INF: How to Connect to Analysis Server 2000 By Using HTTP Connection (279489)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services

This article was previously published under Q279489


With Analysis Server, it is possible to make connections by using HTTP or even an HTTPS protocol. As Microsoft SQL Server Books Online documents, note the following:
  • HTTP connections work only with the Enterprise Edition of Analysis Services.
  • Internet Information Server (IIS) has to run on the computer where Analysis Services is running. Although IIS has to be running on the computer where Analysis Services is running, IIS does not need to be your hosting Web server. For example, you can connect to IIS that is running on computer A while Analysis Services runs on computer B. However, IIS also needs to be running on computer B.
  • The client must have the OLE DB Provider for OLAP version 8.0 installed. You can install the Analysis Services Client Components by running the Ptsfull.exe program on the client from the SQL Server 2000 CD.


You can use the steps that follow to set up HTTP connections to Analysis Services:
  1. On the Analysis Services computer, copy the Msolap.asp file from the Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin folder to either the Inetpub\Wwwroot folder or to a subfolder under Wwwroot.
  2. To make sure that Msolap.asp is installed and working properly, in the Address bar type the URL HTTP://AnalysisServerName/Msolap.asp and replace AnalysisServerName with the name of your server. Instead of the error message:
    "The page could not be displayed."
    or a similar error, you should see a blank page if everything is working properly.
  3. If you are having problems in step 2, try setting the appropriate authentication mechanisms by using Internet Services Manager (ISM). Set Msolap.asp to use anonymous, basic, or Microsoft Windows NT authentication as follows:
    1. Right-click the file, and then click Properties.
    2. Click the File Security tab, and then edit Anonymous Access and Authentication Control to make changes.
    3. Make sure that the appropriate access is provided to this file.
  4. To display another page with OLAP data, create an .htm or .asp page with the following connection string and copy it to the Inetpub\Wwwroot folder:
    Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=HTTP://AnalysisServerName;Initial Catalog=FoodMart 2000;
Another trouble shooting step is to use the MDX sample application that ships with Analysis Services and attempt to use the HTTP connection. To do this, add HTTP:// in front of the server name when connecting. For example:
If you are using Basic Authentication you have to add PROMPT=1 to the server name line to pass a Username and Password. This displays another dialog where there are fields for the Username and Password. For example:
If you are able to successfully connect and query by using the MDX sample application then IIS, Msolap.asp, Analysis Services and security is configured correctly to make HTTP connections work.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/22/2003
Keywords:kbinfo KB279489 kbAudDeveloper