The easiest way to convert an Access database to SQL Server
is to use the Upsizing Wizard. The Upsizing Wizard:
- Preserves database structure, including data, indexes, and
default settings.
- Automatically converts Access validation rules and default
settings to the appropriate SQL Server equivalents.
- Maintains table relationships and referential integrity
after you upsize.
To run the Upsizing Wizard in Access 2000, on the
Tools menu, point to
Database Utilities, and
then click
Upsizing Wizard.
To use the Upsizing
Wizard in Access 97, you must first download the Microsoft Access Upsizing
Tools 97 from the following Microsoft Web site:
To run the Upsizing Wizard from Access 97, on the
Tools menu, point to
Add-ins, and then click
Upsize to SQL Server.
If you have an earlier version
of Access, you can use either one of the following methods:
- Upgrade to Access 97 or Access 2000, and then run the
Upsizing Wizard.
- Use SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS) to import
the data from your Access database to a SQL Server database. For more
information about DTS and the DTS Import Wizard, see the "Data Transformation
Services" and "Using the Import and Export Wizards" topics in SQL Server 7.0
Books Online. For an example, see the "Importing Data from an Access Database
Example" topic in SQL Server Books Online.
you are using Access 97 through Access 2003, together with SQL Server 2005, you
can also use the SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access. For more
information about the SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access, visit the
following Microsoft Web site:
Access 2000
In Access 2000, on the
File menu, point to
New, and then click
New Project from Existing
Database. This option creates an automatic data processing (ADP)
application. This application automatically uses the SQL Server Desktop Engine
(also known as MSDE 2000) or SQL Server as the server and uses the ADP file as
the application.
Note When you run the Upsizing Wizard from Access 97 or Access 2000 to
SQL Server 2000, you may receive an "Overflow" error.
For more information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
"Overflow" error message when you
try to upsize to SQL Server 2000
272384 "Overflow"
error message when you try to upsize to SQL Server 2000
For more information about issues between Access 2000 and SQL Server
2000, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Description of incompatibility
issues between Access 2000 projects (*.adp) and SQL Server 2000
The following white papers can help you import your
Access application to SQL Server:
- Designing Efficient Applications for Microsoft SQL Server:
This white paper explains why indexed sequential access method (ISAM)
application design is not appropriate for SQL Server.
- Migrating Your Microsoft Access Database to SQL Server 7.0:
This white paper covers the Upsizing Wizard, including information about design
changes and limitations of the wizard.
Access 97
For more information about the Microsoft Access Upsizing Tools 97,
visit the following Microsoft Web site:
To download the Microsoft Access Upsizing Tools 97, visit the
following Microsoft Web site:
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Microsoft Access 97 Upsizing Tools
279454 "Overflow"
error message when you try to upsize to SQL Server 2000