Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition General.txt File Contents (234856)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
This article was previously published under Q234856 SUMMARY This article contains a copy of the information in the
Windows 98 Second Edition General.txt file.
MORE INFORMATION-------------------------------------------------
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
README for General Information
April 1999
(c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1999
This document provides complementary or late-breaking
information to supplement the Microsoft Windows 98
Second Edition documentation.
To view General.txt on-screen in Notepad, maximize
the Notepad window.
To print General.txt, open it in Notepad or another
word processor, and then on the File menu, click Print.
There is a compatibility issue with some PCI-based
display adapters. If you have a PCI-based computer
and your computer stops responding at any of the
following times:
- On the first startup after installing your PCI
display adapter
- In safe mode Startup
- When your display is set to 640x480, 16 colors
replace the Vga.drv file by copying:
\Drivers\Display\Vga\Vga.drv to your Windows 98\System
If you are installing Windows 98 Second Edition
from a CD-ROM, copy Drivers\Display\OldVga\Vga.vxd to
your Windows 98\System folder. If you are installing
Windows 98 Second Edition from floppy disks, contact
Microsoft Technical Support to get this updated file.
Computers with Cyrix CPU
If you have an Epson 866C or Microcenter Winbook
computer, you may experience periodic general
protection faults. To fix this problem:
1. Copy the WB16off.exe file from the Windows 98
Second Edition CD-ROM to your Windows folder.
2. Add the following line to your Autoexec.bat file:
Micron Computers
- Micron M5-P1 series (P-60 and P-66)
Before you install Windows 98 Second Edition,
users of Micron M5-PI series (P-60, P-66) need
to be sure that the BIOS read/write jumper (W22)
is set to the read-only position. Setting up with
this jumper in the read\write position may cause
BIOS corruption during Windows 98 Second Edition
installation. For more information, in the United
States contact Micron Technologies at (208) 465-3434.
Outside the U.S., contact your local hardware provider.
- Micron P90 and P100
Before you install Windows 98 Second Edition, make sure
that your BIOS version is N15 or later. For more
information, in the U.S. contact Micron Technologies at
(208) 465-3434. Outside the U.S., contact your local
hardware provider.
Undefined Dynalink Error
If you receive an "undefined dynalink" error,
it's likely that a program you are running uses
an earlier version of QuickTime that conflicts
with the current version. To resolve this problem,
delete the QuickTime files from the program's
1. Restart your computer.
2. Click Start, point to Find, and then click
Files Or Folders.
3. In the Named box, type the following:
qt*.*, *.qtc
4. Make sure that the Look In box specifies
drive C, and then click Find Now.
5. Delete all the QuickTime files in the program's
folder. Be sure not to delete any QuickTime
files in the \Windows or \Windows\System folders.
6. Restart your computer.
Contact Apple for information about the latest
version of QuickTime, or download the program from
the Apple Web site at
System Detection Error - BIOS Could Lead to Data Loss
If your computer displays the following message:
System Detection
Your computer uses a BIOS that could lead
to data loss if you run Windows 98 Second
Please update the BIOS before installing
Windows 98 Second Edition. For more information,
contact your computer manufacturer.
You can still install Windows 98 Second Edition by
following the procedure below.
NOTE: Microsoft takes no responsibility for any damage
that may result from this operation.
1. Copy the contents of the Windows 98
Second Edition CD-ROM (or floppy disk 1)
to your hard disk.
2. At the Command prompt, type:
extract msdet.inf
3. At the command prompt, type:
edit msdet.inf
4. On the Search menu, select Find.
5. In the Find What box, type:
6. Select Find Now.
7. Insert a semicolon before each of the two
lines following the [BadDSBios] heading.
8. Save your changes, and then run Setup again.
Dell Latitude XP Portable Computers with
Docking Stations
On some early Dell portable computers, you can
experience problems if you start the computer
while it's attached to a docking station and
a PCMCIA card is inserted in a PC Card slot.
