Contents of the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) 2000 readme file for Office 2000 (249101)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office 2000 Developer
  • Microsoft Office 2000 with MultiLanguage Pack Japanese Enabled
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Premium
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Standard

This article was previously published under Q249101


The Japanese IME 2000 Readme.txt is a text file that contains supplemental information about installing and using Microsoft Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) 2000. The "More Information" section of this article contains the complete text of this file, which is located in the following folder of the Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM disk 2.



Read me first on Microsoft(R) IME 2000
July 1999
(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

Thank you for using Microsoft IME 2000 (hereafter it is abbreviated as IME 2000). This file includes information that supplements the IME 2000 manual and help and provide recent information. Please read this before using IME 2000.


To view the Readme file on-screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. On the Edit menu, click WordWrap. To print the Readme file, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu.

Microsoft(R) IME 2000 readme contents

About IME 2000
  1. Seeing version number
  2. IME 2000 home page

About IME 2000 setup
  1. Prerequisite configuration
  2. Notes of setup
     2.1 For IME 98 users
     2.2 For IME 97 or IME 97 users
     2.3 For Windows NT users 
     2.4 Removal of IME 2000
         2.4.1 Known issues for removal
     2.5 How to go back to IME 98 or IME 97
  3. Global IME
  4. Other notes about setup
About Font Setup
  1. About fonts
  2. Language support software

About IME 2000 IMEPAD Speech recognition applet setup
  1. How to obtain Speech recognition/synthesis engine
  2. Pre-requisite configuration
  3. Notes of setup
  4. Notes of usage

Guides for Administrators
  1. Server setup
  2. Policy management
  3. Roaming w/ user settings and user dictionary

Restrictions and notes

About IME 2000

For the IME 2000 new features, please see manuals and help. To open help, please take the following steps.
  1. Click Help bottom of IME 2000 toolbar
  2. Click Contents and index
1. Seeing version number

This product's version is "Microsoft IME 2000". You can see the version number by the following steps.
  1. Click Help of IME 2000 toolbar
  2. Click Version number
Please find the version number is "Microsoft(R) IME 2000 7.00.00".

2. IME 2000 home page

Microsoft provides latest information of IME 2000 on the following URL. Please take the following steps after making sure your PC is connected w/ internet.
  1. Click Help of IME 2000 toolbar.
  2. Point Microsoft Web Page, and click Microsoft IME home page.
IME 2000 setup

1. Pre-requisite configuration

The following software and hardware are required to run IME 2000.
  • Operating system:
    • Microsoft Windows 95
    • Microsoft Windows 98
    • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (SP3 is required.)
    • or later versions

  • Computer:
    • CPU w/ i486(TM)/66 MHz or higher processor (Pentium(R) is recommended)

  • Memory:
    • more than 12 MB if Microsoft Windows 95
    • more than 16 MB if Microsoft Windows 98
    • more than 24 MB if Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (more than 32MB is recommended)

  • Hard-disk:
    • more than 40 MB free space
In order to display help, Internet Explorer Version 3.02 or newer is required and Internet Explore Version 5 is recommended.
  • Please see Microsoft home page for latest operating system and IME 2000.
  • Required memory and hard-disk quantity may vary depending on users environment.
2. Notes of setup

2.1 For users of IME 98
  • When this setup is executed, IME 98 is over-written w/ this version. Automatically learned information of user dictionary is removed and only user registrated information is kept.
  • If you setup this module on Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, please execute this setup from Install bottom in the Install and Removal tab of Control Panel. And please select All user starts a common application settings in User option modification of setup screen. Also administrator should not specify Install on first use options of custom setup on Terminal Server Edition.
2.2 For users of IME 97 or IME 95
  • When this setup is executed, IME 97 is removed from user's keyboard.
  • When this setup is executed on the environment that includes IME 95 or IME 97, the registered words and registered word-relations are converted to a IME 98/2000 format. Only registered word and word-relation are converted, and automatically learned words are not converted.
  • When this setup is executed on the environment that multiple users are using, only the user dictionary of the user who executed this setup is converted. Please convert user dictionaries of the other users w/ IME 2000 Dictionary tool "Registration from IME 2000 Dictionary".
2.3 For users of Windows NT
  • Administrator privilege is required to install IME 2000. Once installed, other users can enable IME 2000 by the following steps.
    1. Execute Control Panel
    2. Click Keyboard
    3. Select Japanese from Language tab.
    4. Add Microsoft IME 2000 layout.
On Windows NT 4.0, other users can enable IME 2000 by selecting "Add to your Profile" of maintenance setup dialog of IME 2000 in the "Install and Removal" tab of "Control Panel"

However non-administrator users must use dict tool to migrate user dictionary in either cases.

