#define JET_errIndexInUse | -1051 | /* Index is in
use */ |
#define JET_errLinkNotSupported | -1052 | /* Link
support unavailable */ |
#define JET_errNullKeyDisallowed | -1053 | /* Null
keys are disallowed on index */ |
#define JET_errNotInTransaction | -1054 | /*
Operation must be within a transaction */ |
#define JET_wrnNoErrorInfo | 1055 | /* No extended
error information */ |
#define JET_wrnNoIdleActivity | 1058 | /* No idle
activity occurred */ |
#define JET_errTooManyActiveUsers | -1059 | /* Too
many active database users */ |
#define JET_errInvalidCountry | -1061 | /* Invalid
or unknown country code */ |
#define JET_errInvalidLanguageId | -1062 | /*
Invalid or unknown language id */ |
#define JET_errInvalidCodePage | -1063 | /* Invalid
or unknown code page */ |
#define JET_wrnNoWriteLock | 1067 | /* No write
lock at transaction level 0 */ |
#define JET_wrnColumnSetNull | 1068 | /* Column set
to NULL-value */ |
#define JET_errVersionStoreOutOfMemory | -1069 | /*
Version store out of memory */ |
JET_errCurrencyStackOutOfMemory | -1070 | /* UNUSED: lCSRPerfFUCB *
g_lCursorsMax exceeded (XJET only) */ |
#define JET_errCannotIndex | -1071 | /* Cannot
index escrow column or SLV column */ |
#define JET_errRecordNotDeleted | -1072 | /* Record
has not been deleted */ |
#define JET_errTooManyMempoolEntries | -1073 | /*
Too many mempool entries requested */ |
#define JET_errOutOfObjectIDs | -1074 | /* Out of
btree ObjectIDs (perform offline defrag to reclaim freed/unused ObjectIDs)
*/ |
JET_errRunningInOneInstanceMode | -1080 | /* Multi-instance call
with single-instance mode enabled */ |
JET_errRunningInMultiInstanceMode | -1081 | /* Single-instance call
with multi-instance mode enabled */ |
#define JET_errSystemParamsAlreadySet | -1082 | /*
Global system parameters have already been set */ |
#define JET_errSystemPathInUse | -1083 | /* System
path already used by another database instance */ |
#define JET_errLogFilePathInUse | -1084 | /* Log
file path already used by another database instance */ |
#define JET_errTempPathInUse | -1085 | /* Temp path
already used by another database instance */ |
#define JET_errInstanceNameInUse | -1086 | /*
Instance Name already in use */ |
#define JET_errInstanceUnavailable | -1090 | /*
This instance cannot be used because it encountered a fatal error */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseUnavailable | -1091 | /*
This database cannot be used because it encountered a fatal error */ |
#define JET_errOutOfSessions | -1101 | /* Out of
sessions */ |
#define JET_errWriteConflict | -1102 | /* Write
lock failed due to outstanding write lock */ |
#define JET_errTransTooDeep | -1103 | /*
Transactions nested too deeply */ |
#define JET_errInvalidSesid | -1104 | /* Invalid
session handle */ |
#define JET_errWriteConflictPrimaryIndex | | |
#define JET_errInTransaction | -1108 | /* Operation
not allowed within a transaction */ |
#define JET_errRollbackRequired | -1109 | /* Must
rollback current transaction -- cannot commit or begin a new one */ |
#define JET_errTransReadOnly | -1110 | /* Read-only
transaction tried to modify the database */ |
#define JET_errSessionWriteConflict | -1111 | /*
Attempt to replace the same record by two different cursors in the same session
*/ |
#define JET_errDatabaseDuplicate | -1201 | /*
Database already exists */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseInUse | -1202 | /* Database
in use */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseNotFound | -1203 | /* No
such database */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidName | -1204 | /*
Invalid database name */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidPages | -1205 | /*
Invalid number of pages */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseCorrupted | -1206 | /* Non
database file or corrupted db */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseLocked | -1207 | /* Database
exclusively locked */ |
