When a new user logs on to a workstation for the first time in a Windows 2000-based domain, the following symptoms can occur if the
Must change password on first logon setting is enabled for that user account:
- Windows 2000 displays a dialog box for the user to change the password, even if the user typed an incorrect password to log on.
- The error message box states "Your password has expired and must be changed" instead of "You are required to change your password at first logon."
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows 2000. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
260910 How to Obtain the Latest Windows 2000 Service Pack
The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:
Date Time Version Size File name
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.28 130,320 Adsldpc.dll
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.28 348,944 Advapi32.dll
25/01/2001 15:23 5.0.2195.28 502,032 Instlsa5.dll
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.28 140,560 Kdcsvc.dll
17/01/2001 14:17 5.0.2195.28 198,928 Kerberos.dll
19/12/2000 22:13 5.0.2195.28 69,456 Ksecdd.sys
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.28 484,112 Lsasrv.dll
02/01/2001 09:45 5.0.2195.28 33,552 Lsass.exe
23/01/2001 18:06 5.0.2195.28 108,816 Msv1_0.dll
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.28 912,656 Ntdsa.dll
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.27 363,280 Samsrv.dll
25/01/2001 15:36 862,655
25/01/2001 15:24 5.0.2195.27 128,272 Wldap32.dll
23/01/2001 18:19 5.0.2195.28 494,864 Lsasrv.dll
NOTE: The hotfix listed in this article resolves only the first issue described in the "Symptoms" section. There is currently no fix to address the second problem (the incorrect error message).