Contents of
File name Size Date Version
------------------------------------------------ 8,030 06/06/00
Advauth.inf 3,172 06/06/00
Icmflter.dll 57,344 06/06/00 1, 0, 0, 1
Jsproxy.dll 13,072 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Licmgr10.dll 21,264 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Pngfilt.dll 44,304 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Srgb.icm 30,567 06/06/00
Unie5bak.inf 1,190 06/06/00
Contents of
Aolsupp.inf 2,834 06/06/00
Jgaw400.dll 44,544 06/06/00 36
Jgdw400.dll 144,896 06/06/00 82
Jgmd400.dll 35,840 06/06/00 34
Jgpl400.dll 42,496 06/06/00 47
Jgsd400.dll 45,568 06/06/00 17
Jgsh400.dll 65,536 06/06/00 23
Unie5bak.inf 1,190 06/06/00
Contents of
Axa2a.inf 749 03/31/98 85,967 06/17/98
Contents of
Inetres.inf 158 06/06/00
Install.inf 1,435 06/06/00
Install.ins 2,283 06/06/00
Setup.inf 54 06/06/00
Contents of
Ddexinst.exe 47,616 01/11/99
Ddrawex.dll 40,192 09/17/97 4.71.1112.0
Msdxddex.inf 2,098 01/08/99
Contents of
D3dim.dll 68,608 07/01/97
D3drg16f.dll 72,192 07/01/97
D3drgbf.dll 58,880 07/01/97
D3drm.dll 189,440 07/01/97
D3dxof.dll 33,280 07/01/97
Ddhelp.exe 32,768 04/09/97
Ddraw.dll 161,280 04/09/97
Ddraw16.dll 23,488 04/09/97
Dsound.dll 114,176 04/09/97
Dsound.vxd 42,943 04/09/97
Msdxmini.inf 2,016 04/11/97
Contents of
AriBlk.ttf 117,028 11/10/98
Comic.ttf 126,364 11/10/98
Comicbd.ttf 111,476 11/10/98
fontcore.inf 685 11/10/98
Fontinst.exe 45,568 11/12/98 1, 0, 0, 7
fontinst.inf 126 06/11/97
Impact.ttf 136,076 11/10/98
Verdana.ttf 139,640 11/12/98
Verdanab.ttf 136,032 11/12/98
Verdanai.ttf 154,264 11/12/98
Verdanaz.ttf 153,324 11/12/98
Webdings.ttf 118,752 07/10/98
Contents of
AndaleMo.ttf 105,468 11/12/98
Fontinst.exe 45,568 11/12/98 1, 0, 0, 7
fontinst.inf 132 08/25/99
fontsup.inf 680 11/10/98
Georgia.ttf 142,964 11/10/98
Georgiab.ttf 139,584 11/10/98
Georgiai.ttf 156,668 11/10/98
Georgiaz.ttf 158,796 11/10/98
Trebuc.ttf 65,100 11/04/98
Trebucbd.ttf 65,300 11/04/98
Trebucbi.ttf 65,296 11/04/98
Trebucit.ttf 71,320 11/04/98
Contents of
Cabinet.dll 67,072 06/06/00 1.00.603.0
Cfgmgr32.dll 22,528 06/06/00 4.10.1422
Extract.exe 53,039 06/06/00
Gensetup.inf 2,076 06/06/00
Iextract.exe 17,655 06/06/00
Regsvr32.exe 37,136 06/06/00 5.00.1586.1
Setupapi.dll 342,288 06/06/00 4
Setupapi.inf 626 06/06/00
Unie5bak.inf 1,190 06/06/00
W95inf16.dll 2,272 06/06/00 4.71.704.0
W95inf32.dll 4,608 06/06/00 4.71.0016.0
Contents of
Cabinet.dll 67,072 06/06/00 1.00.603.0
Extract.exe 100,864 06/06/00 1.00.603.0
Gensetup.inf 2,076 06/06/00
Iextract.exe 17,655 06/06/00
Regsvr32.exe 37,136 06/06/00 5.00.1586.1
Setupapi.dll 323,344 06/06/00 4
Setupapi.inf 626 06/06/00
Unie5bak.inf 1,190 06/06/00
Contents of
Accessib.chm 33,117 06/06/00
Helpcont.inf 2,413 06/06/00
Ieeula.chm 34,567 06/06/00
Ieshared.chm 29,682 06/06/00
Iesupp.chm 21,919 06/06/00
Iewebhlp.chm 22,192 06/06/00
Iexplore.chm 150,475 06/06/00
Iexplore.hlp 160,483 06/06/00
Msnauth.cnt 173 06/06/00
Msnauth.hlp 10,556 06/06/00
Ratings.chm 30,957 06/06/00
Ratings.cnt 294 06/06/00
Ratings.hlp 30,159 06/06/00
Unie5bak.inf 1,190 06/06/00
Update.chm 52,759 06/06/00
Update.cnt 193 06/06/00
Contents of
Extrac32.exe 104,448 09/22/99 4.11.0610.0
Hh.exe 38,912 05/24/00 4.74.8875
HHCtrl.ocx 527,808 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhupdcab.inf 3,883 12/03/99
Itircl.dll 155,552 04/08/99 4.72.7277.0
Itss.dll 138,048 04/08/99 4.72.8085.0 207,372 05/25/00
Contents of
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 91,136 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 93,184 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 90,112 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 91,648 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 91,136 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,600 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 90,112 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 91,136 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,600 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,088 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 90,112 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,088 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,600 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 89,088 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 88,576 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Hhctrlui.dll 92,160 05/24/00 4.74.8875
Note: The file contains 28 copies of the same file for multiple languages. The appropriate file is used according to the version of Windows Internet Explorer is installed on.
