How to set up unattended installation scripts in SMS (273734)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0

This article was previously published under Q273734


This article describes how to set up Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) by using unattended installation scripts. Unattended installation scripts can be used to install a primary site, a secondary site, or an SMS Administrator console.


Before you perform an unattended SMS installation, confirm that the servers that will be in a site server role or ina database server role are running the recommended versions of Microsoft Windows. We also recommend that you apply the latest service packs and security updates to these systems before SMS installation. For a primary site, Microsoft SQL Server is required. For SMS 2.0, SQL can be installed before SMS installation or with SMS during unattended setup. SMS 2003 requires that you preinstall SQL Server. See your SQL Server documentation for more information.

To perform an unattended SMS installation, follow these steps:
  1. Create a user account that will act as the SMS service account. Name the account SMSService or SMSAdmin. (This account is not required if you will use Advanced security in SMS 2003.) Give the account the Log on as a service user right, and then make the account a member of the Domain Administrators group.
  2. Create an initialization (.ini) file that contains text that is similar to the examples that are mentioned later in this article. The file name is not significant. (Some typical file name examples include SMSUnattend.ini, Unattend.ini, SMSSetup.ini, and Setup.ini.) Make sure that you customize the variables with your unique data.
  3. At a command prompt or from a batch file, run the SMS Setup program by using the /script parameter. Specify the path of the initialization file that you created. SMS Setup.exe is located in the SMSSetup\Bin\I386 folder on the SMS CD-ROM. For example, type:

    SETUP /script C:\temp\SMSUnattend.ini

  4. If unattended setup is unsuccessful, review the C:\SMSSetup.log file for possible causes.

Creating an SMS Setup initialization (.ini) file to use during an unattended setup

Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to create an initialization file. For example, create a file that is named SMSUnattend.ini. Specify this file by using the /script parameter when you run the SMS Setup program at a command prompt. This file supplies the same kind of information that the SMS Setup Wizard prompts for, except that there are no default settings. You must specify all values for the setup keys that apply to the type of installation that you are using. The order of the keys in the sections and the order of sections in the fileare not important. Also, the keys and the data are not case-sensitive.

Caution All accounts and passwords are in clear text in the initialization file. You must restrict unauthorized access by manually setting the permissions on this file after you have created it.

Each of the setup keys in an SMS Setup initialization file and their corresponding values are described in this article. Each key description specifies the type of installation that requires that key:

. Primary - Primary site installations.
. Secondary - Secondary site installations.
. Primary and secondary - Both primary and secondary site installations.
. All - All installations.

[Identification] section:

Action= One of the following:
  • InstallAdminUI: Installs only the SMS Administrator console.
  • InstallPrimarySite: Installs a primary site.
  • InstallSecondarySite: Installs a secondary site.

[Options] Section:

AddressType= Specifies that one of the following types of addresses is to be used as the default address to the secondary site from its parent site:
  • MS_ASYNC_RAS: For Remote Access Service communication over an asynchronous line.
  • MS_ISDN_RAS: For Remote Access Service communication over an ISDN line.
  • MS_LAN: For communication over a local area network (LAN) and over a wide area network (WAN) when routers connect multiple LANs. (This configuration is called Standard Sender in the SMS Setup Wizard.)
  • MS_SNA_RAS: For Remote Access Service communication over a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) link.
  • MS_X25_RAS: For Remote Access Service communication over an X.25 line.


FullName= The name of a person to whom this product will be registered. (This is the same as the Name field on the Product Registration page of the SMS Setup Wizard.)

InstallSQLServer= 1 to install SQL Server, 0 not to. (This setting is for SMS 2.0 only.)

LanUser= The account name for the Standard Sender account to be used at this site.

LanUserPassword= The password for the account specified for LanUser.

NetworkEnvironments= Specifies one or more of the following types of network environment support to install, in a comma-separated list (no spaces). (This setting is for SMS 2.0 only.)
  • NetWare
  • Banyan
  • AppleTalk
Primary and secondary

NumberOfAdminUI= Specifies the maximum number of SMS Administrator consoles that the site can have running simultaneously. A typical setting is 5.

NumOfClients= Specifies the maximum number of clients that the site can simultaneously support.
Primary and secondary

OptionalUnits= Specifies one or more of the following SMS components, in a comma-separated list (no spaces).

