How to Interpret FrontPage Author.log Files (278432)

The information in this article applies to:

  • FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions from Microsoft

This article was previously published under Q278432


The FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions contain a logging option that allows Web administrators to obtain detailed information about FrontPage authoring actions. This article describes the information that can be found in the log files that the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions create.


When FrontPage author logging is turned on, the FrontPage Server Extensions create a log file to record all authoring operations. The log file is named Author.log in the _vti_log directory of a Web site. You can use this logging information to track authoring operations on a server, to troubleshoot authoring problems, and to track possible malicious authoring behavior.

A FrontPage 2000 Author.log file can resemble the following example. Descriptions of the data found in this log file can be found in the Log File Entries section of this article.

[01 Jan 2000 15:35:34 -0600] IUSR_SERVERNAME - [server version] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:35 -0600] DOMAIN\username / [open service] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:35 -0600] DOMAIN\username / [list documents] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:37 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [open service] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:37 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [list documents] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:38 -0600] IUSR_SERVERNAME - [url to web url] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:38 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [open service] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:39 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [list documents] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:42 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [set service meta-info] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:42 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [list themes] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:43 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [list documents] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:45 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [get document] default.htm
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:46 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [list documents] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:46 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [get document] _borders/top.htm
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:46 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [get web struct] -
[01 Jan 2000 15:35:48 -0600] DOMAIN\username /subweb [put document] default.htm

The following table lists the information that is found in each of the columns in an Author.log file.
Date/TimeThe current date, time, and GMT offset for the log entry
Remote HostThe IP address of the client
User NameThe network user name of the authoring client
Web NameThe name of the FrontPage Web that is being authored
Operation PerformedThe FrontPage RPC Method that is being performed
Operation DataAny additional data that is sent for the RPC Method

The following table lists the FrontPage 2000 RPC methods that are available. These methods are listed in the "Operation Performed" column of an Author.log file. See the Log File Entries section of this article for more information.

