CompareBookmarks method in ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) compares two bookmarks, and then returns an indication of their relative values. When comparing two bookmarks the following error message may occur:
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
This article explains the reason for the error message and also describes how to prevent the error message from occurring.
When you open a
Recordset object in ADO, each of its records have a unique bookmark. To save the bookmark for the current record, assign the value of the
Recordset object's
Bookmark property to a
Variant variable. You can quickly return to that record at any time after moving to a different record, by setting the
Recordset object's
Bookmark property back to the value of that saved
Variant variable.
Because the data type of a bookmark is OLE DB provider-specific, ADO exposes them as
Variants. For example, SQL Server bookmarks are of type DBTYPE_R8 (Double). ADO therefore exposes these as
Variants with a subtype of Double.
When comparing bookmarks with the
CompareBookmarks method, ADO does not attempt any type of data type coercion. ADO passes the values to the OLE DB provider, which is where the comparison occurs. The error message described in the "Symptoms" section might occur with the
CompareBookmarks method if the bookmarks are stored in variables of type other than
To avoid unpredictable behavior, always retrieve the value of a
Recordset object's
Bookmark property into a
Variant variable. Do not store it in anything other than a
Variant. After retrieving the value from the
Bookmark property, do not coerce the bookmark value to other data types.
Steps to Reproduce the Behavior
The following Microsoft Visual Basic code example shows how to use the
CompareBookmarks method. In the code the bookmarks are deliberately stored in non-
Variant types. The comments in the code show where the error message might occur.
To use this example, you must have Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.x or higher installed, which you can download from the following Web address:
NOTE: This example is shown only to demonstrate the error message (not as an example of how to handle bookmarks with ADO) and uses SQL Server as the backend database.
Dim cn As New Connection, rs As New Recordset
Dim sSQL As String, iCounter As Integer
Dim varBookMark1 As Variant, varBookMark2 As Variant
Dim intBookMark As Integer, lngBookMark As Long
sSQL = "Create Table " & sTblName & " (PrimaryKey int identity CONSTRAINT pk_" & sTblName & " PRIMARY KEY)"
' Modify the connection string as required.
cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;UID=YourUser;PWD=YourPassword;Data Source=YourServer;Initial Catalog=YourDatabase;"
On Error Resume Next
cn.Execute "Drop Table " & sTblName
On Error GoTo 0
cn.Execute sSQL
rs.Open sTblName, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
For iCounter = 1 To 100
Next iCounter
intBookMark = rs.Bookmark
lngBookMark = rs.Bookmark
varBookMark1 = rs.Bookmark
varBookMark2 = rs.Bookmark
Debug.Print intBookMark, lngBookMark, varBookMark1, varBookMark2
Debug.Print TypeName(intBookMark), TypeName(lngBookMark), TypeName(varBookMark1), TypeName(varBookMark2)
' Next line works, because variant type is used.
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(varBookMark1, varBookMark2)
' Next two lines work, but the results are unpredictable because non-variant types are used.
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(lngBookMark, lngBookMark)
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(intBookMark, lngBookMark)
Debug.Print TypeName(intBookMark), TypeName(lngBookMark), TypeName(varBookMark1), TypeName(varBookMark2)
intBookMark = rs.Bookmark
lngBookMark = rs.Bookmark
varBookMark1 = intBookMark
varBookMark2 = lngBookMark
Debug.Print intBookMark, lngBookMark, varBookMark1, varBookMark2
Debug.Print TypeName(intBookMark), TypeName(lngBookMark), TypeName(varBookMark1), TypeName(varBookMark2)
' Next two lines work, because SQL Server's bookmark type is Double, but this is not recommended.
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(CDbl(intBookMark), CDbl(lngBookMark))
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(CDbl(varBookMark1), CDbl(varBookMark2))
' Next four lines fail with the error message.
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(intBookMark, lngBookMark)
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(lngBookMark, lngBookMark)
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(varBookMark1, varBookMark2)
Debug.Print rs.CompareBookmarks(CVar(varBookMark1), CVar(varBookMark2))
Debug.Print TypeName(intBookMark), TypeName(lngBookMark), TypeName(varBookMark1), TypeName(varBookMark2)
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing