We strongly recommend that all users upgrade to Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6.0 running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003. IIS 6.0 significantly increases Web infrastructure security. For more information about IIS security-related topics, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
This step-by-step article describes how to parse form data
easily when you use Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) by using a generic
collection instead of by explicitly defining the ASP collection for GET or POST
When you use ASP to process data that is entered on a Web
page through a form, two different collections are used depending on which HTTP
method is specified in the form declaration:
- GET uses the Request.QueryString collection.
- POST uses the Request.Form collection.
This article describes how to process form data regardless of
which HTTP method is used on the form.
NOTE: You may receive an error message if you copy the examples
directly from this article to Microsoft FrontPage. The angle brackets (< and
>) may appear as escaped HTML code (< and >). To work around this
behavior, paste the script in a blank Notepad document, and then copy it from
Notepad before you paste it in FrontPage.
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Create the Sample Pages
The following steps describe how to create a sample HTML page
with two Web forms (one that uses the GET method and one that uses the POST
method), and how to create a sample ASP page that processes the form by using
either method.
- Save the following HTML code as Getdata.htm in the root
folder of an IIS Web site:
POST <form action="showdata.asp" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="txtData">
<input type="submit">
GET <form action="showdata.asp" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="txtData">
<input type="submit">
- Save the following ASP code as Showdata.asp in the root
folder of an IIS Web site:
<% @language="vbscript" %>
' Declare a variable for the generic collection.
Dim objRequest
' Determine the HTTP method used.
If UCase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_METHOD")) = "GET" Then
' Use the QUERYSTRING collection with GET requests
Set objRequest = Request.QueryString
' Use the FORM collection with POST requests.
Set objRequest = Request.Form End If
' Escape and output the form data.
Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objRequest("txtData"))
When you open Getdata.htm by using HTTP (that is, by using an
address such as http://localhost/getdata.htm), you may use either form to view
the form results.
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