This article illustrates how to use the Microsoft Visual Basic Package and Deployment Wizard to successfully deploy a Visual Basic application that references the SQL-DMO library.
The following definition for SQL-DMO is found in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online:
SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) is a collection of objects encapsulating Microsoft(r) SQL Server(tm) database and replication management.
In Microsoft Visual Basic, if you set a reference to the SQL-DMO library, you can then use Visual Basic to view and modify database schemas and perform common database management tasks.
The SQL-DMO library consists of eight redistributable files. These files, with their default installation folders, are:
Sqldmo.dll | \Mssql7\Binn\ |
Sqldmo.rll | \Mssql7\Binn\Resources\1033\ |
Sqlresld.dll | \Mssql7\Binn\ |
Sqlsvc.dll | \Mssql7\Binn\ |
Sqlsvc.rll | \Mssql7\Binn\Resources\1033\ |
Sqlwoa.dll | \Windows\System32\ |
Sqlwid.dll | \Windows\System32\ |
W95scm.dll | \Mssql7\Binn\ |
These files must be deployed as part of any application that references the SQL-DMO objects. The Microsoft Visual Basic Package and Deployment Wizard does not recognize all the dependencies of the Sqldmo.dll file and therefore, does not automatically include all the necessary files.
For additional information about dependency (.dep) files, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
228940 INF: VB .DEP Files not Available for SQL 7.0 Redistributable Components
In order to properly deploy the SQL-DMO library, you must add all the preceding files to the list of the
Included Files dialog box of the Package and Deployment Wizard during the packaging phase. When you are prompted with the
File Open dialog box, you will find these files in the folders listed in the preceding table.
In the
Install Locations dialog box, set the Install Location of the Sqlwoa.dll file to $(WinSysPath). The other files will default to $(AppPath) and can be left unchanged.
NOTE: If you are installing the SQL-DMO Objects as shared, you may want to relocate the other components to a common location such as the Windows System Path as well.
Finally, the setup application must be instructed to register the Sqldmo.dll file. The Package and Deployment Wizard will not automatically register the file. To instruct the setup application to register this component, open the Setup.lst file that was generated with the package, and then edit the following line:
File7=@sqldmo.dll,$(AppPath),,,2/8/00 3:42:08 AM,2625536,2000.2.8.0
Add "$(DLLSelfRegister)", the instruction to register the dll, after the install location constant, as follows:
File7=@sqldmo.dll,$(AppPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),,2/8/00 3:42:08 AM,2625536,2000.2.8.0
NOTE: The file number, date, time and version number of your files may be different than the ones shown in the code sample.
Save the Setup.lst file. This completes the steps required to deploy the SQL-DMO Objects support files with your Visual Basic application.