2.4 Removal of IME 2000

This IME 2000 is over-written on the system IME of Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, and the administrator of Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition should not uninstall this IME 2000.

To uninstall IME 2000 there must be at least one more other keyboard layout on the system. You may workaround by adding English keyboard layout if there is no more Japanese keyboard layout available.

The uninstallation must be done on single user setting environment. Per user setting environment is not supported.

Please take the following steps to remove IME 2000.
  1. Execute Control Panel.
  2. Double click the Add/Remove Program.
  3. Click Install/Uninstall tab, and double-click Microsoft IME 2000.
  4. Click Remove all
  5. Follow the instructions of uninstall program.
2.4.1 Known issues for removal

You should not uninstall IME 2000 if it is last one keyboard layout on the system. If you do, it may result in unable to input Japanese characters, or even worst case, no keyboard input can be made on the system. In such case, you need to add one IME or keyboard layout to recover input.

If you had once configured per user setting and changed it to single user setting before uninstalling IME 2000 on Windows 95 or Windows 98, the per user profiles are still on the system and will be back active when you go back to per user setting. Since the profile might be referring IME 2000 which does not exist, you may need to remove the references via keyboard control panel.

2.5 How to go back to IME 98 or IME 97
  1. You can go back to previously used IME 97 by adding from keyboard control panel.
  2. To go back to IME 98 on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, you need to uninstall IME 2000 then reinstall IME 98.
  3. Installing IME 98 over IME 2000 installed to Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT4.0 may result in coexisting IME 98 and IME 2000 which is unsupported situation. You need to reinstall IME 2000 over there to remove IME 98.
3. Global IME

This IME 2000 supports Global IME that enables users to use IME 2000 for Japanese on English locale environment of Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0. This setup module automatically installs necessary setting to run Global IME interface of this IME 2000.

  • The environment with the locale of Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Korean are not supported by the GIME of this IME 2000.
  • The following Japanese font will be installed if the system does not have Japanese fonts.
    • MS Gothic (MSGOTHIC.TTF) Version 2.30

  • Global IME is not installed unless IE4.x is already installed.
  • IME uses HTML Help for help. IME installs English HTML help on English locale systems. If the user wants to use Global IME of this IME on French or German locale systems, please install latest HTML help for the locale.
4. Other notes about setup
  • At the end of IME 2000 setup, you are prompted to reboot the system. This IME 2000 can be enabled after you reboot the system.
  • After you install IME 2000, the default language of your system becomes this IME 2000.
  • IME 2000 supports the "key/roman-character/color setting" that enables the user use familiar settings of ATOK, VJE, WX, etc. When installing this IME 2000, you will be prompted to select the settings if you were using ATOK, VJE, WX, etc.
  • When you are going to install this IME 2000 on Per-User setting Windows 95 or Windows 98, please change Non-Per-User setting before installation.
  • When you installed IME 98 on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT which IME 2000 is already installed, both IME 2000 and IME 98 exists on the system. This situation is not supported, and please install IME 2000 again.
  • Windows Installer does not run with DCOM for Windows 95 version 1.1. You can install install DCOM for Windows 95 version 1.2 from following location to update the version 1.1 which might be used in your system.

About Font setup

1. About fonts

IME 2000 Standalone Package CD-ROM includes the fonts of the following language.

Korean, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional)

Before using those fonts, please read the EULA attached w/ this module, and the following statements. By installing, copying, or using those fonts, you must accept the following addendum.


The language support package you have installed or downloaded ("Language Support Software") enables you to use the versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer identified as eligible for the Language Support Software (SOFTWARE PRODUCT) to view documents and World Wide Web pages presented in the language of the Language Support Software. You may install and use one copy of the Language Support Software solely as an integrated component of a validly licensed copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0. Your use of the Language Support Software is governed by this Addendum and the End User License Agreement applicable to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

2. Language support software

IME 2000 CD-ROM [ValuPack] folder includes the fonts and language support software. You can input the characters of those language via IME-pad "character list" applet.

