This article describes how to create a Microsoft Installer
Package (MSI) for installing third-party programs. If you want to install a
third-party program by using this method, you must install a copy of Veritas
Software Console by Seagate Software at a location that is accessible by the
reference computer. This program is available on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM in
Valueadd\3rdparty\Mgmt\Winstle\Swiadmle.msi. This includes a copy of WinINSTALL
limited edition, which allows for basic functionality.
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Instruction File
An instruction file (Microsoft Installer package) contains
information about what needs to be done to install a product.
Clean PC
A clean PC is defined as a computer with only the following items
on it before you run Discover:
- The operating system
- The service packs for the operating system
If you install Veritas Software Console (or any other product)
on the computer, it is by definition no longer a clean PC. You must install
Veritas Software Console somewhere, but not on the clean PC.
Reference Computer
A clean PC ensures that the Discover program will pick up all
files and registry entries necessary for the program to run.
reference computer should have access to the Discover program (Discoz.exe) in
the Winstall folder from My Network Places, Windows Explorer, or the
Run command on the
Start menu. Do not map a drive to the Winstall share. Doing so may
cause Discover to pick up the added drive, possibly causing problems in your
Microsoft Installer packages.
The Discover program is the program you use to create the
instruction file (Microsoft Installer package) that contains information about
what needs to be done to install a product.
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How to Create a Third-Party MSI Package
For this process to work properly, you should start with a clean
- Start with a clean PC, or one that is representative of the
computers in your network.
- Start Discover to take a picture of the representative PC's
software configuration. This is the Before snapshot.
- Install a program on the PC on which you took the Before
- Reboot the PC.
- Run the new program to verify that it works.
- Quit the program.
- Start Discover and take an After snapshot of the PC's new
configuration. Discover compares the Before and the After snapshots and notes
the changes. It creates a Microsoft Installer package with information about
how to install that program on such a PC in the future.
- (Optional) Use Veritas Software Console to customize the
Microsoft Installer package.
- Clean the reference computer to prepare to run Discover
- (Optional) Perform a test installation of the program on
non-production workstations.
To obtain support for Veritas Software Console, please contact
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For more detailed step-by-step instructions, visit the
following Web site:
This link is contained in the following document that describes
the basic technology and compares competing products:
For a detailed description of the technology, consult the
"Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Deployment Planning Guide," which is one of the
volumes included with the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit.
For detailed information, consult the Microsoft Software Development
Kit (SDK) at the following site:
For technical information about third-party products using MSI
technology, see the following Web site:
provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support.
This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not
guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact
The third-party products that are
discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of
Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the
performance or reliability of these products.
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