When you configure a Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) database with a case-sensitive sort order on a Microsoft Windows 2000-based server, problems may occur when you attempt to assign security rights. When a new security instance is created in the SMS Administrator console, the user account that created this instance is given the appropriate class right permissions. However, the account is also added with an initial capital letter, and is set to "No Permissions."
Log on as domain\administrator, and then create a new collection. When you review the security rights for the collection after you successfully
create it, you see the following information:
Domain\administrator - Full Access (Read, Modify, Delete, Create, Administer, etc)
Domain\Administrator - No Permissions
After you quit and then restart the SMS Administrator console, only the collection that was previously created is displayed, while none of the SMS default collections are listed.
In addition, when you add a new user through the Security Rights node of the SMS Administrator console, regardless of which rights you copy, a new user receives the following rights:
Collections - No Permissions
Packages - No Permissions
Advertisements - No security context added
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Systems Management Server version 2.0. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
288239 SMS: How to Obtain the Latest Systems Management Server 2.0 Service Pack