Although the PC Card (PCMCIA) is detected by
Windows 98 Second Edition, the card will not
function. To work around this problem, eject
the PC Card and reinsert it. The computer and
PC Card should recover. This problem does not
occur in later Dell BIOS versions. For a BIOS
upgrade, contact Dell Computer Corporation.
Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95
Windows 98 Second Edition includes most of the
functionality from Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95.
If you have the Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 CD,
you can install the Pinball game on Windows 98 Second
Edition using the pinball.inf in the
\tools\mtsutils directory on your Windows 98 Second
Edition CD.
Briefcase: Using with User Profiles Enabled
If you have Briefcase installed and you enable user
profiles (for multiple users on the same computer),
Briefcase does not copy to each profile correctly.
To work around this problem:
1. After you enable user profiles, delete My Briefcase
from the desktop.
2. Right-click anywhere on the Desktop, click New, and
then click Briefcase.
HyperTerminal: Known Problems and General Information
- If a session is already open, HyperTerminal does not
recognize that a PC Card modem is inserted.
- When it receives a file, HyperTerminal cannot determine
whether the disk is full.
- To use the CTRL key combinations for Copy and
Paste in HyperTerminal, use Windows keys instead of
Terminal keys. To change this setting, in HyperTerminal,
right-click the file, click Properties, and then click
Settings or right click on a connectoid and select the
Settings tab.
- In File Transfer, HyperTerminal does not send files
with attributes marked as System or Hidden.
- If a Windows 3.1 TAPI service provider is already
installed on your system when you upgrade to Windows 98
Second Edition, you might experience problems with
HyperTerminal. To work around these problems, double-
click Telephony in Control Panel and remove and then
reinstall the TAPI service provider.
ScanDisk: Special Handling of Characters from Different
Code Pages
- If you have created or named files or folders while
using different code pages, ScanDisk may report errors
about these files or the folders they reside in. Open
the ScanDisk Advanced dialog box and make sure the check
box for Check files for invalid file names is cleared.
Turning off this option may inhibit the program's ability
to detect or repair seriously damaged folders.
Windows 98 Second Edition includes support for an enhanced
version of the FAT file system, FAT32, that supports
drives up to 2 terabytes (approximately 2,000 GB). It
also allocates space on the drive in smaller units
(called clusters) than did earlier versions of FAT,
resulting in more efficient use of space on the drive.
This section addresses some of the known issues
with FAT32 and answers some of the questions you
might have.
FAT32 is designed to be fully compatible with
existing computers and programs designed to run
on earlier versions of MS-DOS and Windows. However,
some older disk utilities may need to be updated
in order to work with FAT32 drives. The system tools
contained with Windows 98 Second Edition, including
ScanDisk, Backup, and Disk Defragmenter, fully support
FAT32 drives. FAT32 drives cannot be compressed by
using DriveSpace, however.
In addition, operating systems other than
Windows 95 version 4.00.950 B, Windows 98, or
Windows 2000 are unable to access information
stored on FAT32 drives. This includes the original
version of Windows 95, Windows NT version 4.0 and
earlier, and previous versions of MS-DOS and Windows.
Windows 98 Second Edition does support accessing FAT32
drives in MS-DOS mode. In addition, FAT32 drives can be
shared over a network and accessed by remote computers in
the same way as older-style FAT drives, even if the
remote computers don't support FAT32.
Known Problems
Running Interlink on a FAT32 drive
If you are running Interlink as a server on a
FAT32 drive, all connections and inquiries (such
as DIR) result in the following error message:
"File allocations table bad, Drive X." Also, the
Interlink "manager" shows the incorrect total
drive size.
This problem does not occur on FAT16 drives. To
gain access to your FAT32 server, start your
computer in protect mode with Interlink running.
