To determine which version of each Microsoft Office program
(application) you are running, use any of the following methods, and then
locate the version number in the "Versions of <
Application> 97" table later in this article. The program (application)
names for Office 97 are Excel.exe, Winword.exe, Powerpnt.exe, Outlook.exe, and
Method 1: Use the "About Microsoft <Application>" Command
About Microsoft <Application> on the
Help menu in Microsoft <
Application> (where <
Application> is the name of the Microsoft Office program (application)
that you are running). Note the version number listed in the dialog box.
Method 2: Identify the <Application>.exe File
To determine the version number from
your <
Application>.exe file, do the following:
- Use Microsoft Windows Explorer to locate the <Application>.exe file.
The default location for this file is the
following folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
NOTE: If you are running Microsoft <Application> 97 from a network server, <Application>.exe is located on the network server. - Right-click the <Application>.exe file. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Properties.
- On the Version tab, note the File version property.
Method 3: Use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
In Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, you can also determine
which version of Microsoft <
Application> you have installed by checking the value returned by
Application.Build or
Application.Version in a Visual Basic for Applications macro.
NOTE: Outlook 97 does not have Visual Basic for Applications but does
use Visual Basic Scripting. In the Visual Basic Scripting environment, a form
that includes the following code
Sub Item_Open
msgbox item.outlookinternalversion
End Sub
returns the internal version when the form is opened.
Versions of Excel 97
Excel Help File Application.Build/ Patches/SRs
version menu (About) version Application.Version Included
Excel 97 Excel 97 8.0 3515 / 8.0 n/a
Excel 97 SR-1 Excel 97 SR-1 8.0a 4307 / 8.0a n/a
Excel 97 SR-1 Excel 97 SR-1 8.0b 4307 / 8.0a SR-1
and Xl8p1.exe
Excel 97 SR-1 Excel 97 SR-1 8.0c 4307 / 8.0a SR-1,
and Xl8p2.exe Xl8p1.exe
Excel 97 SR-1 Excel 97 SR-1 8.0d 4308 / 8.0d SR-1,
and Xl8p3.exe Xl8p1.exe,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2 8.0e 5618 / 8.0e SR-1,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(f) 8.0f 5619 / 8.0f All fixes
and Xl8p4.exe in SR-2
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(g) 8.0g 5620 / 8.0g All fixes
and Xl8p5.exe in SR-2,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(h) 8.0h 6416 / 8.0h All fixes
and Xl8p6.exe in SR-2,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(i) 8.0i 6916 / 8.0i All fixes
and Xl8p7.exe in SR-2,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(j) 8.0j 7205 / 8.0j All fixes
and Xl8p8.exe in SR-2,
Excel 97 SR-2 Excel 97 SR-2(k) 8.0k 7410 / 8.0k All fixes
and Xl8p9.exe in SR-2,
For additional information about each individual Excel
97 update, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
232652 XL97: Overview and History of Excel Patches
Versions of Word 97
Word Help File Application.Build/ Patches/SRs
version menu (About) version Application.Version Included
Word 97 Word 97 8.0 3514 / 8.0 n/a
Word 97 SR-1 Word 97 SR-1 8.0 4412 / 8.0a n/a
Word 97 SR-2 Word 97 SR-2 8.0b 5622 / 8.0b n/a
Word 97 SR-2 Word 97 SR-2 8.0b 7522 / 8.0b n/a
and Wd97lyp.exe
Wd97mcrs.exe Word 97 SR-2 8.0b 8909 /8.0b n/a
Versions of PowerPoint 97
PowerPoint Help File Application.Build/ Patches/SRs
version menu (About) version Application.Version Included
PowerPoint 97 PowerPoint 97 8.0 3516 / 8.00 n/a
PowerPoint 97 SR-1 PowerPoint 97 SR-1 8.0 4208 / 8.00 n/a
PowerPoint 97 SR-2 PowerPoint 97 SR-2 8.0b 5507 / 8.0b SR-1
Versions of Access 97
Access Help File Patches/SRs
version menu (About) version Included
Access 97 Access 97 8.0.3512 n/a
Access 97 SR-1 Access 97 SR-1 8.0.4122 n/a
Access 97 SR-2 Access 97 SR-2 8.0.5903 SR-1
NOTE: Access does not have an
Application.Build or
Application.Version property. If you need to use a macro, you can use
"SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer)", but this only returns the major version
information. The major version returned is always 8.0 in Access 97, Access 97
SR-1, and Access 97 SR-2.
The following are versions of the
MSJet35.dll file that are included with Office/Access 97 and the Jet Updates.
MSJet35.dll File
included with version
Access 97 3.50.3428.0
Access 97 SR-1 3.50.3907.5
Jet35Upd.exe (1st rel) 3.51.0623.4
Jet35Upd.exe (2nd rel) 3.51.1826.0
Access 97 SR-2 and 3.51.2026.0
Jet35Upd.exe (3rd rel)
Jet35SP2.exe 3.51.2723.0
Jet35SP3.exe (1st rel) 3.51.3203.0
Jet35SP3.exe (2nd rel) 3.51.3328.0
The MSJet35.dll file is included with many programs. For a more
complete list, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For additional information about
the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) release history, click the article
number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
231943 INFO: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) Release History
Versions of Outlook 97
Outlook Help File Internal
version menu (About) version Version Included
Outlook 97 Outlook 97 8.0 3511 n/a
Outlook 97 SR-1 8.02.4212 8.02 4212 n/a
Outlook 97 SR-2 8.04.5619 8.04 5619 SR-1
For additional information about versions of Outlook 97,
click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
172623 OL97: Microsoft Outlook Version Information
Release History
Update or Patch Date Released File name
E-Mail Forms Fix Utility for Outlook 97 15-Jul-97 Formfix.exe
Internet Mail Enhancement Patch for Outlook 97 18-Jun-98 Outlimep.exe
Switch Forms Utility for Outlook 97 18-Jun-98 Switchfm.exe
Office 97 Service Release 1 (SR-1) 22-Jul-98 Sr1off97.exe
Forms 2.0 Control Security Patch 16-Jan-99 Fm2paste.exe
Outlook 97 Import/Export Date Fix 17-May-99 O97dtfix.exe
Outlook 97 E-mail Attachment Security Update 12-Jul-99 O97attch.exe
Office 97 Service Release 2b (SR-2b) 30-Sep-99 Sr2bof97.exe
Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update 6-Oct-99 Jetcopkg.exe
Download Site and Release Information
Jetcopkg.exe Information
For more information, please click the
article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF97: How to Obtain and Install MS Office 97 SR-1
OFF97: An Overview of Microsoft Office 97 SR-2