This article addresses some of the most frequently asked
questions about the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Driver Security
Vulnerability Update.
For additional information about this update, click the
following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF2000: Office 2000 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update
238445 OFF97: Office 97 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update
Note It is not necessary to install this patch on Microsoft Windows
How Do I Apply This Update to My Computer?
For additional information about how to apply this update to
your computer, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF2000: Office 2000 ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update
Can I Update My Administrative Installation Point for Office to Include This Update When I Perform Client Installations?
For additional information about how to update
your administrative installation of Office 2000 with the ODBC Driver
Vulnerability Security Update, click the following article number to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF2000: How to Update an Administrative Installation with the ODBC Vulnerability Patch
additional information about how to update your administrative installation of
Office 97 with the ODBC Driver Vulnerability Security Update, click the
following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
OFF97: How to Update an Administrative Installation with the ODBC Vulnerability Patch
Which Files and Registry Entries Are Modified by the Update?
The following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles contain a list of
the files the ODBC Security Update replaces:
239114 ACC2000: Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 4.0 Available on MSL
172733 Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 3.5 Available on MSL
Note The files that are listed in these articles are installed only if
an earlier version of the file is present on your computer.
Registry Entries
The update sets the
SandboxMode registry entries in the following subkeys to a value of
The update sets the
DisabledExtensions registry entries in the following subkeys to a value of
!txt,csv,tab,asc,htm,html :
For additional information about the
registry entries that are listed earlier, click the following article numbers
to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Jet 4.0 Text IISAM Allows User to Append Lines to System Files
239105 Jet 3.5 Text ISAM Allows User to Append Lines to System Files
239482 ACC2000: Jet 4.0 Expression Can Execute Unsafe Visual Basic for Applications Functions
239104 Jet Expression Can Execute Unsafe Visual Basic for Applications Functions
How Do I Know If the Update Has Been Installed Correctly?
If you have this file... The version number should be...
MSJET35.DLL 3.51.3203.0
MSJET40.DLL 4.00.2927.4
I Have Just Used Office Setup to Add More Features to My Office Installation. Do I Need to Reapply This Update?
Yes. In fact, any time that you install a program that installs
components of the Microsoft Jet database engine, you may need to reapply this
I Am Running Office 97. Do I Need to Install Service Release 2 (SR-2) Before I Install This Update?
SR-2 is not required in order to install this update. However,
Microsoft strongly recommends that you upgrade to SR-2 before you install this
update. If you do not install SR-2 before installing this update, some Jet 3.5
components may not be updated correctly. This may result in damage to your
database products or may result in data corruption.
How Can I Roll Out the Update to My Users in Quiet Mode?
Use the following syntax on the command line that you use to
install the update
path is the path to
the JetCopkg.exe file.
What Command-Line Switches Can I Use When I Install the Update?
The following table lists the command-line switches that you can
use with this update.
Note The following switches apply to the JetCoUpd.exe file, which is
contained within the JetCopkg.exe file. For example, if you want to deploy this
update in quiet mode while setting the Jet's Sandbox Mode to a value of 3, then
your command line would be the following
path\JetCopkg.exe /q /c:"jetcoupd.exe /q /m:3"
path is the path to
the Jetcopkg.exe file.
Switch Description
/q Quiet Mode
/s Silent Mode (same as Quiet Mode)
/d Disables the "Confirm Open After Download" flag for the
following Office file types:
/m:<n> Sets the Jet Sandbox Mode. <n> can be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3.
I Have Developed Custom Applications That Use Microsoft Access Run Time (ART). How Does This Update Affect My ART Applications?
For ART solutions that are already installed onto your client's
computer, you need to apply the patch at your client's computer.
update the installation routine for your ART solution, use the appropriate
method for your version of Access:
- Access 97: Install the patch onto your development computer
and then repackage your solution using the Setup wizard.
- Access 2000: Using the Package and Deployment Wizard, add
the Jet40sp3.exe file to your package and set the options to run that file at
the end of the regular install.