Incorrect Free Disk Space Reported by Programs
Programs not developed specifically for Windows 98
might be unable to report free space accurately on
large hard disks that use FAT32. Most older
applications cannot display free or total disk
space of more than 2 GB. These older programs will
typically only report up to approximately 2 GB free,
when more disk space is available. When the free
disk space drops below 2 GB free, these programs
will report the free space correctly.
Save to File (Hibernate) Feature May Be Incompatible
with FAT32
On computers containing a BIOS made by Phoenix
Technologies, you might not be able to use the
Save-to-File feature if your primary (boot) drive
is formatted using FAT32. If your PhDISK utility
is earlier than version 5.0, obtain an updated
version of the utility and an updated ROM BIOS
from your computer manufacturer in order to use
a Save to Disk file.
With older versions of the ROM BIOS, your
computer may be unable to start if it tries to
read a Save-to-Disk file from a FAT32 drive. If
this occurs, disable the Save-to-File feature in
your ROM BIOS. This problem would not occur on a
computer that uses a disk partition to store the
Save-to-Disk data.
Ontrack Systems Disk Manager
If you use the Ontrack Systems Disk Manager
program on a computer with a FAT32 drive, there
might be a long pause when you start your computer.
It is also possible that the drive will be set to
run in compatibility mode. If you use version 7.0x,
you can avoid this pause by using the /L=0 option
with Disk Manager:
1. Start your computer, and then run Disk Manager.
2. Click Maintenance, and then click Update
Dynamic Drive Overlay.
3. Add /L=0 to any other options that are
already present.
4. Save the settings, and then restart your computer.
If you are running an earlier version of Disk
Manager and you want to use FAT32, you should
update to version 7.04 or later and use the /L=0
V Communications System Commander
Versions 2.28 and earlier of V Communications
System Commander are incompatible with FAT32.
If your primary hard disk uses FAT32 exclusively,
obtain version 3 or later of System Commander.
Iomega Jaz Tools May Be Incompatible with FAT32
If you format an Iomega Jaz disk using FAT32,
you may need to obtain updated versions of the
Jaz tools. Older versions of the tools do not
support FAT32 Jaz disks. As a result, the eject,
write-protection, and password-protection options
will be disabled. Updated versions of these tools
that are compatible with FAT32 are available from
Iomega. They are also available for download from
various online services.
SyQuest Technology, Inc., Device Drivers
Older versions of the Squatdvr.sys and Sqdriver.sys
device drivers are incompatible with this version
of Windows 98. If your primary disk uses FAT32
your computer will stop responding during startup.
Remove the associated DEVICE= line from your
Config.sys file in order to start your computer
from a FAT32 drive. Updated versions of these
drivers that are compatible with FAT32 are
available from the Microsoft Windows Driver
Library contained on the Windows 98 Second Edition
CD-ROM. They are also available for download from
various online services.
Questions and Answers
How do I tell if a drive is a FAT32 drive?
In My Computer, right-click the icon that
represents your hard disk, and then click
Properties. On the General tab, your type
of drive is shown in the upper part of the
tab, by the label File system.
If you have a FAT 32 drive, File system: FAT32
is displayed. If you have a FAT 16 drive,
File system: FAT is displayed.
How do I enable FAT32?
If you obtained this version of Windows 98
with a new computer system, it may already be
using the FAT32 disk format. If not, or if
you add a new hard disk to your computer and
you want to use the FAT32 file system, use the
Drive Converter (FAT32) tool by clicking Start,
pointing to Programs, clicking Accessories,
clicking System Tools and then clicking Drive
Is FAT32 faster than earlier versions of FAT?
FAT32, in conjunction with Memory Manager
improvements and the application launch time
feature of Disk Defragmenter can significantly
improve your system performance.
However, FAT32 drives may be significantly slower
on disk-intensive operations when your computer
is running in MS-DOS mode or when you are running
Windows 98 Second Edition in safe mode. If you use
MS-DOS mode with FAT32 drives, you may find that
performance is improved significantly if you load
the Smart Drive disk-caching program.