The following components apply to both SMS 2.0 and SMS 2003:
  • Admin UI: SMS Administrator Console
  • Remote Control: (This is called Remote Tools in the SMS Setup Wizard.) Allows the administrator to control remote computers over the network. The remote computer's desktop is displayed on your screen. You can run programs or examine logs on the remote computer. You can restart the remote computer.
Primary and secondary

The following components apply to SMS 2.0 only:
  • Crystal Info: (This is called Crystal Reports in the SMS 2.0 Setup wizard.) With automated report generation tools, services, and a scheduler, you can view, modify, and schedule reports in the SMS Administrator console.
  • Crystal Info UI: This is the Crystal Reports user interface.
  • Installer: (This is called SMS Installer in the SMS 2.0Setup Wizard.) A tool to create installation (Setup) programs. Installation programs that are created by SMS Installer can be distributed by SMS. This feature makes it easy to distribute custom applications or custom installations. SMS Installer combines the power of advanced installation scripting with the ease of snapshot installation techniques.
  • License Metering: (This is called Software Metering in the SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard.) Software metering services and files. Software metering keeps track of application usage and license allocation. The software metering services are supported only on the Intel platform. The software metering clients are supported on both Intel and Alpha platforms.
  • License Metering UI: (This is called Software Metering Console in the SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard.) This is the software metering user interface.
  • Network Monitor: A network analyzer that detects and troubleshoots network problems. Network Monitor can capture, display, and filter frames. Network Monitor can also edit captured frames and transmit them on the network.
  • NWbind: (This is called NetWare Bindery Support in the SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard.)This feature lets SMS work with servers and clients in the NetWare Bindery environment.
  • NWNDS: (This is called NetWare NDS Support in the SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard.)This feature lets SMS work with servers and clients in the NetWare NDS environment.
  • Scripts: (This is called Package Automation Scripts in the SMS Setup Wizard.) Ready-made scripts automate the installation and configuration of many popular software programs.
  • Y2K: (This called Product Compliance Database in the SMS 2.0 Setup Wizard.) This is a Product Compliance database, and the tools to maintain and to manage the database.
Primary and secondary

OrgName= The organization name under which this product will be registered. (This is the same as the Organization field on the Product Registration page of the SMS Setup Wizard).

ParentSiteCode= Specifies the site code of the site that will be the new secondary site's parent site.

ParentSiteServer= Specifies the network name of the site server of the new secondary site's parent site.

ProductID= Depending upon the SMS version, the 10-digit CD key or the 25-digit Product ID from the product packaging.

RasUser= (if installing a RAS Sender) The account name for the RAS Sender account to be used at this site.

RasUserDomain= (if installing a RAS Sender) The domain in which the RasUser account was created.

RasUserPassword= (if installing a RAS Sender) The password for the account specified for RasUser.

RasPhoneBook= (if installing a RAS Sender) A RAS phone book name for the RAS Sender to use.

SDKServer= Specifies a server where the SMS Provider will be installed.

ServerPlatforms= (SMS 2.0 only) Specifies site-system support for one or more of the following CPU architectures, in a comma-separated list (no spaces):
. x86: Any Intel CPU.
. Alpha: Any Compaq or Digital Alpha CPU.
Primary and secondary

SecurityMode= (SMS 2003 only) Specifies the security mode:
. Advanced: This mode relies on using the local system context to run services and the computer accounts to communicate between servers. With advanced security, the user accounts are not applicable.
. Standard: On the site server, SMS services run under a user-specified service account.

ServiceAccount= Specifies a user account to be used as the SMS Service account at this site.
Primary and secondary

ServiceAccountDomain= The domain in which the SMS Service account was created.
Primary and secondary

ServiceAccountPassword= The password for the SMS Service account.
Primary and secondary

SiteCode= Three characters that will be the new site's site code.
Primary and secondary

SiteDomain= The domain containing the site server.
Primary and secondary

SiteName= The new site's name (with a 50 character limit).
Primary and secondary

SMSInstallDir= A directory path where the SMS directory tree will be installed. For example, D:\SMS. The directory is created if it does not exist.
Primary and secondary

[SQLConfigOptions] section:

AutoConfigSqlConnections= 1 to automatically configure SQL Server connections, 0 to not automatically configure.

CreateSQLDevice= 1 to automatically create a SQL Server 6.5 site database device, 0 not to (meaning it exists or you will create it using SQL Server).

DatabaseDevice= A name for the SQL Server 6.5 site database device. (SQL Server 7.0 and later does not use devices.) For example, SMSdata.

LogDevice= A name for the SQL Server 6.5 site database log device. (SQL Server 7.0 and later does not use devices.) For example, SMSlog.

