Page 107: Correct Questions 3 And 4 To Match Answers In Appendix A
Questions 3 and 4 on page 107 should be reversed to match their answers on page 493 in Appendix A.
Also, to match the answer on page 493, question 3 must be changed.
The following changes should be applied to page 107.
3. Why are aggregate schemas included in OLAP system designs?
4. Are aggregate schemas always necessary in OLAP system design?
3. Are aggregate schemas always necessary in OLAP system design?
4. What are the disadvantages of using an OLTP system to conduct analytical processing?
Page 198: Statement In Step 10 Should Be "USE PullSubs"
On Page 198, in Step 10, change:
"USE PublSubs"
"USE PullSubs"
Page 200: Statement In Step 7 Contains Errors
On page 200, the statement in Step 7 contains two errors.
USE PublSubs
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductID = 1
USE PullSubs
SELECT * FROM ReplProducts WHERE ProductID = 1
Page 239: Remove Step 7
On page 239, remove the first step 7:
"On the Queries tab, select Update in the Query Type drop-down list. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for the Update query. Select ProductID in the Destination column for Parameter 9."
This step is incorrect and cannot be performed. The Update query is created in the next section.
Page 336: Change First/Second/Third View To First/Second/Third Review
On page 336, under the "To read a cube definition" section, change:
- Locate the comment labeled ***First View*** and examine...
- Locate the comment labeled ***Second View*** and examine...
- Locate the comment labeled ***Third View*** and examine...
- Locate the comment labeled ***First Review*** and examine...
- Locate the comment labeled ***Second Review*** and examine...
- Locate the comment labeled ***Third Review*** and examine...
Page 382: Correction To The Sample Code
On page 382, change:
"Crossjoin ( [USA].Children, [Q1]:[Q3])"
"Crossjoin ( [USA].Children, [Q1]:[Q4])"
Page 440: Change "expand 1997" To "expand 1998"
On page 440, under the "To browse the updated Sales cube" section, in step 3, change:
"expand 1997"
"expand 1998"
Page 493, Missing Answers To Questions On Page 92
On page 493, there are no answers provided for the exercise questions found on page 92. Here are the missing answers:
1. What would be the appropriate grain for this data mart? Why?
Because the Northwind database is not very large, select the lowest grain your system supports. This way, you can better support unexpected queries and your schema will be more adaptable.
2. Which tables would be appropriate dimension tables? Why?
Product, to analyze product sales trends.
Customer, to analyze what the customers typically buy and what the regional trends are.
Employee, to find out which employees are most productive.
In addition, you might want to include the Time dimension, to analyze how trends change over time.
3. Which tables in the Northwind database would best represent the fact table?
Orders, because it contains transaction facts.
Order Details, because it contains line-item facts.
4. Which measures would you include in the fact table?
You need quantity, discount, line item total, and line item freight.
Question 5 is not applicable here and should be removed.
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.