Can I use disk compression on FAT32 drives?
No. DriveSpace 3 does not support compressing
FAT32 drives.
- If you create a Briefcase and then compress
a drive that contains files to which it refers,
the Briefcase's association to the files is
lost. The files still exist, but you will
need to reassociate them with the Briefcase.
- If you use Interlink, do not use ScanDisk,
DriveSpace, or the Disk Defragmenter to
operate on a drive on a remote computer.
- AT&T Mail, versions 2.5 and earlier, installs
a TSR that prevents disk utilities from
repairing disks. If you are running one of
these earlier versions, contact AT&T for
information about their latest release.
- The NEC 260GW ATAPI CD-ROM that shipped with
older Gateway computers is now supported
through protect-mode drivers. In order for
protect mode support to work, the real-mode
driver needs to be loaded in the Config.sys file.
- The NEC 3X, firmware version 2.2, can give
bad data and is not supported by Windows 98
Second Edition.
The Windows Driver Library (WDL) is included
in the Drivers folder on the Windows 98
Second Edition CD-ROM.
Windows 98 Second Edition supports EZ-Drive
through the protected-mode IDE driver.
If your computer uses the Aspidisk.sys device
driver in the Config.sys file to provide
MS-DOS-mode support for a SCSI disk, version 4.01
or later of Aspidisk.sys is required to support
disks formatted with FAT32. A FAT32-compatible
version of this driver is available from Adaptec.
It is also available in the Microsoft Windows
Driver Library, which is in the Drivers folder
on the Windows 98 Second Edition CD-ROM, or you
can download it from various online services.
Arco AcideJL
If you are using this adapter, the driver
AcideJL.386 causes a conflict if Windows 98
Second Edition is installed from earlier versions
of Windows. However, you can install Windows 98
Second Edition from MS-DOS.
Syquest Sqatdrv.sys and Sqdriver.sys Drivers
The Sqatdrv.sys driver may cause systems
containing FAT32 drives to stop responding
during startup. Remove this driver from the
Config.sys file if you are using FAT32 drives.
Versions of these drivers that are compatible
with FAT32 boot drives are on the Windows 98
Second Edition CD-ROM in the Drivers folder.
The MS-DOS Share program (Share.exe) is not
included in Windows 98 Second Edition. Share
support is provided to all programs running under
Windows 98 Second Edition, but programs that require
share support cannot be run in MS-DOS mode if you
are using this version of Windows 98.
To maximize the amount of memory available
to MS-DOS programs, add the following line
to your Config.sys file:
On most computers, this command frees up
approximately 16K of conventional or upper
memory for use by MS-DOS programs or device
drivers. However, this command reduces the
number of MS-DOS buffers, so it might
adversely affect disk performance when
your computer is running in MS-DOS mode.
Depending on the country selected, Windows 98
Second Edition automatically uses MS-DOS code
page 437 or 850. If you need to use a different
code page, such as 861 or 865, use the CHDOSCP.EXE
utility program. This program is included in the
Windows 98 Resource Kit and the CD-ROM version of
Windows 98 Second Edition. It is also available from
the Microsoft Download Service or from your local
Microsoft subsidiary.
If you use the Ontrack Systems Disk Manager
on a computer that starts from a FAT32 drive,
you might experience a long pause at startup.
You might also find that the drive will be set
to run in compatibility mode. With version 7.0x,
you can use the /L=0 option with Disk Manager
to avoid this pause. If you are running an
earlier version of Disk Manager, update to
version 7.04 and use the /L=0 switch to use FAT32.