#define JET_errCannotDisableVersioning | -1208 | /*
Cannot disable versioning for this database */ |
#define JET_errInvalidDatabaseVersion | -1209 | /*
Database engine is incompatible with database */ |
#define JET_errDatabase200Format | -1210 | /* The
database is in an older (200) format */ |
#define JET_errDatabase400Format | -1211 | /* The
database is in an older (400) format */ |
#define JET_errDatabase500Format | -1212 | /* The
database is in an older (500) format */ |
#define JET_errPageSizeMismatch | -1213 | /* The
database page size does not match the engine */ |
#define JET_errTooManyInstances | -1214 | /* Cannot
start any more database instances */ |
JET_errDatabaseSharingViolation | -1215 | /* A different database
instance is using this database */ |
JET_errAttachedDatabaseMismatch | -1216 | /* An outstanding
database attachment has been detected at the start or end of recovery, but
database is missing or does not match attachment info */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseInvalidPath | -1217 | /*
Specified path to database file is illegal */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseIdInUse | -1218 | /* A
database is being assigned an id already in use */ |
#define JET_errForceDetachNotAllowed | | |
#define JET_errCatalogCorrupted | -1220 | /*
Corruption detected in catalog */ |
#define JET_errPartiallyAttachedDB | -1221 | /*
Database is partially attached. Cannot complete attach operation */ |
#define JET_errDatabaseSignInUse | -1222 | /*
Database with same signature in use */ |
#define errSkippedDbHeaderUpdate | -1223 | /* some
db header weren't update because there were during detach */ |
#define JET_wrnTableEmpty | 1301 | /* Opened an
empty table */ |
#define JET_errTableLocked | -1302 | /* Table is
exclusively locked */ |
#define JET_errTableDuplicate | -1303 | /* Table
already exists */ |
#define JET_errTableInUse | -1304 | /* Table is in
use, cannot lock */ |
#define JET_errObjectNotFound | -1305 | /* No such
table or object */ |
#define JET_errDensityInvalid | -1307 | /* Bad
file/index density */ |
#define JET_errTableNotEmpty | -1308 | /* Table is
not empty */ |
#define JET_errInvalidTableId | -1310 | /* Invalid
table id */ |
#define JET_errTooManyOpenTables | -1311 | /*
Cannot open any more tables (cleanup already attempted) */ |
#define JET_errIllegalOperation | -1312 | /*
Operation not supported on table */ |
#define JET_errObjectDuplicate | -1314 | /* Table
or object name in use */ |
#define JET_errInvalidObject | -1316 | /* Object is
invalid for operation */ |
#define JET_errCannotDeleteTempTable | -1317 | /*
Use CloseTable instead of DeleteTable to delete temp table */ |
#define JET_errCannotDeleteSystemTable | -1318 | /*
Illegal attempt to delete a system table */ |
JET_errCannotDeleteTemplateTable | -1319 | /* Illegal attempt to
delete a template table */ |
#define errFCBTooManyOpen | -1320 | /* Cannot open
any more FCBs (cleanup not yet attempted) */ |
#define errFCBAboveThreshold | -1321 | /* Can only
allocate FCB above preferred threshold (cleanup not yet attempted) */ |
JET_errExclusiveTableLockRequired | | |
#define JET_errFixedDDL | -1323 | /* DDL operations
prohibited on this table */ |
#define JET_errFixedInheritedDDL | -1324 | /* On a
derived table, DDL operations are prohibited on inherited portion of DDL
*/ |
#define JET_errCannotNestDDL | -1325 | /* Nesting
of hierarchical DDL is not currently supported. */ |
#define JET_errDDLNotInheritable | -1326 | /* Tried
to inherit DDL from a table not marked as a template table. */ |
#define JET_wrnTableInUseBySystem | 1327 | /*
System cleanup has a cursor open on the table */ |
#define JET_errInvalidSettings | -1328 | /* System
parameters were set improperly */ |
JET_errClientRequestToStopJetService | -1329 | /* Client has
requested stop service */ |
JET_errCannotAddFixedVarColumnToDerivedTable | -1330 | /* Template
table was created with NoFixedVarColumnsInDerivedTables */ |
#define errFCBExists | -1331 | /* Tried to create
