When you apply Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0, you may experience the following issues:
Issue 1
When multiple sites control a domain and SMS sites are not upgraded simultaneously, the Smslogon\Config\Copylog.tcf file is modified by the Service Pack 1 (SP1) site as well as the SP2 site. If the SP1 site modifies the Copylog.tcf file last (by using Microsoft Windows NT Logon Server Manager), it updates and changes most of the entries in the Copylog.tcf file.
The Copylog.tcf file is used to indicate which site supplied the logon point's client boundaries (specially Clicore.exe). An SP1 site without the update can change the Copylog.tcf file to indicate that it supplied the logon point's Clicore file, even though it did not copy the file. The incorrect SP1 Clicore.exe entry in the Copylog.tcf file causes problems for new installations as well as existing SP1 clients when they are using the logon point. This situation prevents new clients from being installed and causes SP1 clients to copy the SP2 Clicore.exe file, which results in a mixed installation state. Some common conditions seen on the client and in the client logs when in a mixed installation state include:
- Components are in a "Repair Pending" state.
- The Software Advertisement Program Wizard and Manager are unable to run.
- A Required .dll file, Clilog.dll, is not found.
Wn_logon and Wnmanual.log
No COMPVER.INI found for site SEC - defaulting logon point version to 2.00.0000.0000
Could not register CCIM (could be initial install); AppRegister return code =5
ERROR: Unable to open the service control manager to install the SMS Client Service and CCIM. Win32 Error: 5
Warning: Could not launch/register CCIM - 5
ERROR: Failed to start C:\WINDOWS\MS\SMS\CLICOMP\SWDist32\bin\smswiz32.exe
ERROR: Failed to start C:\WINDOWS\MS\SMS\CLICOMP\SWDist32\bin\smsmon32.exe
ERROR: The Client Service is not authorized to run this application! (5)~
*** Client Configuration Installation Manager - Error launching (#0x5) C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\CLISVCL.EXE>
WARNING: Problem starting App (5). Doing App Verify. C:\WINNT\MS\SMS\CORE\BIN\CLISVCL.EXE>
System Offer Data Provider - Not launching until CCIM indicates that it's safe to do so~
Base client files are version 2.0.1493.2005
Current clibase version is 2.0.1380.1101
WNet User Groups Offer Data Provider - Not launching until CCIM indicates that it's safe to do so~
Program Execution Agent - Not Launching application~
Lic Client - Not launching until CCIM indicates that it's safe to do so~
Advertised Programs Monitor (Event Driven) - Not launching until CCIM indicates that it's safe to do so~
Advertised Programs Monitor - Not launching until CCIM indicates that it's safe to do so~
Client core file version (from cliver.exe) is 2.00.1493.2005
Warning: The CAP base release (from \\SMSPDC20\CAP_PET\\base) is 2.00.1380.1 (client release is 2.00.1493.2)
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component Available Programs Manager Win32
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component Hardware Inventory Agent
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component Software Distribution
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component Software Inventory Agent
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component Remote Control
Warning - could not find a site CAP with uplevel version of component LICENSE METERING
Trying to open IPC connection with APM... CCIM32
ERROR: Unable to establish a connection with APM - The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.~~ CCIM32
Component "Hardware Inventory Agent" moved from index 4 to 6 CCIM32
Trying to open IPC connection with APM... CCIM32
ERROR: Unable to establish a connection with APM - The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.~~ CCIM32
Component "Software Distribution" moved from index 2 to 6 CCIM32
Trying to open IPC connection with APM... CCIM32
ERROR: Unable to establish a connection with APM - The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.~~ CCIM32
Component "Software Inventory Agent" moved from index 1 to 6 CCIM32
Trying to open IPC connection with APM... CCIM32
ERROR: Unable to establish a connection with APM - The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.~~ CCIM32
Component "Remote Control" moved from index 0 to 6 CCIM32
Warning - CClientOfferArray::ResolvePendingOperations returned 123 CCIM32
-- Checking if new component operations are necessary -- CCIM32
- SMS Client Base Components: CCIM32
Checking if component "SMS Client Base Components" needs to be installed, upgraded or verified (offer index [2]) CCIM32
Issue 2
When two sites share site boundaries and both sites use Remote Installation, SP1 sites are unable to install SP1 components onto SP2 clients.
The updates listed in articles Q252718 and Q252717 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base add functionality to the Client Configuration Manager (CCM) and Ccmbtldr.exe components that verify that the client does not have files from a later release. The SP1 update prevents SP1 from attempting to remotely install on SP2 clients. This functionality is included with SP2 and this will not be an issue for future service pack releases.
Applying the update after this problem is already occurring stops it from retrying to install onto the client, but existing Client Configuration Requests (CCR) that have already started processing attempt every hour for a total of 7 days before they time out. Not applying the update does not cause clients to get into a mixed installation state. Only the issues described in articles Q251070 and Q249077 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (the Copylog.tcf issue) causes clients to get into a mixed installation state. Common issues observed on clients include:
- Software advertisements do not reach the clients.
- Orphaned clients that do not recover from mixed installation.