Note This list of methods and their accompanying descriptions is from the "Server Extensions Client/Server Protocol" documentation. See the References section for more information.
add document to source controlAdds a file, document_name, to a source control database.
apply borderDesignates the top, bottom, left side, or right side of a page as reserved. Regular margins are adjusted, so that the designated border space is not used for normal page development.
apply stylesheetIn the client, links a cascading style sheet to a page or to an entire Web. This method is used when you apply a style sheet as a link, and no pages are open.
apply themeAfter a user selects a theme, the client sends an applyTheme method to the server extensions. This method tells the server extensions which theme to apply to the named service.
browser recalcObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
change passwordDeletes an existing user password and creates a new password. Only used with UNIX-based Web servers.
checkin documentReturns a file to source control.
checkout documentEnables the currently authenticated user to make changes to a document under source control.
create serviceCreates a Web (service) with the name service_name.
create url directoryCreates a folder for the current Web. Only used for backward compatibility.
create url dirsWhen a service is created, the client creates a set of standard directories (folders). This parameter sets the meta info for these directories and any other directories made at the same time.
get botAdds a custom FrontPage bot (component) to a page in the service_name Web.
get database schemaThere are two possible outcomes of this method, determined by the flags setting. If flags is set to 1, the method verifies a database connection. If flags is set to 0, it returns schema information (table names and types, field names and types) for all objects in a database.
get docs metainfoProvides the meta info for the files in the current Web.
get documentRetrieves a document for viewing in a client.
get documentsRetrieves a document for viewing in a server extensions client.
get query schemaThere are two possible outcomes of this method, determined by the flags setting. If flags is set to 0, it returns the database schema information (field name and types) for results of a SQL query. If flags is set to 1, the method verifies that the SQL statement contains syntax that is valid for the data connection.
get record source schemaRequests the schema information for the record sources (field names and types) for the given Table or View. Returns the parameters for each field in a record in the recordsrc_schema value of the return code.
get service access controlObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
get themeDownloads a customized theme from the server. It is only called to retrieve a standard theme that has been altered and renamed.
get web structureProvides the meta info and internal element identification information (EID) of the pages that make up the navigational structure of the service_name Web.
get web structure by urlProvides the meta info and internal element identification information (EID) of the pages that start with the specified URL in the service_name Web.
list accessObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
list data sourcesRequests the data source names (DSNs) and associated drivers in use on the server for database connectivity.
list documentsProvides a list of the files, folders, and subwebs, complete with meta info, for each file contained in initialUrl of the Web (service_name).
list domainsReturns a list of the known Windows NT domains that have access to the service_name Web. If the server is on a UNIX system, no domain information is returned.
list driversRequests a list of the available open database connectivity (ODBC) drivers and their attributes, as configured on the server.
list groupsRequests the names of the groups known to the server in the named domain, and with the realm_type specified.
list interpretersStrictly internal method; no documentation available at this time.
list librariesStrictly internal method; no documentation available at this time.
list record sourcesSends the server the appropriate connection string for the database server and returns a list of the table names and types defined in the database named in the connect_str parameter.
list servicesLists the Webs (services) stored on the Web server.
list special accessReturns the access list for the service_name Web. The access list contains the permission settings for users and groups for each access level (administrators, authors, and end users).
list themesReturns a list of the themes applied to the selected Web.
list url directoriesActs only in conjunction with FrontPage version 1.1, and is included here for backward compatibility.
list usersLists the users in the domain(s) found with the listDomains method.
mark url directory executableSends the server one of the following directory permission settings: Executable, Scriptable, or Readable. Executable: Programs can be run in the directory. Scriptable: Scripts can be run in the directory. Readable - Users can browse the files in the directory.
modify access setupChanges the permission settings for a Web to those specified in the access_setup parameter. Permission in this context means who can author, who can administer, and who can browse the Web. Use this method to add or remove authors, administrators, and end-users for the service_name Web.
move documentChanges the name of the selected document (file) to the new name provided by the user.
open serviceProvides a Web's meta info to the client.
put documentWrites a file to a directory in an existing Web (service).
put documentsWrites files to a directory in an existing Web (service).
put nav text overlaysAssigns text labels to the navigation bar.
put themeUploads a theme to a Web.
put web structSends changes to the Web (service) navigation structure to the Web server.
query access setupNotifies the server to prepare an access list for the service_name list. Sent prior to a listSpecialAccess method.
recalc controlThe setting of the recalc_op parameter instructs the server extensions to recalculate or not recalculate links, bots, and other dependencies in the Web. This control also can turn on and off automatic recalculation, text indexing, and the like for individual file uploads.
recalc pagesObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
remove documentsDeletes the specified documents or folders from the service_name Web.
remove linksObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
remove serviceDeletes the service named by service_name.
remove url directoryObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
rename serviceSends the new name to the server if a user uses Save As (on the File menu) to change the name of a Web.
rename urlIn the pages in urlList, changes the hyperlinks to oldURL into hyperlinks to newUrl.
replace web structUsed when publishing a Web to set Web structure for a published Web.
restart serverObsolete method that may be used with O'Reilly Web site servers.
server versionRequests the version of the server extensions in use on the Web server.
set docs metainfoThe setDocsMetaInfo method provides the server with the standard meta info about the designated file. This method is sent whenever you change or view the properties of a page.
set document metainfoProvides backward compatibility with FrontPage 98 clients.
set service access controlObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
set service metainfoProvides a way to add or change meta-key values on the server for the service_name Web. A new meta-key value for an existing key overwrites the old value.
set source controlTurns on and off source control for the service_name Web.
table add rowAdds a row to a table.
table change rowSends a change in the task status table to the server extensions. This method is only used with the Tasks report table in FrontPage.
table remove rowRemoves a row in the task status table kept by the server extensions. This method is only used with the Tasks report table in FrontPage.
uncheckout documentUndoes a checkout of a file from a source control database. If the file was changed after it was checked out, this method causes those changes to be lost.
update accessObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
update groupObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier. Adds or removes users from the group_name group.
update group listObsolete method used only for server extensions for FrontPage 98 and earlier.
update special accessAdds to or removes from the list of those who are allowed access to the service_name Web. You can make changes either by user name or by IP address.
update user listSupplies names to add to or remove from the user list for the service_name Web.
url to web urlGiven a file URL, it returns the URL of the Web site where the file belongs, and the subweb, if applicable.
verify userDetermines if the user has the appropriate access level to perform the action currently pending.


For more information, locate the following Microsoft Web sites.

FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Source Kit: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Documentation for Microsoft FrontPage 2000:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/20/2003
Keywords:kbinfo KB278432