This article describes how to find QoS templates. QoS templates are available so that when you have program types that require similar QoS parameters, you do not have to direct the QoS Service provider to prepare and invoke QoS capabilities for each one. Programs are in one category or another, so using QoS Templates allows you to choose a template that best resembles the required transmission characteristics that you need to QoS-enable your program.
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Enumerating the QOS Templates
To discover which templates are available on a computer, you must enumerate the QOS templates. To do this, follow these steps:
- Call WSAGetQOSByName() with the lpQOS parameter set to NULL and a pointer to a structure of type WSABUF provided for the lpQOSName parameter.
- A list of available QoS template names is returned in the WSABUF structure pointed to by lpQOSName.
- Next, Select the appropriate template to service your program's QoS parameters.
QoS templates are also stored in the Registry in the following location:
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