XADM: Folder with Slash Mark (/) Cannot Be Seen By IMAP4 Clients (234395)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

This article was previously published under Q234395


When you use an IMAP4 e-mail client, not all of the public folders are displayed in the list of public folders.


The public folders that aren't visible contain a slash mark (/) in the public folder name. The slash mark is designed as hierarchy delimiter in IMAP and is used to delimit levels of hierarchy in a mailbox name.


Change the folder name to eliminate the slash mark. The following characters are valid in public folder names:

Tilde ~
Exclamation point !
At sign @
Number sign #
Dollar sign $
Percent %
Caret ^
Ampersand &
Asterisk *
Parentheses ()
Braces {}
Brackets []
Apostrophe '
Underscore _
Hyphen -
Equal sign =
Plus sign +
Vertical bar |


Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

  1. Create a public folder whose name contains the slash mark.
  2. Use an IMAP client or telnet command to download the folder list.
  3. Log on to a MAPI e-mail client and view the folder list.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/21/2005
Keywords:kbnofix kbprb KB234395