There are certain characters used within the Cyrillic
alphabet that cause problems when you use them in
file names. This problem is a translation issue and
is only seen in an MS-DOS window or within any process
that relies on MS-DOS. These characters are:
Small and Capital Belarussian/Ukrainian I
(Alt codes 179, 178)
Small Cyrillic letter JE (Alt code 188)
Small and Capital Cyrillic LJE (Alt codes 154, 138)
Small and Capital Cyrillic NJE (Alt codes 156, 140)
Small and Capital Cyrillic DZHE (Alt codes 159, 143)
Small and Capital Cyrillic DZE (Alt codes 190, 189)
Small and Capital Cyrillic GHE with Upturn
(Alt codes 180, 165)
If you save a file in a Windows application with a file
name that contains one of these characters, the file name
contains underline (_) characters instead of the one
you typed.
File names using these characters also cause problems
under the following conditions and should be avoided:
· When you try to copy or rename the file name in an
MS-DOS window using these characters.
· When you use these characters in a file name saved
on a network drive.
· When these characters are used in file names to
restore previously backed up images that are located
on a network drive.
This problem is intentionally there, due to the
differences between the Windows Code Page and the
OEM Code Page. This problem previously existed in
Windows 95 and is mentioned here for clarification
Czech Microsoft Excel 97
Czech Microsoft Excel 97 will not run after you upgrade
to Windows 98 Second Edition, and will terminate with a
chybi nebo je poskozen message.
>>> To run the Czech Microsoft Excel 97:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then
click Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to the
3. Select the file XL8405.DLL and, on the Edit menu,
click Copy.
4. On the Edit menu, click Paste.
5. On the File menu, click Rename, type XL8805.DLL
and then press ENTER.
6. Close Windows Explorer.
When you start the Czech version of Microsoft
Excel 97, it should function correctly.
Calling Between Republics in the
Former Soviet Union
When you call from one republic to another republic
within the former Soviet Union (except Estonia),
you might need to manually enter all the numbers
in a long distance phone number. This is because
Windows 98 applications, such as Phone Dialer and
Dial-Up Networking, compose numbers in international
formats and automatically add country codes for
these republics.
Extended (NLS) Character Support in
Hardware Profiles
Multiple hardware profiles can be loaded on a Windows
98 Second Edition system using the Hardware Profile tab
in the System Properties dialog box. When you name the
profiles, do not use extended characters. Otherwise,
the text appears in the wrong font when the system
starts. Then you won't be able to read the Profile Name
in the Configuration Selection list during start up.
For example, the messages you see for the
Configuration Selection list would look similar
to those shown below.
Starting Windows 98...
Windows cannot determine what configuration your
computer is in. Select one of the following:
1. Original Configuration
2. <Text displayed in wrong font if extended
characters used>
3. None of the above
Enter your choice:
Although you will be unable to read the text, you
can press the appropriate number and the system will
continue if you know which choice you want.
This problem is intentionally there, due to the
differences between the Windows Code Page and the
OEM Code Page. This problem previously existed in
Windows 95 and is mentioned here for clarification
NOTE: Review the Intl.txt file on your Windows 98
Second Edition CD for more information about Pan-
European regional settings.
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used for
navigation, selection, and other functions in
Windows 98 Second Edition online Help. Some of these
keyboard shortcuts are also applicable throughout
Windows 98. For more information about using Windows 98
Second Edition accessibility features, visit the
Microsoft Web site at
Use this shortcut to display the System menu. Use
the arrow keys to choose a command, and then press
Use this shortcut to close Help.
Use this shortcut to switch between Windows Help and
other open windows.
In the Contents tab, use this shortcut to move to the
book icon immediately preceding the selected topic. Use
the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW to select a topic.
Use this shortcut to move forward one topic in the
table of contents.
In the Search tab, use this shortcut to list any Help
topics associated with the words you typed in the "Type
in the keyword to find box." You can press ENTER to
list the topics also.
Use this shortcut to display the Options menu.
ALT+O, and then press T
Use this shortcut to display or hide the left pane of
the Help window.
ALT+O, and then press B
Use this shortcut to return to the previously viewed
topic (if there is one).
