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The ATLShape.exe file contains the following
ATLShape.cpp | 15KB |
Test.mdb | 454KB |
Readme.txt | 15KB |
The ATLShape.exe sample allows the user to read from
either the Access 97 Test.mdb database or from a local SQL Server 7.0 Northwind
database. The hierarchical output is written to an Example.out text file. This
is achieved by setting up an appropriate connection string for
For the Access 97 Database:
connection.OpenFromInitializationString(L"Provider=MSDataShape.1;Persist Security Info=False;
Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=.\\Test.mdb")
For the SQL Server 7.0 Database:
connection.OpenFromInitializationString(L"Provider=MSDataShape.1;Persist Security Info=False;
Data Provider=SQLOLEDB;Database=Northwind;Server=MySQLServer7;uid=sa;pwd=")
ATLShape also creates a CMyRowset class that is derived from the
CRowset class. The
CRowset class is provided by ATL OLE DB template libraries, which provide
the ability to perform hierarchical queries. This class maintains an m_hChapter
HCHAPTER variable that stores the HCHAPTER data type of the chaptered column in
the parent that is currently being accessed.
The child rowset is
obtained by performing an
IRowsetInfo::GetReferencedRowset method on the chaptered column as follows:
CComPtr<IRowset> spChildRowset;
CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnkRowset;
CComPtr<IRowsetInfo> spParent;
spParent->GetReferencedRowset(colNo, __uuidof(IRowset), &spUnkRowset);
In addition, an ATLOutputData template function is provided that reads
data from class rowsetClass and writes it to the FILE* that is passed to it:
template <class rowsetClass, class dataSource>
HRESULT ATLOutputData(rowsetClass &Rs, dataSource &db , FILE *fptr);
To retrieve data from the chaptered column, perform the following
- Instantiate the CMyRowset class:
CAccessorRowset<CDynamicAccessor, CMyRowset> tmpRowset;
- Assign the m_spRowset variable to contain the child rowset:
tmpRowset.m_spRowset = pChildIRowset;
- Assign the m_hChapter variable to the appropriate chaptered
tmpRowset.m_hChapter = *(HCHAPTER*) LocalCommand.GetValue(_bstr_t( L"EmpOrders"));
- Bind the output columns:
hr = tmpRowset.Bind();
- Retrieve the data for the first row of the chaptered
hr = tmpRowset.MoveFirst();
- Retrieve all the data from the child and write it to the
hr = ATLOutputData(tmpRowset,*dummy,fptr);
Steps to Run the Application
- Create an empty Win32 console application.
- Insert the ATLShape.cpp file into the project.
- Copy the Test.mdb file into the project folder.
- Compile and run the application.