There is an error in the SDK documentation for the CPI-C send and receive sample Transaction Programs (TPs). An incorrect name is listed for the SymDestName.
The exact location of the sample documentation in the Software Development Kit (SDK) is under Appendixes\Sample CPI-C TPs in the SDK\Sample CPI-C TPs.
The Setup section states the following:
For example, use SENDLU-RECVLU-#INTER as your LU-LU-mode triplet. Then create a CPI-C symbolic destination name CPICRECV containing the application TP name CPICRECV...
However, under the Input and Output section, the CPI-C symbolic destination name (SymDestName) is listed as
ResultFile = C:\CPICSEND.OUT File name to print timings to.
NumSends = 2 Number of Send_Data calls per conversation.
SendSize = 1024 Size in bytes of data sent each time.
ConfirmEvery = 1 Number of Send_Data calls between Confirm calls.
SymDestName = CPICSEND Symbolic destination name.
The SymDestName name should actually be