ALT+O, and then press F
Use this shortcut to move to the next topic previously
viewed (if there is one).
ALT+O, and then press P
Use this shortcut to display the Print dialog box from
within online Help. Press the TAB key and arrow keys to
move within the dialog box, and press ESC to close the
dialog box without printing.
ALT+O, and then press R
Use this shortcut to refresh the topic currently
ALT+O, and then press L
Use this shortcut to locate the current topic in the
table of contents.
NOTE: Not all topics are included in the table of
Use this shortcut to go to the topic list in the
Search tab.
Use this shortcut to display the Contents tab.
Use this shortcut to display the Index tab.
Use this shortcut to display the Search tab.
Use this shortcut to go to the end of the
displayed topic.
Use this shortcut to go to the beginning of the
displayed topic.
Use this shortcut to copy selected text so that you
can paste it in another file using a text editor
such as Notepad.
Use this shortcut to paste copied text into a file
by using a text editor such as Notepad.
Use this shortcut to highlight the text in the
right pane.
Use this shortcut to display the shortcut menu on
the Windows desktop.
Use this shortcut to switch between the term you
selected in the Index tab and the Display button.
Use this shortcut to move to topics in the table
of contents, index, search results, and all links
in the displayed topic.
In the table of contents, use this shortcut to return
to the book icon immediately preceding the currently
selected book icon.
Use this shortcut to close dialog boxes and menus
throughout Windows 98 Second Edition.
Use this shortcut throughout Windows 98 Second
Edition to execute the requested command, such as
opening a topic or displaying a list of topics.
Use this shortcut to move up one topic in the table
of contents, index, and search list.
Use this shortcut to move down one topic in the
table of contents, index, and search list.
Use this shortcut to move up one page in the index,
a search list, or the table of contents.
Use this shortcut to move down one page in the index,
a search list, or the table of contents.
NOTE: For more information on shortcuts that you can
use in Windows 98 Second Edition, on the Index tab,
type Shortcuts, keyboard.
Access Keys
When you use an access key (the underlined letter
in a menu name) in some applications, the access
key remains active when you are in the Help window
for that application. Because the access key is
still active, you can't type the letter directly
in the text box in the Search or Index tabs. To
work around this problem, type the information you
want to search for in Notepad, and then paste the
word(s) into the text box in the Index or Search
NOTE: The specific access keys vary, depending on
the application.
High Contrast
To use High Contrast appearance schemes, set them
using the Accessibility Options control panel, rather
than the Display control panel.
Jump to URL Error
If you minimize an HTML Help (*.chm) window,
right-click its taskbar button, and then click the
Jump to URL command, the program freezes.
To resolve this problem, make sure the Help application
button on the taskbar is selected, and then press ENTER
until the Help window opens again.
Adding a Dutch (Belgian) Keyboard Layout
To add a Dutch (Belgian) keyboard layout:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click
Control Panel.
2. Double-click Keyboard.
3. Click the Language tab.
4. Click Add, click the Language down arrow,
and then select Dutch (Belgian).
5. Click OK.
6. On the Language tab, click Properties.
7. Click the Keyboard layout down arrow, and then
select either the Belgian (Comma) or the Belgian
(Period) layout.
8. Click OK, and then click OK again.
Additional Windows 98 Files Available
If you are installing Windows 98 Second Edition
using floppy disks, you can increase your operating
system functionality by downloading additional files
from the Microsoft Web site at
These files include:
- Updates and drivers
- Files that are shipped with the Windows 98 Second
Edition CD version but not with the floppy disk version.
These files are compressed and self-extracting. After
you download the files that you want, double-click
each file icon to extract the file(s) that it contains.
Internet Connection Wizard
- Internet Connection wizard does not automatically
configure ISDN devices
The Internet Connection wizard does not automatically
configure ISDN devices. However, you can use an ISDN
to automatically get a new Internet account using the
wizard if your ISDN device is correctly configured
before starting the wizard.