Contents of
Connect.cnt 129 06/06/00
Connect.hlp 44,203 06/06/00
Icfg95.dll 15,120 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icfgnt.dll 13,584 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icfgnt5.dll 5,904 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icw.inf 12,774 06/06/00
Icwconn.dll 44,816 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwconn1.exe 186,640 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwconn2.exe 61,200 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwdial.chm 40,111 06/06/00
Icwdial.dll 57,104 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwdl.dll 15,632 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwhelp.dll 151,312 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwip.dun 352 06/06/00
Icwphbk.dll 49,424 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwres.dll 52,224 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwrmind.exe 14,608 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwscrpt.exe 151,040 06/06/00 4.70.1153
Icwtutor.exe 59,152 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwutil.dll 34,576 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwx25a.dun 566 06/06/00
Icwx25b.dun 617 06/06/00
Icwx25c.dun 566 06/06/00
Inet16.dll 43,276 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetcfg.dll 251,664 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetwiz.exe 12,048 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Isign32.dll 72,464 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Isignup.exe 6,416 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Msicw.isp 158 06/06/00
Msn.isp 197 06/06/00
Phone.icw 2,890 06/06/00
Phone.ver 19 06/06/00
State.icw 851 06/06/00
Support.icw 132 06/06/00
Trialoc.dll 29,968 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Contents of
Connect.cnt 129 06/06/00
Connect.hlp 44,203 06/06/00
Icfg95.dll 15,120 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icfgnt.dll 13,584 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icfgnt5.dll 5,904 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icw.inf 12,774 06/06/00
Icwconn.dll 47,888 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwconn1.exe 184,592 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwconn2.exe 60,176 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwdial.chm 40,111 06/06/00
Icwdial.dll 55,568 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwdl.dll 15,120 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwhelp.dll 148,240 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwip.dun 352 06/06/00
Icwphbk.dll 48,912 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwres.dll 52,224 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwrmind.exe 14,096 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwscrpt.exe 151,040 06/06/00 4.70.1153
Icwtutor.exe 59,152 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwutil.dll 36,112 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Icwx25a.dun 566 06/06/00
Icwx25b.dun 617 06/06/00
Icwx25c.dun 566 06/06/00
Inet16.dll 43,276 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetcfg.dll 243,984 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetwiz.exe 11,024 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Isign32.dll 66,320 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Isignup.exe 6,416 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Msicw.isp 158 06/06/00
Sn.isp 197 06/06/00
Phone.icw 2,890 06/06/00
Phone.ver 19 06/06/00
State.icw 851 06/06/00
Support.icw 132 06/06/00
Trialoc.dll 30,480 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Contents of
Ident.hlp 13,622 06/06/00 6,521 06/06/00
Ie_extra.inf 5,323 06/06/00 7,523 06/06/00
Msident.dll 39,696 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Msidntld.dll 14,848 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Msieftp.dll 248,080 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
T2embed.dll 194,320 06/06/00 0, 2, 0, 69
Contents of 1,454,080 06/06/00
Contents of
Hlink.dll 81,978 06/06/00 5.0.4012
Ie4uinit.exe 28,944 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Ieuinit.inf 17,182 06/06/00
Iexplore.exe 60,688 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetcpl.cpl 259,344 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inetcplc.dll 63,488 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mshtml.dll 2,744,592 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mshtml.tlb 1,252,352 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Contents of 1,451,008 06/06/00
Contents of
Ckcnv.exe 9,488 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Jscript.dll 553,020 06/06/00
Mshtmled.dll 407,824 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Msrating.dll 155,920 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Rsaci.rat 3,167 06/06/00
Shdoclc.dll 392,704 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Shdocvw.dll 1,145,104 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Shlwapi.dll 300,304 06/06/00
