Page v: Chapter 13 Page Number Incorrect
The page number listed in the Chapters at a Glance section for chapter 13 is incorrect. On page v, please change the page number from 407 to 393.
Page xvii: Chapter 13 Page Number Incorrect
The page number listed in the Table of Contents for Chapter 13 is incorrect. On page xvii, please change the page number from 407 to 393.
Page 22: Text Inconsistent With Interface
On page 22 in the last line after the Starting Other IE Applications head, change "Windows Updates" to "Windows Update".
Page 25: Text Correction
Page 25, add the following sentence to the end of the last paragraph:
From here, use the Go To A Service Desk drop-down menu to select Support Online.
Page 27: Step 5 Correction
Step 5, first sentence:
Change: "Click Find."
To: "Click Go."
Page 28: Text Correction
First subheading:
Change: "Windows Updates"
To: "Windows Update"
End of first sentence:
Change: "...and choose Windows Updates."
To: "...and choose Windows Update."
Page 76: Step 2 Correction
Step 2, first sentence:
Change: "From the Start menu, click Programs, choose Accessories, and click Dial-Up Networking."
To: From the Start menu, choose Programs, choose Accessories, choose Communications, and click Dial-Up Networking."
Page 148: Step 2 Correction
Change: "...Show Related Sites."
To: "...Show Related Links."
Page 178: Procedure Corrections
Step 7, under the subheading Synchronizing On Logon, and step 10, under the subheading Synchronizing After Your Computer Has Been Idle:
Change: "Click OK until you see Internet Explorer again.
To: "Click OK until you see the Items To Synchronize dialog box, and then click Close."
Page 180: Step 9 Correction
Change: "Click OK until you see Internet Explorer again."
To: "Click OK until you see the Items To Synchronize dialog box, and then click Close."
Page 215: URL Is No Longer Active
On page 215, the first paragraph under Accessing A VRML Site lists as a portal to find VRML sample sites. The Microsoft VRML pages no longer exist.
Page 231: Procedure Corrections
Page 231, delete:
- Step 3
- Step 4, first sentence: "Click Class 1."
Page 242: Tip Missing Two References To Wallet
The tip is missing two instances of the phrase "in Wallet."
Please rewrite it to say the following:
"If you do not want Web servers to store receipts on your computer in Wallet, click the Receipts tab in Wallet, click."
Page 249: Step 4 In The Third Procedure Incorrect
In the third procedure on page 249, please change step 4 from "Click Yes" to "Click OK"
Pages 250-51: Problems In Procedures
Page 250: In the first procedure, change step 1 to read: "On the Tools menu."
In the second procedure, change step 4 to read: "Click Name"
Page 251: Renumber steps 5 and 6 to be steps 6 and 7, and add the following new step 5, in the proper sequence: "In the Name section, click on any e-mail addresses that appear, and click Remove."
Page 258: Text In Step 1 Is Incorrect
In step 1, please change "choose Options" to "choose Internet Options".
Page 277: Step 5 Correction
Page 277, step 5, under the subheading Adding Buttons:
Change: "Click OK to confirm your toolbar choices."
To: "Click Close to confirm your toolbar choices."
Page 286: Procedure Corrections
Step 3, change: "Internet Explorer"
To: "Windows Explorer"
Add a fourth step: "4. To return to Internet Explorer, close Windows Explorer."
Page 288: Step 7 In Procedure Is Incorrect
The text in step 7 in the procedure is not accurate. Please replace step 7 with the following:
Click OK to confirm your choices and Exit.
Page 307: Step 4 Correction
Change: "Click OK until you see Internet Explorer again."
To: "Click Close to exit Certificate Manager, and then click OK until you see Internet Explorer again.
Page 325: Step 3 In The Procedure Is Incorrect
On page 325, please delete the entire text of step 3, and renumber the remaining steps in the procedure accordingly.
Page 510: Nonsense Word In The Third Bullet
Please remove the interpolated characters in the third bullet item on the page, and replace the second word with "newsgroups."
Page 529: Text In Step 2 Doesn't Match Interface
In the second sub-bullet below step 2, replace "Choose New Message" with "Choose News Message"
Page 536: Inconsistency With Interface In Body Text
In the second line below the Viewing Downloaded Messages head, please replace "click View" with "click the newsgroup".
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.