The following newsgroups offer peer-to-peer support
for this release:
- microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.connect_wizard
For Internet Connection wizard issues
- microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4
For general Internet Explorer 4.0 issues
Feedback about Internet Explorer 4.0
- microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.setup
Installation issues/downloading Internet
Explorer 4.0 from the Internet to install
- microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.outlookexpress
About mail and news and Outlook Express
Microsoft Magnifier
Microsoft Magnifier is intended to provide a minimum
level of functionality for users with slight visual
impairments. Most users with visual impairments will
need a magnification utility program with higher
functionality for daily use. For a list of Windows-based
magnification utilities, visit the following Web site:
Microsoft Office 97 Service Releases (patches)
If Windows 95 and Office 97 are installed on your
computer and you then upgrade to Windows 98 Second
Edition, the Office 97 Service Release 1 patch cannot
be installed on your system. However, if you install
the Office 97 Service Release 1 patch before you upgrade
to Windows 98 Second Edition, the patch should work
The Office 97 Service Release 2 patch has been released
and can be used on both Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems.
The latest Office 97 Service Release patches can be
found at
Networks Not Supported in Windows 98 Second Edition
The following network systems are not supported in
Windows 98 Second Edition. These networks may work after
you upgrade to Windows 98 Second Edition, but Microsoft does
not guarantee that they will work correctly.
- Vines16: All versions earlier than 7.1
- Netware: Using Client for Microsoft Networks
connecting to server versions earlier than 3.11.
- Client32: It is recommended that you use Client32
versions later than 2.2.
- Client 32 for DOS/Win31: All versions.
- VLM/NetX: Monolithic drivers (
- Lantastic16: All versions
- Lantastic32: All versions earlier than 7.0
- Pathworks16: Not supported
- Pathworks32: It is recommended that you use
Lantastic 7.0 or later.
- Backup Agents, Jetadmin Services: Versions shipped
with Windows 95.
- TCP: 16-bit stacks
NOTE: Non-WinSock2 TCP/IP stacks are only supported on
upgrades. These products do not function if installed
on Windows 98 Second Edition.
Processor Type Reported in System Control
Information reported in the System Control Panel reflects
the processor type being used by Windows, and is not a
guarantee of the actual make/type of processor installed
in your system. Newer processors that are released after
Windows 98 Second Edition may not be properly identified.
Samsung USB Keyboard with Hub
The hub on the Samsung USB keyboard does not always
identify itself correctly. When it identifies itself
as a self-powered device, it confuses the operating
system, causing odd behavior with the hub portion of
the keyboard. There is no workaround. Use low-powered
USB devices such as mouse and gaming devices or
self-powered devices with this keyboard.
Support for Lexmark MarkVision and Custom
Printer Drivers
Some early versions of MarkVision and the
Lexmark Custom Printer drivers are incompatible
with Windows 98 Second Edition. To avoid a problem
with your system, Windows 98 Second Edition disables
these components when you upgrade from Windows 95 if
you currently have LEXBCE version 1.03 or earlier.
If you have a version later than LEXBCE 1.03, Lexmark
software works correctly on Windows 98 Second Edition.
To determine which version of LEXBCE you have,
use Windows Explorer. Go to your \Windows\System
subdirectory. Right-click LEXBCE.DLL, and then
click Properties. Click the Version tab, and then
locate the File version information. If needed,
you can obtain a newer version of the software
from the Lexmark Technical Support Center or on
the World Wide Web at
The Vines16 install program behaves the same in
Windows 98 Second Edition as it does in Windows 95.
