If you perform an incremental update on a partition of a cube that uses dimension members for partition data slicing and a SELECT statement is used in the filter for the incremental update, then the following ODBC error message may occur:
ODBC error: Syntax error or access violation;42000; Time: <current time>
Replace the SELECT statement in the incremental update filter statement.
For automation of incremental updates, the SELECT can be placed into a separate ActiveX task that runs the query and places the results into a string that then updates the
Filter property of the OLAP Data Transformation Services (DTS) Task.
For example, here is a code sample for an ActiveX task that takes the maximum Store_id of the Inventory fact table in the Foodmart database and creates a filter statement for a OLAP DTS Task named "Update Quarter 2":
' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Function Main()
dim oOLAPTask 'OLAP DTS Task
dim props 'Properties Collection for OLAP DTS Task
dim oServer 'SQL Server
dim oResult 'ResultSet
dim sMaxKey
dim sFilter
'Create a SQLDMO Server Object.
Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
'Open the connection to the server.
oServer.Connect "SQLServer", "sa"
'Select the Store_ID for the filter.
set oResult = oServer.Databases("Foodmart").ExecuteWithResults("Select Max(Store_ID) FROM Inventory_fact_1998 ")
'Retrieve the result.
sMaxKey = CStr(oResult.GetColumnLong(1,1))
'Build the New Filter
sFilter = "Inventory_fact_1998.store_id = " + sMaxKey + " "
'Find the OLAP Task.
set oOLAPTask = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Tasks("Update Quarter 2")
'Get the Properties Collection for the OLAP Task
Set props = oOLAPTask.Properties
'Set the new Filter Expression.
props("Filter").Value = sFilter
'Disconnect from the SQL Server.
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
NOTE: Make sure that you select the
Execute on main package thread in the
Workflow Properties Options tab for this task.
For more information about changing the filter of the OLAP DTS Task, search on the "Changing Properties of an OLAP Services Processing Task" topic in the OLAP DTS Task Addin documentation.
For more information about DTS and ActiveX Scripting, search on the "ActiveX Scripting in DTS" topic in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.