In the Microsoft Works Task Launcher, when you click a task that contains a Web link, you may receive the following error message:
Program Not Found
Windows cannot find the program.
This program is needed for opening files of type 'URL-HyperText Transfer Protocol'.
Location of Program:
If you click
Cancel, you receive the following error message:
The Works Task Launcher cannot access the task you selected. Necessary files may be missing, corrupted, or may have been deleted. To restore or replace files, reinstall Works, and then try starting the task again. If you no longer use the task, with the right mouse button, click the task name, and then click Delete.
If you type a path to Microsoft Internet Explorer in the path box, and then click
OK, Internet Explorer starts.
You can also click
Locate, browse to Internet Explorer's location, and then click
OK to start Internet Explorer.