an FCB that already exists */ |
#define errFCBUnusable | -1332 | /* Placeholder to
mark an FCB that must be purged as unusable */ |
#define wrnCATNoMoreRecords | 1333 | /* Attempted
to navigate past the end of the catalog */ |
#define JET_errIndexCantBuild | -1401 | /* Index
build failed */ |
#define JET_errIndexHasPrimary | -1402 | /* Primary
index already defined */ |
#define JET_errIndexDuplicate | -1403 | /* Index is
already defined */ |
#define JET_errIndexNotFound | -1404 | /* No such
index */ |
#define JET_errIndexMustStay | -1405 | /* Cannot
delete clustered index */ |
#define JET_errIndexInvalidDef | -1406 | /* Illegal
index definition */ |
#define JET_errInvalidCreateIndex | -1409 | /*
Invalid create index description */ |
#define JET_errTooManyOpenIndexes | -1410 | /* Out
of index description blocks */ |
JET_errMultiValuedIndexViolation | -1411 | /* Non-unique
inter-record index keys generated for a multivalued index */ |
#define JET_errIndexBuildCorrupted | -1412 | /*
Failed to build a secondary index that properly reflects primary index */ |
#define JET_errPrimaryIndexCorrupted | -1413 | /*
Primary index is corrupt. The database must be defragmented */ |
#define JET_errSecondaryIndexCorrupted | -1414 | /*
Secondary index is corrupt. The database must be defragmented */ |
#define JET_wrnCorruptIndexDeleted | 1415 | /* Out
of date index removed */ |
#define JET_errInvalidIndexId | -1416 | /* Illegal
index id */ |
#define JET_errColumnLong | -1501 | /* Column value
is long */ |
#define JET_errColumnNoChunk | -1502 | /* No such
chunk in long value */ |
#define JET_errColumnDoesNotFit | -1503 | /* Field
will not fit in record */ |
#define JET_errNullInvalid | -1504 | /* Null not
valid */ |
#define JET_errColumnIndexed | -1505 | /* Column
indexed, cannot delete */ |
#define JET_errColumnTooBig | -1506 | /* Field
length is greater than maximum */ |
#define JET_errColumnNotFound | -1507 | /* No such
column */ |
#define JET_errColumnDuplicate | -1508 | /* Field
is already defined */ |
JET_errMultiValuedColumnMustBeTagged | -1509 | /* Attempted to
create a multi-valued column, but column was not Tagged */ |
#define JET_errColumnRedundant | -1510 | /* Second
auto increment or version column */ |
#define JET_errInvalidColumnType | -1511 | /*
Invalid column data type */ |
#define JET_wrnColumnMaxTruncated | 1512 | /* Max
length too big, truncated */ |
#define JET_errTaggedNotNULL | -1514 | /* No
non-NULL tagged columns */ |
#define JET_errNoCurrentIndex | -1515 | /* Invalid
w/o a current index */ |
#define JET_errKeyIsMade | -1516 | /* The key is
completely made */ |
#define JET_errBadColumnId | -1517 | /* Column Id
Incorrect */ |
#define JET_errBadItagSequence | -1518 | /* Bad
itagSequence for tagged column */ |
#define JET_errColumnInRelationship | -1519 | /*
Cannot delete, column participates in relationship */ |
#define JET_wrnCopyLongValue | 1520 | /* Single
instance column bursted */ |
#define JET_errCannotBeTagged | -1521 | /*
AutoIncrement and Version cannot be tagged */ |
#define wrnLVNoLongValues | 1522 | /* Table does
not have a long value tree */ |
#define JET_wrnTaggedColumnsRemaining | | |
#define JET_errDefaultValueTooBig | -1524 | /*
Default value exceeds maximum size */ |
#define JET_errMultiValuedDuplicate | -1525 | /*
Duplicate detected on a unique multi-valued column */ |
#define JET_errLVCorrupted | -1526 | /* Corruption
encountered in long-value tree */ |
#define wrnLVNoMoreData | 1527 | /* Reached end of
LV data */ |
JET_errMultiValuedDuplicateAfterTruncation | -1528 | /* Duplicate
detected on a unique multi-valued column after data was normalized, and
normalizing truncated the data before comparison */ |
#define JET_errDerivedColumnCorruption | -1529 | /*
Invalid column in derived table */ |
JET_errInvalidPlaceholderColumn | -1530 | /* Tried to convert
column to a primary index placeholder, but column doesn't meet necessary
criteria */ |
