When you attempt to rehome a public folder to a server in another site, you may receive the following error message:
Microsoft Exchange Server is unable to rehome the selected public folder.
Ensure that the Limit administrative access to home site option
is not set for this public folder, and that the server you are currently
connected to supports RPC network connections to the new home
This error message contains one of the following ID numbers:
ID no: c1040af3
ID no: c1040af5
If you receive an error message that contains ID number c1040af3, you do not have Service Account Administrator permissions for the remote Exchange Server site to which you are rehoming the public folder.
If you receive an error message that contains ID number c1040af5, one of the following conditions exists:
- The Exchange Server computer in the destination site is located in a domain that does not trust the domain that you are logged on to when you attempt to change the Home Server attribute of the public folder.
- In User Manager on the remote computer, the user right to "Access this Computer from the Network" has been taken away from the Everyone group, and neither your account nor a global group that your account belongs to has been granted the user right to "Access this Computer from the Network."
- There is no remote procedure call (RPC) connectivity between the current home server and the intended home server.
If Exchange Server rights, Windows NT user rights, or network connectivity prevent you from rehoming the public folder from the home site, have a Service Account Administrator in the destination site where the replica exists rehome the folder. This resolves the problem if the folder does not have the
Limit Administrative Access to Home Site option enabled. You do not need Exchange Server rights or Windows NT rights to the computer where the public folder is currently homed to pull the
Home Server attribute from the server and site where a replica exists.
For example, if an organization contains the following sites, servers, and public folders:
replica of Folder_A
From Server_B, you can rehome the replica of Folder_A to Server_B without any connectivity or rights to Server_A if the
Limit Administrative Access to Home Site option is not set on the folder.