This article describes how to handle errors in the Data Transformation Services (DTS)
Package and
Step objects by using the
GetExecutionErrorInfo method call,
OnError event, and the Microsoft Visual Basic
Err object.
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Handle Errors in Data Transformation Services Package and Step Objects
There is Visual Basic sample in the Devtools\Samples\DTS\Dtsexmp3 folder in the SQL Server 7.0 CD. This sample includes the following example of error handling for a
Step object:
' Package Error Handler
For i = 1 To oPackage.Steps.Count
If oPackage.Steps(i).ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
oPackage.Steps(i).GetExecutionErrorInfo (lpErrorCode)
iStatus = False
With frmSQLData.StatusBar1
.SimpleText = oPackage.Steps(i).Name + " in the " + oPackage.Description + " failed." ' Update the status bar
End With
End If
Next i
If iStatus = True Then
With frmSQLData.StatusBar1
.SimpleText = oPackage.Description + " Successful" ' Update the status bar
End With
End If
The earlier code creates a problem where calling the
GetExecutionErrorInfo (lpErrorCode) method does not populate lpErrorCode with error code information. The problem occurs because the code enclose the parameter in parenthesis, which is not required because the parameter is called by the reference.
To correctly populate the error code, use the following call:
oPackage.Steps(i).GetExecutionErrorInfo lpErrorCode
Or, you can use the following code sample to retrieve error information by including additional (optional) parameters to the
GetExecutionErrorInfo call:
iStatus = True
lpErrorCode = -1
Dim ErrSource As String
Dim ErrDescription As String
For i = 1 To oPackage.Steps.Count
If oPackage.Steps(i).ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then
With oPackage.Steps(i)
.GetExecutionErrorInfo lpErrorCode, ErrSource, ErrDescription
Debug.Print lpErrorCode
Debug.Print ErrSource
Debug.Print ErrDescription End With
iStatus = False
With frmSQLData.StatusBar1
.SimpleText = oPackage.Steps(i).Name + " in the " + oPackage.Description + " failed." ' Update the status bar
End With
End If
Next i
Step object failure is separate from
DTS Package object failure. Therefore, error information for each step is unavailable from the COM
IErrorInfo object or the Visual Basic
Err object.
GetExecutionErrorInfo method does not return a detailed error description in SQL Server 7.0. To obtain additional error information, you must also implement event handlers in your code and check for error description inside the
OnError event. For example:
Private Sub goPackage_OnError(ByVal EventSource As String, _
ByVal ErrorCode As Long, _
ByVal Source As String, _
ByVal Description As String, _
ByVal HelpFile As String, _
ByVal HelpContext As Long, _
ByVal IDofInterfaceWithError As String, _
ByRef pbCancel As Boolean)
Debug.Print "goPackage_OnError Fired"
Debug.Print Source
Debug.Print ErrorCode
Debug.Print Description
End Sub
Additionally, check Visual Basic
Err object for DTS package object errors. For example:
' Package Error Handler
Dim Msg As String
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
Debug.Print Msg
End If
However, some error details may not be available.
In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you can control the error handling by using the following options. To access these options, open the properties of the DTS package, and then click the
Logging tab:
- Error file: Use this option to specify the file to which package run-time errors are logged (the DTS Package.LogFileName property). This can be in UNC format. Click the ellipsis button (...) to locate and to specify the log file.
- Fail package on first error: Use this option to specify whether package execution quits if the first step fails.
- Write completion status to event log: Use this option to specify whether to write the package execution status to the Windows NT Application log. This option is only available on computers that are running Microsoft Windows NT.
Using the object model DTSErrorMode (package constant) specifies error modes for DTS package execution.
Constant Value Description
DTSErrorMode_Continue 1 Log exceptions and continue
DTSErrorMode_FailPackage 3 Fail package execution
DTSErrorMode_FailStep 2 Fail step execution
NOTE: When a DTS package fails, the Error file and the Windows NT Application event log do not provide detailed information about why it has failed even though the DTS Wizard and Designer user interface displays the full error in a message box.
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