When the install program runs, users must first install
the client, and then after Windows restarts, cancel the
installation program. This completes the Vines16
During the cancel portion of the Vines16 install
program, the Vines file WNEWREV.EXE occasionally
causes a GPF. The machine hangs sometimes with video
corruption. When this happens, the Shell has been
reset to shell=z:\wnewrev.exe. After Windows 98
restarts, it will continuously restart. To fix this,
edit C:\Windows\System.ini and set the
shell=z:\wnewrev.exe to shell=explorer.exe.
If the Vines interface does not function, for example,
if you cannot map a network driver from within Windows
or view previously mapped Vines drives, the path may be
lost or corrupt. You must have Z:\ set to the end of the
path. This can be accomplished in either the Autoexec.bat
or the Vines Login script. You can also have the Vines
Administrator place the path in the Vines login script
for you.
On rare occasions, during the Vines16 client install
program, the following error occurs:
"ver.dll file in use, click okay" which results in an
endless loop with the Vines16 client install program.
The workaround is:
1. Shut down your machine.
2. Restart your machine in Safe Mode, Command
Prompt Only.
3. Edit C:\Windows\System.ini so shell=explorer.exe
4. Edit C:\Windows\Vines.ini to include dontcopy=1 in
the [newrev] section
5. Restart your system.
If the Vines16 client install program runs spontaneously
or runs every time the system is restarted, edit
C:\Windows\Vines.ini to include dontcopy=1 in the
[newrev] section.
Always click NO when the Vines16 install program
prompts you to overwrite ver.dll. Overwriting ver.dll
causes a fault with the powrprf.dll and major loss
of Windows functionality, like printing and Control
Panel functions. The workaround is to re-extract
ver.dll from your Windows 98 Second Edition source
media to C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System.
Windows Device Manager Video Capture Devices
and Video for Windows Applications
Applications that use the Video for Windows 1.1 (VFW)
interfaces also use drivers that conform to the VfW 1.1
driver interfaces. However, with the new Windows Device
Manager (WDM) video capture interfaces in Windows 98
Second Edition, applications can no longer use the VfW
interfaces to directly communicate with these WDM-based
devices. Windows 98 Second Edition includes a software
layer that translates VfW 1.1 interfaces into WDM video
capture interfaces. This translation software works only
for video capture devices on external busses (USB and 1394)
in Windows 98 Second Edition.
Analog capture devices (such as PCI cards with video
decoder chips that use WDM drivers) cannot use this
translation software. The original VfW drivers for these
analog capture devices will continue to work but they
cannot be used in combination with the newer WDM drivers.
An updated version of this translation software is
available at
For information, search for "Video for Windows WDM".
Windows for Workgroups 3.x using Microsoft Mail
and Schedule+ 1.0
When you upgrade from Windows for Workgroups 3.x to
Windows 98 Second Edition, the 16-bit Microsoft Mail
client and Schedule+ 1.0 continue to function. If
Microsoft Mail is corrupted, install Windows Messaging
Update. You can use Windows Messaging Update to send
and receive e-mail through the Workgroups Postoffice
(WGPO) or Microsoft Mail Postoffice on your LAN.
The Windows Messaging Update (exupdusa.exe) is
located in the \tools\oldwin95\exchange folder
on the Windows 98 Second Edition CD.
After you install and configure Windows Messaging
Update to connect to your post office, launch Windows
Messaging, and then on the File menu, click Import
Folder. You can then import your Microsoft Mail message
file (*.mmf) into Windows Messaging.
NOTE: Installation of the Windows Messaging Update
disables the group scheduling functionality of
Schedule+ 1.0.
Digital IDs
If you uninstall Windows 98 Second Edition, any certificates
you obtained after installation will be removed.
To avoid this, you can contact the certificate provider to
obtain another certificate, or you can save the certificate
and use it with Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later in
Windows 95 or in the earlier version of Windows 98.
To save a certificate before you uninstall Windows:
1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options,
and then click the Content tab.
2. Click Certificates, and then click Export.
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 1/20/2006 |
Keywords: | kbdownload kbinfo kbreadme KB234856 |