To resolve this behavior, delete the
My Briefcase folder that was renamed in Windows 98 from the desktop and from the SendTo folder.
To save files from the Windows 98
My Briefcase folder, follow these steps:
- Double-click the renamed My Briefcase icon, and then press CTRL+A to select all the files.
- On the Edit menu, click Cut or Copy.
- Double-click the new My Briefcase icon created in the Windows Me upgrade, and then on the Edit menu, click Paste.
If you do not want to save the files, remove the entire
My Briefcase icon (that was renamed in Windows 98) from the desktop. To do this, right-click
My Briefcase, and then click
Delete. The
My Briefcase icon that was installed during the Windows Me upgrade remains on the desktop.
To remove the duplicate item from the
SendTo folder, open the C:\Windows\SendTo folder and delete the My Briefcase (2) shortcut.
To keep the shortcut to the renamed
My Briefcase folder in the
SendTo folder, follow these steps:
- Right-click the My Briefcase icon that was created in the upgrade, and then click Create Shortcut.
- Click the new shortcut and press F2 to rename the folder so that it matches the name of the My Briefcase icon created in Windows 98, and then press Enter.
- Right-click the renamed My Briefcase shortcut, and then click Cut (or Copy).
- Open Windows Explorer and click the %Windir%\SendTo folder.
- On the Edit menu, click Paste. When you right-click a file or a folder, and point to SendTo, the shortcut to the My Briefcase folder is displayed as the shortcut to the My Briefcase folder that was renamed in Windows 98.