#define JET_errRecordNotFound | -1601 | /* The key
was not found */ |
#define JET_errRecordNoCopy | -1602 | /* No working
buffer */ |
#define JET_errNoCurrentRecord | -1603 | /*
Currency not on a record */ |
#define JET_errRecordPrimaryChanged | -1604 | /*
Primary key may not change */ |
#define JET_errKeyDuplicate | -1605 | /* Illegal
duplicate key */ |
#define JET_errAlreadyPrepared | -1607 | /*
Attempted to update record when record update was already in progress */ |
#define JET_errKeyNotMade | -1608 | /* No call to
JetMakeKey */ |
#define JET_errUpdateNotPrepared | -1609 | /* No
call to JetPrepareUpdate */ |
#define JET_wrnDataHasChanged | 1610 | /* Data has
changed */ |
#define JET_errDataHasChanged | -1611 | /* Data has
changed, operation aborted */ |
#define JET_wrnKeyChanged | 1618 | /* Moved to new
key */ |
#define JET_errLanguageNotSupported | -1619 | /*
Windows NT installation does not support language */ |
#define JET_errTooManySorts | -1701 | /* Too many
sort processes */ |
#define JET_errInvalidOnSort | -1702 | /* Invalid
operation on Sort */ |
#define JET_errTempFileOpenError | -1803 | /* Temp
file could not be opened */ |
#define JET_errTooManyAttachedDatabases
| -1805 | /* Too many open databases */ |
#define JET_errDiskFull | -1808 | /* No space left
on disk */ |
#define JET_errPermissionDenied | -1809 | /*
Permission denied */ |
#define JET_errFileNotFound | -1811 | /* File not
found */ |
#define JET_wrnFileOpenReadOnly | 1813 | /*
Database file is read only */ |
#define JET_errAfterInitialization | -1850 | /*
Cannot Restore after init. */ |
#define JET_errLogCorrupted | -1852 | /* Logs could
not be interpreted */ |
#define JET_errInvalidOperation | -1906 | /*
Invalid operation */ |
#define JET_errAccessDenied | -1907 | /* Access
denied */ |
#define JET_wrnIdleFull | 1908 | /* Idle registry
full */ |
#define JET_errTooManySplits | -1909 | /* Infinite
split */ |
#define JET_errSessionSharingViolation | -1910 | /*
Multiple threads are using the same session */ |
#define JET_errEntryPointNotFound | -1911 | /* An
entry point in a DLL we require could not be found */ |
JET_errSessionContextAlreadySet | -1912 | /* Specified session
already has a session context set */ |
JET_errSessionContextNotSetByThisThread | -1913 | /* Tried to reset
session context, but current thread did not originally set the session context
*/ |
#define JET_errSessionInUse | -1914 | /* Tried to
terminate session in use */ |
JET_errRecordFormatConversionFailed | -1915 | /* Internal error
during dynamic record format conversion */ |
#define JET_errOneDatabasePerSession | -1916 | /*
Just one open user database per session is allowed
(JET_paramOneDatabasePerSession) */ |
#define JET_errRollbackError | -1917 | /* error
during rollback */ |
#define JET_wrnDefragAlreadyRunning | 2000 | /*
Online defrag already running on specified database */ |
#define JET_wrnDefragNotRunning | 2001 | /* Online
defrag not running on specified database */ |
#define JET_wrnCallbackNotRegistered | 2100 | /*
Unregistered a non-existent callback function */ |
#define JET_errCallbackFailed | -2101 | /* A
callback failed */ |
#define JET_errCallbackNotResolved | -2102 | /* A
callback function could not be found */ |
#define wrnSLVNoStreamingData | 2200 | /* Database
does not have a streaming file */ |
#define JET_errSLVSpaceCorrupted | -2201 | /*
Corruption encountered in space manager of streaming file */ |
#define JET_errSLVCorrupted | -2202 | /* Corruption
encountered in streaming file */ |
JET_errSLVColumnDefaultValueNotAllowed | -2203 | /* SLV columns
cannot have a default value */ |
#define JET_errSLVStreamingFileMissing | -2204 | /*
Cannot find streaming file associated with this database */ |
#define JET_errSLVDatabaseMissing | -2205 | /*
Streaming file exists, but database to which it belongs is missing */ |
#define JET_errSLVStreamingFileAlreadyExists
| -2206 | /* Tried to create a streaming file when one already
exists or is already recorded in the catalog */ |
