpiry)
      End If
   End If

   If ss < 0 Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   AuthSeq.fHaveCtxtHandle = True

   ' If necessary, complete token

      If g_NT4 Then
         ss = NT4CompleteAuthToken(AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut)
         ss = CompleteAuthToken(AuthSeq.hctxt, sbdOut)
      End If
      If ss < 0 Then
         GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
      End If
   End If

   CopyMemory sbOut, ByVal sbdOut.pBuffers, Len(sbOut)
   cbOut = sbOut.cbBuffer
   If Not AuthSeq.fInitialized Then
      AuthSeq.fInitialized = True
   End If

   fDone = Not (ss = SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED _

   GenServerContext = True

   If sbdOut.pBuffers <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, sbdOut.pBuffers
   End If
   If sbdIn.pBuffers <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, sbdIn.pBuffers
   End If
End Function

Public Function SSPValidateUser(User As String, Domain As String, _
      Password As String) As Boolean

   Dim pSPI As Long
   Dim SPI As SecPkgInfo
   Dim cbMaxToken As Long
   Dim pClientBuf As Long
   Dim pServerBuf As Long
   Dim asClient As AUTH_SEQ
   Dim asServer As AUTH_SEQ
   Dim cbIn As Long
   Dim cbOut As Long
   Dim fDone As Boolean

   Dim osinfo As OSVERSIONINFO
   SSPValidateUser = False
   ' Determine if system is Windows NT (version 4.0 or earlier)
   osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osinfo)
   osinfo.szCSDVersion = Space$(128)
   GetVersionExA osinfo
   g_NT4 = (osinfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT And _
         osinfo.dwMajorVersion <= 4)

   ' Get max token size
   If g_NT4 Then
      NT4QuerySecurityPackageInfo "NTLM", pSPI
      QuerySecurityPackageInfo "NTLM", pSPI
   End If
   CopyMemory SPI, ByVal pSPI, Len(SPI)
   cbMaxToken = SPI.cbMaxToken
   If g_NT4 Then
      NT4FreeContextBuffer pSPI
      FreeContextBuffer pSPI
   End If

   ' Allocate buffers for client and server messages
   pClientBuf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
   If pClientBuf = 0 Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If
   pServerBuf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, _
   If pServerBuf = 0 Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   ' Initialize auth identity structure
   ai.Domain = Domain
   ai.DomainLength = Len(Domain)
   ai.User = User
   ai.UserLength = Len(User)
   ai.Password = Password
   ai.PasswordLength = Len(Password)

   ' Prepare client message (negotiate) .
   cbOut = cbMaxToken
   If Not GenClientContext(asClient, ai, 0, 0, pClientBuf, cbOut, _
         fDone) Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   ' Prepare server message (challenge) .
   cbIn = cbOut
   cbOut = cbMaxToken
   If Not GenServerContext(asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, _
         cbOut, fDone) Then
      ' Most likely failure: AcceptServerContext fails with
      ' SEC_E_LOGON_DENIED in the case of bad szUser or szPassword.
      ' Unexpected Result: Logon will succeed if you pass in a bad
      ' szUser and the guest account is enabled in the specified domain.
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   ' Prepare client message (authenticate) .
   cbIn = cbOut
   cbOut = cbMaxToken
   If Not GenClientContext(asClient, ai, pServerBuf, cbIn, pClientBuf, _
         cbOut, fDone) Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   ' Prepare server message (authentication) .
   cbIn = cbOut
   cbOut = cbMaxToken
   If Not GenServerContext(asServer, pClientBuf, cbIn, pServerBuf, _
         cbOut, fDone) Then
      GoTo FreeResourcesAndExit
   End If

   SSPValidateUser = True


   ' Clean up resources
   If asClient.fHaveCtxtHandle Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         NT4DeleteSecurityContext asClient.hctxt
         DeleteSecurityContext asClient.hctxt
      End If
   End If

   If asClient.fHaveCredHandle Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         NT4FreeCredentialsHandle asClient.hcred
         FreeCredentialsHandle asClient.hcred
      End If
   End If

   If asServer.fHaveCtxtHandle Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         NT4DeleteSecurityContext asServer.hctxt
         DeleteSecurityContext asServer.hctxt
      End If
   End If

   If asServer.fHaveCredHandle Then
      If g_NT4 Then
         NT4FreeCredentialsHandle asServer.hcred
         FreeCredentialsHandle asServer.hcred
      End If
   End If

   If pClientBuf <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pClientBuf
   End If
   If pServerBuf <> 0 Then
      HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pServerBuf
   End If

End Function


The following Microsoft Knowledge Base article includes sample C code for SSPI credential validation:

180548 How to validate user credentials on Microsoft operating systems

The following book provides a detailed explanation of SSPI, as well as other security technologies within Windows 2000:

Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000
by Jeffrey Richter and Jason D. Clark
ISBN 0735607532
Microsoft Press
March 2000

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:7/22/2005
Keywords:kbAPI kbhowto kbKernBase kbSecurity KB279815