NumberOfSqlConnections= The number of simultaneous connections that your SMS site database can have. A recommended number is 75.

SQLLoginID= A SQL Server account for accessing the SMS site database. This account must already exist (SMS Setup does not create it) and have SQL Server system administrator (sa) permissions.

SQLLoginPassword= The password for the account specified for SQLLoginID.

SQLServerName= The name of the computer running the instance of SQL Server that contains the SMS site database for this site.

SQLServerVersion= The version of SQL Server that will contain the SMS site database. Additionally, the version of SQL Server that will be installed by SMS 2.0 Setup if 1 was specified for InstallSQLServer in the [Options] section.
. 6.5 (SMS 2.0 only)
. 7.0
. 2000

UseSQLIntegratedSecurity= 1 to have SMS use Windows authentication mode when accessing the SMS site database, 0 to not use it.

[SQLInstallOptions] section (SMS 2.0 only):

SAPassword= The password for the account specified by SQLLoginID (in the [SQLConfigOptions] section).

SQLDevicePath= A directory path where the SQL Server devices and files used by the site database will be installed. For example, D: \MSSQL\SMSdata. The directory is created if it does not exist.

SQLInstallDir= A directory path where SQL Server will be installed (if the instance of SQL Server containing the site database is on the site server). For example, C:\MSSQL. The directory is created if it does not exist.

[LicenseServer] section (SMS 2.0 only):
Note: The keys in this section are used only if License Metering is specified for the OptionalUnits key in the [Options] section.

CreateSQLDevice= (SQL 6.5 only) 1 to automatically create a SQL Server 6.5 software metering database device, 0 not to (meaning it exists or you will create it using SQL Server).

DatabaseDevice= (SQL 6.5 only) A name for the SQL Server 6.5 software metering database device. (SQL Server 7.0 and later does not use devices.) For example, LicData.

DatabaseName= A name for the software metering database. For example, LicDB_ABC. (LicDB_<sitecode> is recommended).

LogDevice= (SQL 6.5 only) A name for the SQL Server 6.5 software metering database log device. (SQL Server 7.0 and later does not use devices.) For example, LicLog.

SQLDevicePath= (SQL 6.5 only) A directory path where the SQL Server 6.5 software metering database device and log device will be created. For example, D:\MSSQL\SMSDATA.

SQLLoginID= A SQL Server account for accessing the SMS site database. This account must already exist (SMS Setup does not create it) and have SQL Server system administrator (sa) permissions.

SQLLoginPassword= The password for the account specified for the above SQLLoginID.

SQLServerName= The name of the computer running the instance of SQL Server containing the software metering database for this site.

SQLServerVersion= The version of SQL Server that will contain the software metering database.
. 6.5
. 7.0
. 2000

UseSQLIntegratedSecurity= 1 to have SMS use Windows authentication mode when accessing the software metering database, 0 to not use it.

The following is an example of an SMS 2.0 initialization file:


FullName=Sam Woodman
OptionalUnits=Installer,License Metering,Network Monitor




The following is an example of an SMS 2003 initialization file:


FullName=Sam Woodman
OptionalUnits=Remote Control


Note Before SMS 2003 can publish to the Active Directory directory service, the Active Directory schema must be extended. If the Active Directory schema must be extended during an unattended SMS 2003 installation, run the ExtADsch.exe utility within your script. The ExtADsch.exe utility is located in the SMSSETUP\BIN\i386 folder on the SMS 2003 CD-ROM.

For more information about extending the Active Directory schema for SMS 2003, see Chapter 10 - "Planning Your SMS Deployment and Configuration" and Chapter 15 - "Deploying and Configuring SMS Sites" in the SMS 2003 Concepts, Planning and Deployment Guide. For the most current version of the Concepts, Planning and Deployment Guide, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


For more information about SMS 2.0 unattended installations, see "Running an Unattended Setup" in Chapter 6 of the Systems Management Server 2.0 Administrators Guide . Appendix 6 also has useful information. To see the Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Resource Guide, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

For more information about SMS 2003 unattended installations, see "Running an Unattended Steup" in Chapter 15 of the Concepts, Planning and Deployment Guide. To see Chapter 15, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For additional information SMS 2003 unattended installations, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

843068 The SMS 2003 Setup program always creates the database and log files as Sms.db and Sms.log when you use the unattended installation method in SMS 2003

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/8/2005
Keywords:kbConfig kbinfo kbinterop kbSecurity kbServer kbsetup kbsmsUtil kbUpgrade KB273734