[ValuPack] folder includes the files for the following three languages.

Support language       Setup program Fonts

Korean                 ie_ko.exe     Gulim (mulim.ttf) Version 1.50
Chinese (Traditional)  ie_zht.exe    MingLiU (mingliu.ttf) Version 2.00
Chinese (Simplified)   ie_zhc.exe    MS Hei (mshei.ttf) Version 1.00, 
                                     MS Song (mssong.ttf) Version 1.00

Please take the following steps to install those fonts.
  1. Insert IME 2000 CD-ROM
  2. "Exit" or close the initial dialog.
  3. Execute Explore, and open the ValuPack folder.
  4. Click the file that you want to install.
  5. Setup program runs.
  • When a font of the same family is already present on the system, the font will not be installed.
  • When you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, you can use the fonts. When you are using Windows NT 4.0, please execute an appropriate .inf file in the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 CD [LangPack] folder.
  • Those font and support software is large in size. When you wants to uninstall those fonts, please use "Add/Rome program" of the control panel.

IME 2000 IMEPAD Speech recognition applet setup

1. How to obtain Speech recognition/synthesis engine

In order to use IME2000 IMEPAD Speech recognition applet (speech Applet, below), you need to install Speech recognition/synthesis engine which support Microsoft Speech API (SAPI).

2. Pre-requisite configuration

You need the software and hardware which satisfy the pre-requisite configuration of Speech recognition engine you are going to use, as well as that of IME2000.

3. Notes of setup

Please follow these steps below to install Speech applet.
  1. Install Speech recognition/synthesis engine you have.
  2. Confirm the speech recognition/synthesis engine is working correctly using application or testing tool bundled to the engine.
  3. Install IME 2000
  4. Launch voicepad.exe which is in [ValuPack] folder of IME 2000 CD-ROM by following steps.
    1. Set IME 2000 CD-ROM in CD-ROM drive.
    2. IME 2000 setup program may appear. Close and terminate the setup program.
    3. Launch Explorer and open [ValuPack] folder in CD-ROM
    4. Run voicepad.
    5. Follow the message of the setup program of Speech applet.
4. Notes of usage Before you use Speech applet, please read the important information written in voiceapl.txt file. You can read it from Start menu - Programs - Microsoft IME2000- Speech Input Readme.

Guides for Administrators

1. Server Setup

If you have a license to use IME 2000 on multiple machines, there are two ways to setup. The first is to hand IME 2000 CD-ROM to each user and let each user install IME 2000. The second is to setup IME 2000 on a network server machine, and let each user setup the IME 2000 from the server. The send way is called Network setup.

Network setup consists of the following two steps.

[System Administrator setup]

The administrator can setup a network share point so that users can install IME 2000 from the share. In order to do that, run "setup.exe /a" in the Msime folder of CD-ROM from dos window.

The administrator must execute this setup from the client machine that has a right to read/write/delete/create on the network share point.

You need more than 40MB disk space on the share point.

[Client Setup]

Each user executes the setup.exe on the network share point.

2. Policy Management The IME 2000 CD-ROM includes the following file.


Administrator can take advantage of this adm file. Please see Windows "Resource kit" to know about the policy control and adm file.
  • Default toolbar setting is used when Administrator selects none of the toolbar bottom to display.
  • Administrator must be very careful to specify the user dictionary path. If you specify some illegal path, then the users will become not being able to use IME 2000.

Problems and restrictions

  • HELP for users of Global IME on English environment is written in Japanese. There is no support of "key-word". Also Contents does not synchronized w/ topic jump.
  • To display IME 2000 Help, the use of HTML Help w/ Internet Explore Version 4.01 or higher version is recommended.
  • Key customization of "space" key and "shift+Space" keys are not supported.
  • Use custom setup and maintenance setup to customize IME pad applet selection. You should not use both of setup options and IME pad "add/remove" in a mixed way.
  • If a user dictionary path on network is specified, the user dictionary becomes read-only and learning is not made.
  • IME 2000, as a default, uses application font for candidate list and undetermined string display. If the font can not display a character, the character is not displayed correctly in candidate list and undetermined string.
  • On 16-bit applications, you can not display HELP, and you can not use the mouse feature to edit string.
  • The use of this software is granted to the user only as part of Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition.
  • Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/21/2005
Keywords:kbhowto kbsetup kbinfo KB249101