To resolve this issue, use the appropriate method:
Before You Install Windows Media Player
Use either of the following methods:
- Do not click to select the Adaptec CD-Burning
Plug-in check box when you install Windows Media Player.
- Uninstall Ark Information Systems CD Kakumei Virtual or
Microtest Virtual CD before you install Windows Media Player 7.
After You Install Windows Media Player
To resolve this issue, use the appropriate method:
NOTE: After you perform the following steps, you cannot use the "Copy
to CD" feature in Windows Media Player. To restore this feature in Windows
Media Player, uninstall Ark Information Systems CD Kakumei Virtual or Microtest
Virtual CD, and then download and reinstall Windows Media Player from the
following Microsoft Web site:
Method 1
If Windows 2000 is installed on a FAT or FAT32 partition, restart
the computer with a startup disk in the floppy disk drive. At a command prompt,
delete the %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\Cdr4_2k.sys file, and then restart
your computer.
Method 2
Restart the computer with the Windows 2000 installation CD-ROM in
the CD-ROM drive. Choose
Repair a Windows 2000 installation,
and then choose
Recovery Console. In Recovery Console, delete the
%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\Cdr4_2k.sys file, and then restart your computer.
For additional information about Recovery Console,
click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
229716 Description of the Windows 2000 Recovery Console
The third-party products that are
discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of
Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the
performance or reliability of these products.