#define JET_errSLVInvalidPath | -2207 | /*
Specified path to a streaming file is invalid */ |
JET_errSLVStreamingFileNotCreated | -2208 | /* Tried to perform an
SLV operation but streaming file was never created */ |
JET_errSLVStreamingFileReadOnly | -2209 | /* Attach a read-only
streaming file for read/write operations */ |
#define JET_errSLVHeaderBadChecksum | -2210 | /*
SLV file header failed checksum verification */ |
#define JET_errSLVHeaderCorrupted | -2211 | /* SLV
file header contains invalid information */ |
#define wrnSLVNoFreePages | 2212 | /* No free pages
in SLV space Tree */ |
#define JET_errSLVPagesNotFree | -2213 | /* Tried
to move pages from the Free state when they were not in that state */ |
#define JET_errSLVPagesNotReserved | -2214 | /*
Tried to move pages from the Reserved state when they were not in that state
*/ |
#define JET_errSLVPagesNotCommitted | -2215 | /*
Tried to move pages from the Committed state when they were not in that state
*/ |
#define JET_errSLVPagesNotDeleted | -2216 | /*
Tried to move pages from the Deleted state when they were not in that state
*/ |
#define JET_errSLVSpaceWriteConflict | -2217 | /*
Unexpected conflict detected trying to write-latch SLV space pages */ |
#define JET_errSLVRootStillOpen | -2218 | /* The
database can not be created/attached because its corresponding SLV Root is
still open by another process. */ |
#define JET_errSLVProviderNotLoaded | -2219 | /*
The database can not be created/attached because the SLV Provider has not been
loaded. */ |
#define JET_errSLVEAListCorrupt | -2220 | /* The
specified SLV EA List is corrupted. */ |
#define JET_errSLVRootNotSpecified | -2221 | /* The
database cannot be created/attached because the SLV Root Name was omitted
*/ |
#define JET_errSLVRootPathInvalid | -2222 | /* The
specified SLV Root path was invalid. */ |
#define JET_errSLVEAListZeroAllocation | -2223 | /*
The specified SLV EA List has no allocated space. */ |
#define JET_errSLVColumnCannotDelete | -2224 | /*
Deletion of SLV columns is not currently supported. */ |
#define JET_errSLVSpaceMapAlreadyExists
| -2225 | /* Tried to create a new catalog entry for SLV Space Map
when one already exists*/ |
#define JET_errSLVSpaceMapCorrupted | -2226 | /*
Corruption encountered in SLV space map */ |
#define JET_errSLVSpaceMapPageNotFound | -2227 | /*
Corruption encountered in SLV space map */ |
#define wrnOLDSLVNothingToMove | 2228 | /* Nothing
in the streaming file can be moved */ |
#define errOLDSLVUnableToMove | -2228 | /* Unable
to move a SLV File in the streaming file */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileStale | -2229 | /* The
specified SLV File handle belongs to a SLV Root that no longer exists. */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileInUse | -2230 | /* The
specified SLV File is currently in use */ |
#define JET_errSLVStreamingFileInUse | -2231 | /*
The specified streaming file is currently in use */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileIO | -2232 | /* An I/O error
occurred while accessing an SLV File (general read / write failure) */ |
#define JET_errSLVStreamingFileFull | -2233 | /* No
space left in the streaming file */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileInvalidPath | -2234 | /*
Specified path to a SLV File was invalid */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileAccessDenied | -2235 | /*
Cannot access SLV File, the SLV File is locked or is in use */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileNotFound | -2236 | /* The
specified SLV File was not found */ |
#define JET_errSLVFileUnknown | -2237 | /* An
unknown error occurred while accessing an SLV File */ |
#define JET_errSLVEAListTooBig | -2238 | /* The
specified SLV EA List could not be returned because it is too large to fit in
the standard EA format. Retrieve the SLV File as a file handle instead. */ |
JET_errSLVProviderVersionMismatch | -2239 | /* The loaded SLV