Urlmon.dll 455,952 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Wininet.dll 476,432 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Contents of 1,451,008 06/06/00
Contents of
Actxprxy.dll 84,752 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Bindfile.dll 16,656 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Certmgr.msc 10,240 06/06/00
Crypt32.dll 371,472 06/06/00 5.131.1877.5
Cryptdlg.dll 89,360 06/06/00 5.00.1557.1
Cryptext.dll 50,448 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Cryptnet.dll 40,208 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Cryptui.dll 467,216 06/06/00 5.131.1877.4
Dispex.dll 45,112 06/06/00
Extrac32.exe 132,608 06/06/00 4.11.0603.3
Iedkcs32.dll 204,048 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Iernonce.dll 23,824 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Imgutil.dll 31,504 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Initpki.dll 136,976 06/06/00 5.131.1877.9
Instrsa.dll 115,472 06/06/00
Instsch.dll 138,512 06/06/00 5.00.1877.6
Loadwc.exe 13,584 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mlang.dll 545,552 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mscat32.dll 37,136 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Msoss.dll 139,024 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Mssign32.dll 34,064 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Mssip32.dll 28,432 06/06/00 5.131.1877.3
Msxml.dll 518,416 06/06/00 8.00.5226.0
Occache.dll 89,360 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Plugin.ocx 71,952 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Schannel.dll 154,896 06/06/00 5.00.1877.6
Sendmail.dll 18,704 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Softpub.dll 62,224 06/06/00 5.131.1877.4
Userstub.exe 10,512 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Wintrust.dll 47,376 06/06/00 5.131.1877.5
Contents of 1,451,008 06/06/00
Contents of
Atl.dll 20,992 06/06/00 2.00.7024
Browselc.dll 35,328 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Browseui.dll 814,864 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Corpol.dll 15,120 06/06/00 1998.03.6074.0
Dhtmled.ocx 117,008 06/06/00 6.01.8851
Dxtmsft.dll 429,840 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Dxtrans.dll 213,776 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Enhsig.dll 4,368 06/06/00 5.00.1877.8
Jobexec.dll 47,952 06/06/00 5.00.0000.1
Msdatsrc.tlb 12,288 06/06/00 9.0.4403.6
Mshta.exe 30,480 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mshtmler.dll 57,856 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Mstime.dll 431,376 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Psbase.dll 67,344 06/06/00 5.00.1877.5
Pstorec.dll 53,520 06/06/00 5.00.1877.3
Pstorerc.dll 43,792 06/06/00 5.00.1877.5
Pstores.exe 81,680 06/06/00 5.00.1877.3
Rsabase.dll 101,648 06/06/00 5.00.1877.7
Rsasig.dll 4,368 06/06/00 5.00.1877.7
Scrobj.dll 151,601 06/06/00
Shd401lc.dll 51,200 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Shdoc401.dll 494,352 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Shfolder.dll 23,312 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Simpdata.tlb 16,384 06/06/00 2.50.4403.0
Thumbvw.dll 201,488 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Triedit.dll 149,264 06/06/00 6.01.8851
Wldap32.dll 159,504 06/06/00 5.00.2168.1
Xenroll.dll 110,624 06/06/00 5.131.2090.1
Contents of 756,649 06/06/00
Contents of
Apps.hlp 111,030 06/06/00
Digest.dll 46,352 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Dssbase.dll 108,304 06/06/00 5.00.1877.6
Dsssig.exe 24,336 06/06/00 5.00.1877.6
Fixie.inf 34,241 06/06/00
Hmmapi.dll 14,608 06/06/00 1.00.4134.600
Html32.cnv 397,584 06/06/00 99080600
Ie.txt 23,979 06/06/00
Iefiles5.inf 608 06/06/00
Ieinfo5.mof 21,701 06/06/00
Ieinfo5.ocx 103,184 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Iejit.htm 25,004 06/06/00
Iepeers.dll 237,840 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Iesetup.dll 56,592 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Inseng.dll 75,024 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600
Jitalert.gif 230 06/06/00
License.txt 12,980 06/06/00
Mmutilse.dll 119,056 06/06/00
Msconv97.dll 143,632 06/06/00
Msencode.dll 94,480 06/06/00
Msls31.dll 163,840 06/06/00 3.10.337.0
Related.htm 654 06/06/00
Removbak.inf 1,459 06/06/00
Secauth.hlp 24,546 06/06/00
Start.wav 1,192 06/06/00
Support.txt 33,325 06/06/00
Tip.htm 13,563 06/06/00
Tips.gif 1,045 06/06/00
Wallpapr.htm 815 06/06/00
Contents of
Mfc40.dll 924,432 11/17/98 4.1.6140
Mfc40.inf 1,181 12/06/96
Msvcrt40.dll 326,656 02/19/96 4.10.6038
Olepro32.dll 74,000 02/27/96 4.1.6038
Contents of
Iedata.inf 1,700 06/06/00
Msr2c.dll 69,632 06/06/00 1.00.4211.0
Msr2cenu.dll 7,168 06/06/00 1.00.4211.0
Tdc.ocx 65,808 06/06/00 1, 3, 0, 3130
Contents of
Iedataja.inf 636 06/06/00 10,957 06/06/00
Contents of
Expinst.exe 29,456 06/06/00 5.50.4134.600 4,679 06/06/00
Ieexinst.inf 3,021 06/06/00
Contents of 4,595 06/06/00
Contents of 8,912 06/06/00
Ieex.inf 3,016 06/06/00
Contents of
Ad.inf 1,481 01/28/00
Mlang.dat 673,088 04/26/99