When you try to use Remote Access Service (RAS) and Dial-Up Networking (DUN) to connect to a server from a computer running Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 4, you may not be able to establish the connection and you may receive an error message about the Rasctrs.dll file.
Also, Event Viewer may record the following information:
Event 2001
Source: rasctrs
Type: Error
Description: Load of Rasctrs.dll failed. Make sure the DLL file is in the PATH. WIN32 Error number is returned in the data.
Data: 0000: 000003eb (in words)
Event 1008
Source: perflib
Type: Error
Description: The Open Procedure for service 'Remote Access' in DLL ''Rasctrs.dll'' failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. Status code returned is DWORD 0.
Data: 0000: 000003eb (in words)