To work around this issue, use the following methods in the
order that they appear in.
If you experience this issue when you send a payment request, verify whether the payment request was actually received. To do this, contact your financial institution or payment service provider--for example, MSN Bill Pay.
Note If you do no verify the status of the transaction by contacting your financial institution, you risk sending the same transaction to your bank or broker more than one time.
Method 1
Determine whether there are any known server problems reported on the MSN Money Network Status site, and then try again to see whether the problem was temporary. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Contact your financial institution to see whether there were any recent server problems.
Method 2
Verify whether any security software, such as firewall or antivirus software is blocking access. To do this, temporarily disable or remove this software. If you disable or remove the software and Money can connect to your financial institution, explore how to add Money to the exception/exclusion list in this security software.
Contact the software manufacture for instructions.
Method 3
Verify with your financial institution the credentials that you must have in Money. For example, the ID and the password that you use on the financial institution's Web site may not be the same credentials that you use in Money.
Method 4
Verify that you have the current version of Internet Explorer installed, and then reset the default settings.
For more information about how to troubleshoot Internet Explorer 6, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to troubleshoot problems accessing secure Web pages with Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 2
Method 5
To resolve this problem if the system date is set incorrectly, change the system date to the correct date and time. To do this, follow these steps.
Note Because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see the product documentation to complete these steps.
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click the Date/Time icon.
- Change the date and the time to today's date and time.
- Verify the time zone.
- Click OK to accept the changes, and then close Control Panel.
Method 6
Examine the accuracy of the address under
Payee Details. If an address is listed as
Centralized Billing, change it to reflect the remittance address from your most recent billing statement.
Method 7
With Money closed, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. Type the following and then press
set nlspath=null. Close the command prompt and start MoneyMethod 8
Try uninstalling Java-based platforms installed on the computer. The following platforms may affect Money:
- IBM VisualAge for Java
- IBM Developerworks: Java
- Sun Java 2 Platform
- JavaSoft
- Daimler/Chrysler Workshop Information System
Method 9
If you are using Microsoft Money 2001 or an earlier version of Money and the transaction that you tried to send was a payment transaction, the computer may be in Crash Recovery mode. In this case, exit Crash Recovery mode before you continue. To do this, press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT as you click
Cancel on the Connect screen.