Before you create the Active Server Pages (ASP) or the
pipeline files, create a virtual application on the sending Commerce Server
computer named "Transmitado" and a virtual application on the receiving
Commerce Server computer named "ReceiveStandard." This example requires that
you create a data source name (DSN) named "pubs" on the sending Commerce Server
computer that maps to the SQL Server pubs database. This example requires the
creation of the following four files:
- Transmitado.asp - This file creates a recordset from the
SQL server pubs database and parses the recordset into a Commerce Dictionary
object that is composed of several Commerce SimpleList objects. There is one SimpleList object for each field in the recordset.
- Transmit.pcf (called from the Transmitado.asp file) - This
file maps the Commerce Dictionary object to XML, and then posts the Commerce
Dictionary object to a specified Web server using the SendHTTP component.
- Receivepipe.asp - This file receives the transmitted
Commerce Dictionary object, loads a receiving Commerce Interchange Pipeline
(CIP), and then passes the Commerce Dictionary object to the receiving CIP.
- Receivehttp.pcf (called from the Receivepipe.asp file) -
This file maps the Commerce Dictionary object from XML, and then parses the
Commerce Dictionary object into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
The Transmitado.asp file contains the following ASP code:
<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript enablesessionstate=false LCID=1033 %>
pipelinelocation = "d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\transmitado\transmit.pcf"
pipeloglocation = "d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\transmitado\transmit.log"
Set MSCSMessageManager = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.MessageManager")
Call MSCSMessageManager.AddLanguage("usa", &H0409)
MSCSMessageManager.defaultLanguage = "usa"
Set MSCSDataFunctions = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.DataFunctions")
MSCSDataFunctions.Locale = &H0409
Set MSCSQueryMap = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
Set rsOrderItems = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
CommandText = "Select emp_id, fname, lname, hire_date from employee"
cursor = rsOrderItems.CursorLocation
rsOrderItems.Cursorlocation = 3
rsOrderItems.Open CommandText,"DSN=pubs; UID=<username>; PWD=<strong password>"
If rsOrderItems.RecordCount>0 then
Set dictionary=Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
Set dictionary.emp_id = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Simplelist")
Set dictionary.fname = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Simplelist")
Set dictionary.lname = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Simplelist")
Set dictionary.hire_date = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Simplelist")
Do Until rsOrderitems.EOF = True
dictionary.emp_id.Add (rsOrderitems.Fields(0).Value)
dictionary.fname.Add (rsOrderitems.Fields(1).Value)
dictionary.lname.Add (rsOrderitems.Fields(2).Value)
dictionary.hire_date.Add (rsOrderitems.Fields(3).Value)
Set pipeline = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.MtsTxPipeline")
Set pipeContext = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
Set pipeContext("MessageManager") = MSCSMessageManager
Set pipeContext("DataFunctions") = MSCSDataFunctions
Set pipeContext("QueryMap") = MSCSQueryMap
pipeContext("SiteName") = "TransmitADO"
pipeContext("DefaultConnectionString") = "DSN=pubs; UID=<username>; PWD=<strong password>"
pipeContext("Language") = "USA"
Set TransportDictionary = CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
Set TransportDictionary.object = dictionary
errorLevel = pipeline.Execute(1,TransportDictionary, pipeContext, 0)
IF errorlevel = 0 then
Response.Write("Transfer of records unsuccessful")
Response.Write("Successfully transferred records")
End if
No Records to Process...
<% end if %>
Save the Transmitado.asp file in the physical directory that maps
to the Transmitado virtual application that you created on the sending Commerce
Server computer.
The Receivepipe.asp file contains the following
REM -- receive the orderform that is posted thru HTTP.
Dim TransportDictionary
set TransportDictionary = server.createobject("commerce.dictionary")
TransportDictionary.working_data = request.form
Dim pipe
set pipe = server.createobject("commerce.MtsTxPipeline")
REM call pipe.SetLogfile("c:\InetPub\wwwroot\receivestandard\receive.log")
call pipe.loadpipe("c:\InetPub\wwwroot\receivestandard\receivehttp.pcf")
Set ctx = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
errorlevel = pipe.execute(1, TransportDictionary, ctx, 0)
If Err Then
' Response.Status = "500 Receive Pipeline failed"
Response.Write = Err.Description
End If
On Error Goto 0
Save the Receivepipe.asp file in the physical directory that maps
to the ReceiveStandard virtual application that you created on the receiving
Commerce Server computer.
Create the Transmit.pcf file by running the
Win32 Pipeline Editor and creating a new CIP based on the Transmit.pct pipeline
CIP template. To open the Win32 Pipeline Editor, perform one of the
- Click Start, click Run, and then type Pipeeditor.exe. -or-
- Click Start menu to Start, point to Programs, click Microsoft Site Server, click Commerce, and then click Pipeline Editor.
In Win32 Pipeline Editor, click
File, click
New, select the Transmit.pct template from the list of CIP templates,
and then click
When the transmit CIP template is running, add the
following components to the CIP:
- Insert the MapToXML component in the Map stage.
- Insert the AddHeader component in the Add Header Stage.
- Insert the SendHTTP component in the Transport Stage.
Save the Transmit.pcf file in the physical directory that maps
to the Transmitado virtual application that you created on the sending Commerce
Server computer.
Configure the
SendHTTP component by performing the following:
- The URL: field contains the destination URL where the XML data is posted.
(For example:
- The Field to be posted: field contains the text "working_data" (without the quotation
marks) and the As Type: option is set to Text.
- Click File, click Save As, and then save the CIP the Transmit.pcf file in the same
directory as the Transmitado.asp file.
Create the ReceiveHTTP.pcf file by running the Win32 Pipeline
Editor and creating a new CIP with the Receive.pct CIP template.
the Win32 Pipeline Editor, click
File, click
New, select the Receive.pct template from the list of CIP templates,
and then click
When the receive CIP template is running, add the
following components to the CIP:
- Insert the OpenHeader component into the Open Header stage.
- Insert the MapFromXML component into the Map stage. Double-click the MapFromXML component to edit and verify that the XML Source Key is specified as "working_data" and that the Result Object Key is specified as an object.
- Insert the Scriptor component into the Application Integration stage, and then edit
the internal VBScript code as follows:
function MSCSExecute(config, orderform, context, flags)
Dim xlapp
Dim xlsheet
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
spreadsheetlocation = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ReceiveStandard\Book1.xls"
Set xlsheet = xlapp.sheets(1)
for i = 1 to orderform.object("emp_id").count
xlsheet.cells(i+1,1) = orderform.object("emp_id")(i-1)
xlsheet.cells(i+1,2) = orderform.object("fname")(i-1)
xlsheet.cells(i+1,3) = orderform.object("lname")(i-1)
xlsheet.cells(i+1,4) = orderform.object("hire_date")(i-1)
Set xlapp = Nothing
MSCSExecute = 1
MSCSExecute = 1
end function
- After you configure the CIP, click File, click Save As, and then save the Receivehttp.pcf file in the same directory as
the Receivepipe.asp file.
- Save an empty Microsoft Excel workbook "Book1.xls" in the
same directory as the Receivepipe.asp file.
To test this example, point your browser to
http://<transmitserver>/transmitado/transmitado.asp. The contents of the
recordset that were generated on the sending Commerce Server computer and saved
in the Book1.xls file in the ReceiveStandard virtual directory are displayed on
the receiving Commerce Server computer.