Page 84: URL for MSNBC no longer works
The URL, no longer works. This affects Steps
5-11 of the procedure.
To fix this issue:
Use the folowing URL
and update wording in steps 5, 6, and 11.
Page 89: Missing step in procedure
After the current step 3, you will need to add a step to click
OK. You will also need to change the name of the alert box in steps 5 and 6
from Content Advisor alert box to just "the alert box."
Please renumber
steps 4 through 7.
The corrected steps should read as follows:
3. Click the Enable button.
The Content Advisor dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
The Create Supervisor Password dialog box appears.
5. Enter a password in the Password text box, press Tab, retype your
password in the Confirm Password text box, and then click OK.
The Create Supervisor Password dialog box closes, and an alert box
appears, informing you that the Content Advisor has been turned on.
6. Click OK.
The alert box closes.
7. Click OK.
The Internet Options dialog box closes.
Pages 93-97: Procedures and screens changed
Page 93: The "Important" note should be removed from its position
and moved to page 94, right above step 1. Also change "the exercises in this
section" to "this exercise" in the "Important" note.
Page 94: In step
3, use "Microsoft Wallet" dialog box instead of "Payment Options" dialog
In step 4, it should be "Properties dialog box," not "Main Identity
Properties dialog box."
In step 5, it should be "Name" tab, not "Personal"
Page 95: Change top screen shot to reflect change to dialog
Delete steps 5 and 6 and delete the marginal note.
Page 96:
Renumber steps 7 and 8 to 5 and 6
Change bottom screen shot to reflect
change to dialog box.
Capitalize "Information" in current step
Page 97: Delete current step 11
Delete current step 10 and
replace with new text:
If necessary, click an Address Book entry, and
click OK.
The Credit Card Billing Address dialog box displays the billing
address you selected.
Replace all occurrences of "Payment Options" with
"Microsoft Wallet"
Renumber steps 9-17 to 7-14
Page 101: Procedure steps changed
In the "do this" column for "Add and delete your payment
information," make these 2 changes:
1. Delete the phrase "click the I
Agree button if the license agreement is displayed,"
2. Replace "Payment
Options" with "Microsoft Wallet"
Pages 159-160: Tab and command names changed
The name of the tab and command for Block Senders have changed to
Blocked Senders since the first printing of this book.
Page 159, step
1, first and second lines: Change "Block" to "Blocked"
Page 160: step
2: Change "Block" to "Blocked"
Pages 254-255: Changes in procedure steps
The steps for downloading IE from the Internet have changed since
this book was first printed. To update, make the following
Page 254:
In step 3, change "Download Today" to
just "Download"
In step 4, add "If necessary" at the beginning of the
first sentence.
Change the result line of step 5 to read:
next page appears, asking you to choose a language.
Then replace the
remaining steps on page 254 with the following:
6 Click a language, and then click Next. The next page appears, asking you
to choose a download site.
7 Click a download site, and click Next. The File Download dialog box
appears, asking if you would like to run the program from its current
location or if you would like to save it to your hard disk.
8 Verify that the Save This Program To Disk option is selected, and click
OK. The Save As dialog box appears.
9 Navigate to the folder that you want to save the program file, and click
the Save button. A progress bar appears as Internet Explorer 5 downloads
to your hard disk.
10 After the download has been completed, click Open. The Internet Explorer
5 license agreement appears.
11 Read the license rules, click the I Accept The Agreement option, and
click Next. After a few seconds, the Windows Update window provides the
option to complete a typical installation or a custom installation.
Continued on Page 255
Various changes need to be made to current steps 10-12; renumber steps
10 through 12; add new step 13 (now step 14). The final steps are:
12 Verify that the Install Now - Typical Set Of Components option is
selected, and then click Next. The Windows Update window might appear,
asking if you want to choose a download site.
13 If necessary, click a download site, and then click Next. After a few
seconds, the Windows Update window appears and shows the progress of the
download process, as shown in the illustration.
14 After the process is completed, save and close all other files that are
open on your computer, and then click Finish in the Windows Update
window. Your computer restarts and shows a progress bar as the
installation is completed.
Page 266: Missing procedure step
There is a step left out in the procedure. It should be new step
8. The steps should be renumbered accordingly.
The new step should
8 Click an option to categorize your information, and click Next.
The next wizard dialog box opens.