Incorrect Characters on OK and Cancel Buttons on Advanced Tab in Internet Options (241473)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 4.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 4.01
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 4.01a
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 5.0

This article was previously published under Q241473


When you view the OK and Cancel buttons on the Advanced tab in Internet Options, the characters on these buttons may look like ASCII text or a bar code.


This behavior can occur if your language setting is not correct.


To resolve this issue, change the language settings in the Internet Explorer Build:
  1. Start the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard, and then proceed to stage 5.
  2. View the System Policies and Restrictions section.
  3. View the Corporate Settings section, and then click Language Settings.
  4. Select the correct language setting, save these changes, and then quit the wizard.


If the language setting exists, it is located in the Inetcorp.inf file located in the file. Note that the value is called "ResourceLocale", and this file is located with all of the Internet Explorer cab files.

The following language settings are available:
   Language      Value
   Arabic        0401
   Basque        042b
   Brazilian     0415
   Czech         0405
   ChineseSmpl   0804
   ChineseTrad   0404
   Danish        0406
   Dutch         0413
   English       0409(default)
   Finnish       040b
   French        040c
   German        0407
   Greek         0408
   Hebrew        040d
   Hungarian     040e
   Italian       0410
   Japanese      0411
   Korean        0412
   Norwegian     0414
   Polish        0415
   Portuguese    0816
   Russian       0419
   Spanish       0c0a
   Swedish       041d
   Slovak        041b
   Slovenian     0424
   Turkish       041f

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/1/2003
Keywords:kbprb kbui KB241473