When generating wrapper classes for a COM server that has methods that take a BYTE or BYTE* as a parameter, the MFC wizards do not generate code for these methods. The wizard does place a comment in the wrapper class header file that states that the method was not emitted due to an invalid return type or parameter type. Following is the exact text:
// Operations
// method 'PassByte' not emitted because of invalid return type or parameter type
BYTE and BYTE* are both OLE Automation compatible data types, thus this message can be somewhat confusing.
You can add the methods that were omitted manually. For example, given a method PassByte that takes a single BYTE parameter and another method PassBytePointer that takes a single BYTE* parameter, you could add the following code to the wrapper class in the wrapper class header file as follows:
// Operations
// method 'PassByte' not emitted because of invalid return type or parameter type
void PassByte(BYTE byteVal);
// method 'PassBytePointer' not emitted because of invalid return type or parameter type
void PassBytePointer(BYTE *pbyteVal);
Next, you need to add the code to the wrapper class source file. Given the example above, it should look like the following:
#define MY_VTS_UI1 "\x11"
//Do NOT use VTS_UI1. It has a value of "0x0F" which is incorrect.
//The correct value for VT_UI1 is 17 or 0x11
#define MY_VTS_PUI1 "\x51"
//Do NOT use VTS_PUI1. It has a value of "0x4F" which is incorrect.
//The correct value for VT_PUI1 is 81 or 0x51
void C_UserControl1::PassByte(BYTE byteVal)
static BYTE parms[] = MY_VTS_UI1; //please note that this is not VTS_UI1
DISPID dispid = 0x60030000;
InvokeHelper(dispid, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, byteVal);
void C_UserControl1::PassBytePointer(BYTE *pbyteVal)
static BYTE parms[] = MY_VTS_PUI1; //please note that this is not VTS_PUI1
DISPID dispid = 0x60030001; //notice that this is different!
InvokeHelper(dispid, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, pbyteVal);
It is important to note that you need to get the DISPIDs for the omitted methods using a type library viewing tool. OLE/COM Object Viewer is one such tool. You can access this tool from the
Tools menu in Visual C++. In OLE/COM Object Viewer, select the
File menu and the
View Typelib menu item. Next, find the .tlb or .ocx file for the COM server and click
Open. This opens a new window with a tree control on the left side. Select the topmost item in the tree control and you will see all of the methods on the right with their corresponding DISPID's.
A second important point is that VTS_UI1 and VTS_PUI1 are not used above.
For more informationon this bug, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
VTS_U1 and VTS_PUI1 are defined incorrectly in the AfxDisp.h header file
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
BUG: VTS_UI1 and VTS_PUI1 are Defined Incorrectly in AfxDisp.h
In MSDN documentation, refer to CWnd::InvokeHelper and
COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper for more information on the parameters for these functions.