This article describes how to remove protection from Excel
worksheets and workbooks and how to return a protected, shared workbook to
unrestricted use.
If you are not sure whether you need to remove
protection from a workbook or a worksheet to gain the access that you want,
point to
Protection on the
Tools menu. If the currently displayed worksheet is protected, the
Unprotect Sheet command appears on the
Protection menu. If the workbook is protected, the
Unprotect Workbook command appears. To determine whether a workbook is shared, look
<Shared> in the title bar.
This information is also covered in
more detail in Microsoft Excel 2000 Help. For more information about how to
view this information in Help, please see the "References" section later in
this article.
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Remove Protection from an Individual Worksheet
- Switch to the worksheet that you want to return to full
- On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Unprotect Sheet.
If prompted, type the protection password for the
worksheet. Passwords are case-sensitive. You must type the password exactly as
it was created, including uppercase and lowercase letters.
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Remove Protection from a Whole Workbook
- On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Unprotect Workbook.
If prompted, type the password that was assigned when
the workbook was protected. Passwords are case-sensitive. You must type the
password exactly as it was created, including uppercase and lowercase
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Return a Protected, Shared Workbook to Unrestricted Use
When you remove protection from a shared workbook for which
sharing is protected with a password, you also remove the workbook from shared
use. When you remove a workbook from shared use, Microsoft Excel disconnects
all other users from the workbook, turns off the change history, and erases the
stored change history so that you can no longer view the history or merge this
copy with other copies of the workbook.
To make sure that others do
not lose their work in progress, make sure that all other users have saved and
closed the shared workbook. On the
Tools menu, click
Share Workbook, click the
Editing tab, and then make sure you are the only user that is listed in
Who has this workbook open now box.
- On the Tools menu, point to Protection, and then click Unprotect Shared Workbook.
- If you are prompted, type the password for the
- If you are prompted about the effects on other users of
removing protection from the shared workbook, click Yes.
- If the workbook was removed from shared use when you
removed protection, return the workbook to shared use.
NOTE: If your shared workbook is protected but does not have a
password, the workbook remains shared after you remove the
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For more
information about removing protection, click
Microsoft Excel Help on the
Help menu, type
unprotect in the Office
Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click
Search to view the topics returned.
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