Provider's version does not match the database engine's version. */ |
#define errSLVInvalidSpaceMapChecksum | -2240 | /*
checksum in SpaceMap is invalid */ |
#define wrnSLVDatabaseHeader | 2241 | /* Checking
the header of a streaming file */ |
#define errOLDSLVMoveStopped | -2242 | /* OLDSLV
was stopped in the middle of a move */ |
#define JET_errSLVBufferTooSmall | -2243 | /*
Buffer allocated for SLV data or meta-data was too small */ |
#define JET_errLSCallbackNotSpecified | -3000 | /*
Attempted to use Local Storage without a callback function being specified
*/ |
#define JET_errLSAlreadySet | -3001 | /* Attempted
to set Local Storage for an object which already had it set */ |
#define JET_errLSNotSet | -3002 | /* Attempted to
retrieve Local Storage from an object which didn't have it set */ |
#define JET_errInvalidViewId | -5000 | /* Invalid
viewID handle */ |
#define JET_errViewCloseInProgress | -5001 | /*
Tried to do a view-op after calling CloseView */ |
#define JET_errExprnCorrupt | -5100 | /* Exprn is
exprntypNil (uninitialized node) */ |
#define JET_errExprnTypeMismatch | -5101 | /*
Operand types are not compatible */ |
#define JET_errExprnTooBig | -5102 | /* Exprn
parser ran out of memory */ |
#define JET_errExprnDivideByZero | -5103 | /* Exprn
attempted a divide/modulus by 0 */ |
#define JET_errExprnInvalidBase | -5104 | /* When
calculating x^y: x == 0.0 */ |
#define JET_errExprnOutOfRange | -5105 | /* Input
is out of range [ie: arcsin(20)]*/ |
#define JET_errSFSReadVerifyFailure | -6000 | /*
checksum error while verifying an SFS cluster */ |
#define JET_errSFSPathTooBig | -6001 | /* the
specified path exceeded the maximum path length */ |
#define JET_errSFSVolumeNotFound | -6500 | /* the
volume file could not be found */ |
JET_errSFSVolumeInvalidMagicNumber | -6501 | /* the volume had a
bad magic number */ |
JET_errSFSVolumeInvalidClusterSize | -6502 | /* the volume's
cluster size is wrong */ |
JET_errSFSVolumeIncompatibleVersion | -6503 | /* the volume's
version too old (or new) to be used by this version of SFS (format is
incompatible) */ |
#define JET_errSFSDirectoryDisabled | -7000 | /*
the directory has been disabled due to an unexpected error */ |
#define JET_errSFSDirectoryFull | -7001 | /* the
directory had no room for a new file to be created */ |
#define JET_errSFSDirectoryCorrupt | -7002 | /* the
directory's meta data is corrupt */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileDisabled | -7500 | /* the
file has been disabled due to an unexpected error */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileShutdown | -7501 | /* the
file operation failed because the file is in the middle of being closed */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileCorrupt | -7502 | /* the
file's meta data is corrupt */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileShadowCorrupt | -7503 | /*
the file's meta data used for shadowing is corrupt */ |
JET_errSFSFileShadowDataCorrupt | -7504 | /* the file's shadowed
data (used for atomic file-writes) was corrupt [checksum failed] */ |
#define errSFSFileDeleted | -7504 | /* INTERNAL
ERROR: the file is marked as deleted and should be cleaned up */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileIOSparse | -8000 | /* I/O was
issued on 1 or more sparse (uncommitted) regions in the SFS file */ |
#define errSFSFileIOBeyondEOF | -8001 | /* INTERNAL
ERROR: the I/O was beyond EOF */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileIOTooBig | -8002 | /* the I/O
request was too large (probably because it exceeded the size of the shadow
space) */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileIOShadowedWrite | -8003 | /*
the I/O could not be processed because of an error during a previous shadowed
write */ |
#define JET_errSFSFileTooBig | -999999 | /* TEMP
ERROR: the SFS file is TOO BIG to be managed by a single-cluster extent map (in
the future, this will go away and we will reallocate a larger extent map)
*/ |