This article outlines the SQLIOStress utility. You can use
this utility to perform stress tests on disk subsystems to simulate Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 read, write, checkpoint, backup,
sort, and read ahead activities.
The SQLIOStress utility was formerly called
the SQL70IOStress utility. The SQLIOSTRESS utility has been upgraded to handle SQL Server 7.0, SQL
Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005 I/O patterns, all of which are similar to one another. The SQLIOStress utility has been testing for SQL Server 2005 I/O needs for several years.
article contains the download location to an updated version of the SQLIOStress
utility. For more information about this update, see the Readme file that is
provided in the package.
The following file is available for
download from the Microsoft Download
Download the SQLIOStress.exe package now.
Release Date: JUN-11-2004
For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
Note We recommend that you perform stress tests of
your I/O subsystem before you deploy SQL Server on new hardware to help maintain
appropriate data integrity and security.
The SQLIOStress utility simulates the read and the write patterns
of a heavily loaded server that is running SQL Server, and it uses a Write
Ahead Logging (WAL) protocol that is similar to the protocol that SQL Server
These patterns include heavy page insert/split simulations,
inserts, updates, checkpoint stress scenarios, read ahead, sorts, hashes, and
backup scan activities that include large and varied scatter and gather I/O
requests. The simulation also imposes heavy data file activity that requires high
transaction log activity.
The utility has over 150 separate
validation and verification checks. The validation and verification checks
include a scan for torn page writes, zero image comparison, checksum, LSN
sequences, lost writes, stale reads, and many others.
The SQLIOStress utility does
not guarantee or warrant data security or integrity. It was designed to provide
base line testing of a hardware environment, and it may expose potential data
integrity issues.
For more information about logging and data storage in SQL Server 7.0 and in SQL Server 2000, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 logging and data storage algorithms extend data reliability
File creation
SQLIOStress creates separate data and log files to simulate the
I/O patterns that SQL Server will generate to its data file (.mdf) and its log
file (.ldf). SQLIOStress does not use the SQL Server engine to perform the
stress activity so that it can be used to exercise a computer before you install SQL
When you run the SQLIOStress utility, make sure that you
specify the same file location that you use for your SQL Server database files
so that the utility exercises the same I/O path as your SQL Server database.
Warning Do not specify the actual SQL Server database files for testing.
SQLIOStress will overwrite the data with random test patterns, and
your actual SQL Server data will be lost.
64-bit availability
Currently, there is no true 64-bit build of SQLIOStress. As a
temporary measure, SQLIOStress has been updated to run under the WOW64
environment. However, WOW64 does not support scatter and gather I/O operations.
When SQLIOStress detects that it is running under the WOW64 environment, the
-K option is enabled to revert to standard ReadFile and WriteFile
calls. SQLIOStress will not be able to drive the I/O rates as high when it is
run in this configuration.
Execution time
The SQLIOStress usage parameter
-? contains the formula for estimating execution time. The formula is
based on timings from a Compaq DL580, 1.6 GHz, 3GB RAM, Smart SCSI 5i, 50% Read
and 50% Write Cache enabled system that is performing 32 iterations with a file
size of 3,072 megabytes (MB). Your system and drive speed may vary.
This estimate is logged to the SQLIOStress error log at startup, and
a running estimate is updated at the start of each iteration.
SQLIOStress error log and handling
The SQLIOStress error log file is generated in the same folder as
the path specified for the
-F parameter unless the
-U parameter is used to override the location. The SQLIOStress error
log contains details about the execution, including error information. Review
it carefully for ERROR and WARNING information. If you have any questions about
the errors generated, see to the
-? usage output or contact Microsoft SQL Server
-U parameter must appear in the command line after the
-F parameter to work correctly. This can be helpful on systems that
are experiencing errors. If the I/O path of the .mdf file is suspect, the log
may not be available to record the correct failure information. Use the
-U parameter to locate the SQLIOStress error log at a stable I/O
path location.
Note When SQLIOStress encounters an error, it immediately tries to
shut down and to display the error log in a Notepad file.
