PRB: Microsoft Virtual Machine Generates DISPIDs on the Fly (268981)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft virtual machine

This article was previously published under Q268981


When you use the Auto-IDispatch feature of the Microsoft virtual machine for Java (Microsoft VM) to implement a Component Object Model (COM) object in Java, the Microsoft VM may dynamically generate DISPIDs on the fly and ignore any DISPIDs that are specified in a type library. In particular, the Microsoft VM dynamically generates DISPIDs for objects that are created in Java and passed to a COM method.

As a result, when users call a Java COM object from Microsoft Visual C++ or Microsoft Visual Basic, incorrect methods may be called or the calls may fail altogether.


To work around this problem, you can call the GetIDsOfNames function or implement a dual interface to call a COM object that is implemented in Java.

Call the GetIDsOfNames Function

Call the GetIDsOfNames function. For languages that do not automatically call GetIDsOfNames, such as Visual C++, you must call the function yourself. GetIDsOfNames queries the COM object for the DISPIDs for one or more method names. GetIDsOfNames takes the following parameters:

REFIID             riid       Must be IID_NULL
OLECHAR FAR* FAR*  rgszNames  Array of names to be mapped
unsigned int       cNames     Number of names to be mapped
LCID               lcid       Locale
DISPID FAR*        rgDispId   Caller allocated array of DISPIDs

The first parameter is an array of names to be mapped. The first name must be the name of a method; all other names are for parameters to the named method. The following sample code illustrates how to call GetIDsOfNames:
HRESULT hresult;
IDispatch FAR* pdisp = (IDispatch FAR*)NULL;
DISPID dispid;
OLECHAR FAR* szMember = "color";

// Code that sets a pointer to the dispatch (pdisp) is omitted.

hresult = pdisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL,&szMember,1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,&dispid);
After you have the DISPIDs, you can call IDispatch->Invoke to call a particular method. Invoke takes the following parameters:

DISPID             dispIdMember  DISPID of method to be called
REFIID             riid          Must be IID_NULL
LCID               lcid          Locale
WORD               wFlags        Flag that specifies the type of call
DISPPARAMS FAR*    pDispParams   Array of DISPPARAMs that contain
                                 parameters to method
VARIANT FAR*       pVarResult    Location for storage of return value
EXCEPINFO FAR*     pExcepInfo    Exception info structure or NULL
unsigned int FAR*  puArgErg      Index of error in param array

The sample code appears as follows:
int nArgErr;

Implement a Dual Interface

You can implement your COM object with a dual interface so that when you call an application, you bypass the Auto-IDispatch mechanism altogether. To do this, write an .idl file and compile it into a type library. Then, in the Microsoft Visual J++ project settings, click Use existing type library, and specify your typelib.


For support information about Visual J++ and the SDK for Java, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/14/2006
Keywords:kbJava kbprb KB268981