CD-ROM: Correction To Runbcpa.cmd File (Chapter 6)
Page 143 walks you through the steps to import data using the bcp utility.
If you choose to use the completed batch file for this exercise, instead of creating your own, a typo in the Runcpa.cmd file (C:\Sqladmin\Exercise\Ch06\Runcpa.cmd) needs to be corrected. The space between "/e" and "C:\Sqladmin..." was omitted.
bcp StudyNwind..Products in c:\sqladmin\exercise\ch06\newprods.txt /c /t"," /r\n /ec:\sqladmin\exercise\ch06\newprods.err /b250 /m50 /SSQLSERVER /Usa
bcp StudyNwind..Products in c:\sqladmin\exercise\ch06\newprods.txt /c /t"," /r\n /e c:\sqladmin\exercise\ch06\newprods.err /b250 /m50 /SSQLSERVER /Usa
Please remember that this command should contain no hard returns and that "/SSQLSERVER" should be replaced with your server name if your server name is not SSQLSERVER.
Page xxx: Corrections For Installing StudyNwind Database
On page xxx, the instructions for using the StudyNwind Database do not mention that you must have SQL already installed on your computer to run the batch file. In fact, the previous page, xix, indicates that you will not install SQL Server until Chapter 2.
Note: You must install SQL Server before running the batch file as outlined in the instructions in the section titled "Using the StudyNwind Database".
Page 118: Change Drop to Remove
On page 118, under "Using Automatic File Growth" section, in lines 4 and 6 of the altering database syntax example, change DROP to REMOVE.
Page 126: Connection Between RAID Level And Fault Tolerance Incorrect
On page 126, in the "Leveraging Windows NT Server Fault Tolerance" section, the information about the RAID level and its corresponding fault tolerance is incorrect.
"The levels are ranked numerically according to their ability to provide fault tolerance. RAID 0 provides no fault tolerance, whereas RAID 5 provides the best fault tolerance."
"RAID 0 provides no fault tolerance, whereas RAID 1 provides the best fault tolerance"
Page 162: Step 42 Incorrectly Duplicates Step 38
On page 162, in the exercise titled "Creating a Package with DTS Designer," steps 38 and 42 are identical.
Step 42 should read:
"In the Source Step column, select Create ProductsCopy. In the Precedence column, select Success. Note that you
cannot change the Destination Step, because you are editing the precedence constraints for Copy data from Access
to SQL Server, which is the destination step. Click OK to close the Workflow Properties dialog box and save the
precedence constraints for Copy data from Access to SQL Server."
Page 302: Sp_addrolemember Example Incorrect
Page 302, fifth line down:
"sp_addrolemember 'Carl', 'db_datareader' "
"sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'Carl' "
Page 354, Exercise 4: Steps 2 Through 5 Are Incorrect
On page 354, Exercise 4, replace steps 2 through 5 with the following steps:
2. In the console tree, right-click the server, click Properties. click the Server Settings tab, then click Change.
3. In the Profile Name drop-down list, select SQLServerAgent Profile.
4. Click Test.
A message appears, indicating that the test was successful. Click OK to close the message.
5. Click OK to close the SQL Server Properties dialog box.
A message appears asking you if you want to restart SQL Server Agent so that the changes you have made will take effect. Click Yes. Click OK when the service has restarted.
Page 474: Incorrect statement for step 8
On page 474, change the statement in step 8 to select from the ReplProducts table.
Statement should read:
USE PullSubs
SELECT * FROM ReplProducts WHERE ProductID = 1
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.