Error 87 is
generally logged during a DeviceIOControl action. Examine the error message
carefully because this frequently indicates that the Diskperf.exe
program has not been used to enable disk statistics. It does not disable any
utility functionality, and it can be safely ignored. If you want to see more
performance statistics, enable the disk performance counters, and then run
SQLIOStress again.
The name of the log file consists of the following sequence:
Note If SQLIOStress produces an error, it is best to involve your
hardware manufacture to help determine the root cause of the
Multiple copies
You can run multiple copies of SQLIOStress as long as they
reference unique testing files per instance of the utility. Some testing
phases, such as checkpoint simulation, can be very memory-intensive and may
create out of memory conditions when multiple copies are run. If you
experience out-of-memory errors reduce the number of utility copies that are
Large files
SQLIOStress currently limits the file size to less than 4
gigabytes (GB). Future versions of SQLIOStress will remove this
Testing basics
Here is a list of some of the testing activities that occur:
- Expand the file and the zero file operations to simulate
SQL Server file creation and change. These mimic the SQL Server CREATE
DATABASE and auto grow I/O patterns.
- Use a strict WAL protocol to write data patterns on the
- Each page has a page header and is checked frequently to
make sure that a correct page number, log sequence number (LSN) and a checksum
like operation is performed on the pattern data.
- Aggressive stale read/lost write checks read back the data
page that was just written and perform page sanity checks (-H). The -H activity is always forced on the second iteration and on every
fifth iteration.
- Aggressive log checks read back the log record that was
just written and perform sanity checks.
- Log records are written as 512 byte blocks to align with
sector size.
- The validation phase reads every page in the test and does
aggressive page sanity checks and uses the log records to make sure that the
correct LSN and pattern was saved on page for the latest write
- Read ahead simulation reads random pages in patterns that
simulate SQL Server read ahead logic. SQLIOStress also performs basic page
sanity checks.
- Stale read pass performs multiple reads and writes of the
same page and also performs page sanity checks to make sure I/O stability.
- Checkpoint simulates loading up hundreds or thousands of
buffers in memory, depending on the memory available on the computer.
The SQLIOStress utility performs basic page sanity checks during the read in, and then it
flushes the pages to disk, just like a checkpoint does for SQL
- The random generator randomly reads or writes from 8
kilobytes (KB) to 1 megabyte (MB) in a secondary file to make sure that various
block sizes are tested and exercised on the controller.
Note The disk space on the destination drive of the data file (.mdf)
must contain an extra 128 MB for the random generator activity. The file named
in the
-F parameter plus a file name extension of ".random" is created by
the I/O stress simulator and is 128 MB. It simulates random I/O patterns
throughout the duration of the testing. This better mimics SQL Server sort and
hash activities.
There are other actions that occur to help maintain
data quality; however, there are too many to outline in this article. The
utility tries to keep high levels of I/O posted while at the same
time aggressively checking the data quality.
The SQLIOStress parameter
-? outlines several of the common errors in more
Sample output
The following section displays an excerpt from the SQLIOStress
utility output during a power-outage test with a caching IDE drive under
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4. Notice that the torn write shows the
older LSN for the last three sectors of the 8 KB page.
Note The actual sector data is removed for clarity; the utility also
dumps the sector data.
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ERROR: LSN for page 3292 is out of sequence. Expected: 16447 and found 10049 in sector 15. Probably a torn page.
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ERROR: Did not find expected pattern in file for page 3292.
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Bytes read = 8192
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Potential torn write
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 0 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 1 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 2 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 3 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 4 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 5 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 6 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 7 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 8 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 9 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 10 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 11 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 12 LSN: 16447
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 13 LSN: 10049
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 14 LSN: 10049
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Sector: 15 LSN: 10049
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154
04/20/99 16:28:26 00000154 Current LSN is 16447
If you have any concerns about the stability of your data because
of the caching mechanisms of the drive or the controller, turn on the
Torn Page
Detection database option, and then contact the manufacturers for the
utilities that you must use to turn off read or write caching mechanisms.
Common errors 605, 823, 644, 3414
SQL Server performs many online data integrity checks. These are
generally seen as errors 605, 823, 644, and 3414 but are not limited to these
errors. If you are experiencing data integrity errors, check the
system event logs, run this utility, and then contact SQL Server support for
extended evaluation.